THAT MAKE SEVERAL PEACEFUL PROTESTS IN BRAZIL AND THE WORLD NOW , AND THIS YEAR WILL BE THE PROTESTS THE ENTIRE YEAR , LETS ELECTIONS IN ALL NULL VOTE BECAUSE IF 51 % OF THE POPULATION ZERO VOTE AT ALL APPLICANTS ARE CURRENT AND HAS BECOME INELIGIBLE FOR THAT MAKE NEW eLECTIONS , WE JOIN OUR STRENGTH PEACEFULLY THE STREETS TO BRAZIL TO CHANGE THE BEST IN ALL ITEMS , WE SHOW OUR DISCONTENT IN THE STREETS DO NOT GIVE MORE TO HANDLE SO MUCH CORRUPTION iS IMPORTANT TO UNITE FOR VARIOUS ITEMS INCLUDED IN PROTESTS BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT is PEACEFUL PROTESTS AFTER kEEPING THE WORLD CUP , HOLD DURING ELECTIONS VOTE IN ELECTIONS AND VOID ALL CANDIDATES FOR TAKING THE CANDIDATES WITH CURRENT AND TRY TO BREAK THOSE who have A LONG TIME IN BRAZIL , THE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE TIRED OF BEING FOOLED , The BRAZILIAN PEOPLE LEARNED TO BE CHARGED AND IS JUST THIS COLLECTION OF PEACEFUL sTREETS THAT THINGS WILL START TO CHANGE BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS STARTING TO BE inspected by PEOPLE , AND THAT WILL CONTINUE TO INSPECT THE PROTESTS . PROTESTS IN BRAZIL SHOULD SERVE TO ENCOURAGE THAT THE WHOLE WORLD TO MAKE CHANGES THAT PROTESTS CHARGING BENEFIT HUMANITY AND ESTABLISH A SOCIALIST SOCIETY , WE UNITE MANKIND TO FULL CHARGE OF OUR GOVERNMENT THROUGH THE PROTESTS . LETS MAKE A BOYCOTT THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM THAT CREATES POVERTY . LETTING GO OF PRODUCTS TO BUY FOOD PRICES AND ALL PRODUCTS A LOWER . IT IS NECESSARY THAT THE WORLD IS A BETTER FOR ALL THE PLANET AND BRING PEACE TO ALL PEOPLE , LETS DO THIS WITH COURAGE . ALL HAVE THE FREEDOM TO BE FREE AND PARTICIPATE IN DECISIONS that improve WORLD , LETS DO THIS AND IT IS IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE begin to JOIN THE STREETS TO MAKE A REVOLUTION THAT BETTER WORLD , THAT BRING QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL PEOPLE IN A SOCIALIST SOCIETY ... IF FOR HUMANITY FOR A BETTER WORLD , BUT I NEED TO COVER THE PEOPLE OF POLITICAL CHANGE . WE DO WITH THE QUALITY OF LIFE THAT THE WORLD SOCIETY BETTER , WE LEAVE TO BUY EXPENSIVE PRODUCTS TO FORCE THE PRICES TO FALL , WE ALL MAKE A PEACEFUL RESISTANCE TO CHANGE THE WORLD ... WE NEED ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO COLLECT A WHOLE HUMANITY WITH PROTESTS . At Work - Maria Dolores Screen Reading At work the entire world advances , Sustaining our joy . Along with our daily bread , Any renewal of our hope . Through work , man conquering safety Love , peace and light And rises to supreme gifts . Therefore, brothers , we work in as well , we work , To earn the experience with Jesus . Chico Xavier - Maria Dolores THOUGHTS OF ANDRÉ LUIZ Psychographics Waldo Vieira Recklessness builds the misfit , the misfit creates extremism and extremism generates the disturbance . Inconsistency and indiscipline are ports of frustration . The insincerity deceives , first, one that promotes it. The commitments made by reincarnating Spirit without beginning at conception . Only forge good example plasma moral authority . Who takes the margin suffers delay path .. A patient - medium can not be a medium - Sound . The charity does not dispense with caution. Brotherly advice as there is mutual need . Better a pure feeling that hundreds of outdoor events . In any activity , discipline settles success. It is the position that exalts the worker , but the moral behavior that leads inside. Prayer is light in the soul reflecting Divine Light. Anyone planning well in advance , must forget all causes of disturbance . In the wake of pride, following the ruin . Faith in Spiritualist family climate , source of Spiritualism in the social field Humility builds to Eternal Life . The home is the first school . Seara Christ has no borders .. Human spotlight always lies in the role that we should play . Who cultivates the Gospel at home, the house itself is a temple of Christ. No true Christian Spiritualist climate , without the presence of simplicity Us . The Vineyard of the Lord is the whole world . People of morality are revealed in the smallest acts . The cult of charity does not require special circumstances . A fraternal greeting card is