THANKSGIVING, VISION& DIVINE INSTRUCTION FOR GLORY 2015. THANKSGIVING I am abundantly grateful to God for the lives of all those who follow my daily preachments, some recently and others for years. May I continue to minister grace to you, such that no word of God spoken will drop to the ground but be manifestly accomplished in full measure in your life. VISION. A mission marked by one man is not a vision but an ambition. Im very thankful to all who have helped the Lamp and Light vision in many ways. Through your support, we have reached the prisons, the sick and the lost. We also developed and deployed an interactive website, an Android app and freely distributed 7000 copies of the devotional in many places including four nations namely, Ghana, London, USA and Cameroun. We are yet still far from the vision to reach1billion people by 2024. This year, we hope to: 1. Print and freely distribute 18,000+copies. 2. Deploy a 2015 BBM, iphone and android app. 3. Publish 13 books in the next 12months and donate 50% of its proceeds to printing Lamp and Light. (All manuscripts are at 90% completion) 4. Associate Lamp and Light with a Radio station, where it will be read daily. 5. Hold a Partners get-together in November. Our Estimated Reach for 2015 is projected at : 250,000 people. I specially invite you to be a part of making this vision happen. INSTRUCTION There is an overwhelming persuasion in my spirit and I encourage you to follow suit if your spirit witnesses as well. To see the GLORY of the Lord in 2015 1. Cancel all pending debts. Set the debtors free.(Matt18:27) 2. Forgive all offences. Set yourself free.(Matt6:14) 3. Carefully search your soul and confess any previously justified wrongs to God.(James4:17,1stJn2:1) I will surely see you in your Glory this year. God bless and Keep you. -Charles Okey- Christs Ambassador.- 10th January, 2015. Lagos, Nigeria.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:09:32 +0000

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lephantVoices 13 hrs · Some of you have seen this before, but
Oh yeah... we must have an honest discussion about race. This was

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