THAT CHURCH THE WORLD LOVES, IS THAT CHURCH THE LORD JESUS DETESTS !!! Most of what you see on these Christian Channels and from these charismatic churches around is enough to make you sick.! Prosperity,prosperity,prosperity aaalll day long meanwhile God is Holy Holy Holy(Isa 6:3). when is the church going to start embracing the holiness of God? Ill tell you one thing, THE CHURCH IS NOT READY FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN,NOT AT ALL! All our drums and songs of praises,hymns and worship songs do please the Lord but what about holiness?Thatsthe very thing that God is looking for.And for your own information, do you know that prayer,worship,and praises made in disobedience are an abomination to God?Check (1 Pet 3:12).These are the kind of prayers youll hear; God give me husband,give me wife,give me car, give me a big house,heal me,give me this,give me that whilst a person is living in a pool of sin! This is an abomination to God, Im talking about the Holy God of heaven, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Matt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. NKJV. Jesus has made it very clear to us in the above verse that we need to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Now seeking these(kingdom and righteousness) are not an event but a process, in other words they take quite a long time to develop. Now the charismatic church and its pastor makes the kingdom and righteousness of God to look like it is an instantaneous event,and its as if they are reading the scripture from the back(vice versa),seeking first worldy pleasures..Manyare going to hell through these churches, together with their pastors. These charismatic churches that we love so much preach the following messages; always be assured, God loves you, God wants what is best for you, come the way you are,you have to have the best of everything..yesthese are all true but what about the fear of God? What about holiness,purityand perfection for the kingdom of HEAVEN.Theyll never warn you about the wrath of God, they never rebuke you for sin.. they only preach the feel good messages, theyll give you 90 percent of what seems to be the gospel, theyll never preach the hard truth of the Bible because they are afraid of offending their members,they dont want to lose their members..They will also deceive souls with messages like: take /or buy this anointing oil,anointing water,mantles,stickers, they will protect you..WHAT A DECEIT!!! these are money hungry preachers who are only concerned with filling their pockets and having big churches with every seat filled.. THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD IS DRAWING NEARER AND NEARER AS EACH DAY PASSES AND THE CHURCH IS STILL NAKED.. GOD please have mercy on all of us. Let me boldly declare this: THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS LONG LEFT THESE CHURCHES...Whatis remaining there is a fake holy spirit,fake anointing,fake power,fake revelations from non other than the devil himself. These men of God will deceive you into thinking that they are true men of God while in actual facts are ravening wolves in sheeps clothing, THEY ARE NOTHING BUT EMPTY CLOUDS and they are preparing the church for hell fire not heaven... Prosperity preacher you better start preaching the truth Sir or get off the pulpit, enough with your deceptions, you have sent many souls to hell fire already, you are preaching the half and diluted gospel just so you may get a job, shame on you, woe to you! You better repent now! youre in for a terrible shock, you are playing with fire...Do away with this one sided Christianity, focusing on only the love of God, what about the judgements of God?.. Apostle Paul instructed in (Rom 11:22) that the church should consider both the goodness and severity of God.. Rom 11:22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. NKJV. Now because of biblical illiteracy of the church, people are falling for everything, believing each and every deceit that comes out of the mouth of any man/woman who profess to be pastor,prophet, bishop,evangelist..brethren please study your Bible diligently,scrutinize the word of GOD, know that the Bible has the final authority i.e THE WORD OF GOD OVER EVERYTHING..Oneother thing you need to know is that a truely born again Christian is someone who has surrendered his/her life to God through Christ Jesus(the Son), someone who has a personal relationship with God,someone who desires loves and desires God,someone whose center and citadel of the life he/ she lives has been radically disrupted by the cross,someone who gave his life completely to the hands of God..NOT someone who goes to church and act holy on each Sunday morning but becomes wild throughout the week.If you havent surrendered your life to Christ ,do it NOW, He has died for your sins so you dont have to keep living in it, you need to be born again(John 3:33). Study your Bible, pray hard for revelation of scripture and wisdom, pray for sanctification (to be made holy) (1 Thes 5:23), purity of heart, pray that God help you to walk in the fruits of the Spirit(Gal 5:22-23), pray that He may perfect you (Matt 5:48), pray that the Lord may prepare you for the soon rapture (1 Thes 4:13-17), pray that God may give you the grace to obey His word and deny all form of ungodliness (Tit 2:11-14) and also pray to God that you may not loose your faith in Him and not cease working out your salvation with fear and trembling..As you can see, there are a whole lot of important things to seek/pray for rather than worldly pleasures...THIS IS CALLED SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. SEEK THE TRUTH, HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. FLEE FROM PROSPERITY PREACHERS. PLEASE HELP YOUR SOUL !!! REMEMBER: THAT PREACHER THE WORLD LOVE SO MUCH, THAT CHURCH THE WORLD LOVE SO MUCH IS DETESTABLE TO GOD. Luke 16:15
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:19:26 +0000

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