THANKS TO THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE CALL HELD TO ORGANIZE AND SOLICIT ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT FOR THE EBOLA CRISIS IN LIBERIA. This is the major type of Politics Liberians need right now POLI-HEALTH... I think that this is the right direction for Liberia presently. This virus is killing us day by day, and one of the major reason is lack of public awareness. The only public awareness available right now is People dont believe that Ebola is real, what they are saying is that the government is making this whole Ebola thing up, so they can get more donors money. And it is a BIG BLACK LIE! EBOLA IS REAL! AND IT IS IN LIBERIA AND KILLING OUR PEOPLE. Not only is it in Liberia, it has entered our most populous city monrovia, and I can tell U that from this Monrovia alone, the rest of Liberia will have a major hit if nothing is done ASAP to seize this virus, this thing is turning into an Epidemic. Like for example, the upcoming July 26th celebration; people are leaving Monrovia to spend it with their relatives up-country and people are also coming to Monrovia to spend it... We dont know who is carrying the virus, and from what Ive noticed the virus can take longer in some people before the symptoms starts to show. I am very grateful to God for you guys, cuz this is what our country need. I hope you guys will called me on the next meeting, +231886361932 or +231555728041. I am on ground and willing to help in any direction for Mama Liberia. I am already doing some awareness in my community... People dont want to believe that this Ebola virus is real but it is... And it not here for a specify political party or tribe, it is killing Liberians from all Political party and all tribes... So let all Liberians in and out of Liberia stand up against EBOLA!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:18:44 +0000

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