peace . A few moments of solidarity and sympathy sow joy forever. The moral elegance is the living seal of education. The least happy are owed greater compassion . The public area is a visit to the community hall . The true spiritualist never loses an opportunity to do good . The quality of faith we feed transpires from all the action . A simple gesture defines a cause . The pension expresses surveillance. Optimism generates peace and friendliness . The exchange friend destroys the insulation . He who walks , signs prints wherever he goes. The aggrandizement of life require individual tribute to the work . The duty loyally fulfilled , maintains health awareness . The relentless pursuit of perfection , conduct real competence. The spiritualist accounts for its qualification experience in multiple sectors . The human utilitarianism is an illusion like the others. Who deceives faith , loses himself. The work receives value for the quality of its fruit . Evolution requires the creature the necessary domination of the environment they were born. Negligence causes irreparable waste . The Christian knows down the cave of evil , rescuing her victims . Spiritism is one in all circumstances . There are struggles and pains that the Supreme Judge can judge sane . The social condition is only temporary presentation and all roles are interchangeable in succession stocks . Only the Spirit possesses eternity. Passion on the field , shadow around . Discernment is the way to hit. Spiritualism will not stand for purely earthly interests . Faith will never be human product to market. For the good you do, we need the help of prayer to counteract the scourge of criticism. Strictly speaking , no official representatives of Spiritualism in some area of human politics. THOUGHTS OF EMMANUEL Psychographics of Francisco Cândido Xavier The total cash pay of Earth s fortune smile, not to buy the beauty of consciousness. Reflects the treasury of speech and helping others with the good words . If levity challenges you , to help fellow traveler , guiding his thought for what is noble and just . All evil is every shade and plenty obscures . The thorny rose bush produces rare essences . And what happened yesterday, today the opportunity to sublimation , is unchangeable . The moment is the proof? Arise and accepts life . The vinegar preserves critical we put poison of discord and friction is useless irreparable loss of time . The messenger of Christ is the arm of the Gospel . Not olvides the preciousness of eyes and enriches you light setting the tables of the good. Yesterday was the lesson today is the opportunity . Do the best that you can , serve , love and trust . Collaborate on common good without disturbing trumpet notes of superiority. Do not forget the wealth locked up in your aid in the body itself . God s Providence is your torn soul , is also of Providence that hurt you. Faith gives us consolation , but the lines of responsibility, we can not escape . If nothing useful to offer , we can receive the energies that spread on earth the divine resources of supply ? Not lust after the other but the virtues and qualities that it is respectable to imitate us in our common experience. There is a teacher absent from school in the world , but learners who flee indefinitely to the lesson . Where you are confronted by slander , be the word girlfriend beneficial enlightenment. There shalt ask of ajar button prodigy rose will bloom until tomorrow full of color and fragrance . While the sun without words, can inspire confidence the traveler , noisy and strong wind causes fear and reaction wherever he goes. Guidelines for Senior Living pieces before having practiced brotherhood of creatures in the circle in which you find yourself . The gospel does not improvise heroes nor relegates the angels tasks that should be in our hands . If the sludge turns into sludge to land the visit, the fire converts to fire the fuel the demand. The owner of the vineyard would not give the farmer a hoe bound to rust . Let us not tire of learning , understanding that the progress of the soul is infinite in space and time.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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