THAT MAN ON A MISSION By Muyiwa Afolabi Recently I was in a - TopicsExpress


THAT MAN ON A MISSION By Muyiwa Afolabi Recently I was in a conversation with a gentleman who was in his mid-forties. He was not very happy with his current employers, he was of the opinion they werent appreciating his contribution that much hence, were sidelining him in critical matters of the business. He felt it wasnt right, him being a senior manager and a departmental head. Frustration was setting in and he was looking for employment with another company. I asked why he was looking for another employment; he looked at me funny and puzzled, of course to survive he blustered. If I leave where Im at and dont get another job how do I survive, how do I pay my bills, run my home, how do I cope with my responsibilities, Im a husband, a father and a son, I have responsibilities; Muyiwa what are you getting at; he suddenly asked as if another thought flashed through his mind. I smiled, if at 47 youre looking for another employment, when do you intend to transit in your career journey from paid employment mode to self-employment I asked? When is your set date for the transit or youll prefer to wait until youre eventually asked to retire due to age? If your employer would eventually retire you based on age, what makes you think at that point youll still have the energy and capacity to sustain your output; retaining your income level and living standard if your employer is sure you cannot hence retiring you? Surviving is different from living. That season of retirement is the actual season for living a good life not just surviving because then, youll have so much time on your hands and if unfortunately you dont have so much money, it would be a very boring, lonely and depressing time for you. Much into that season your children would be grown and gone and eventually you or your spouse would pass on first; living the other person alone in life. At that time, youll need people to be with you and around you, youll want to be involved in so many things to keep you occupied, my dear friend if you dont have that much money, youll be very lonely and unhappy because people, even relatives hardly remember or identify with broke people or relatives. If at 47 you chose to start up your own enterprise in this same line of career, in 15 to 20 years you would have attained a level where your employees would be managing the business and youll function from a supervisory level. Youll still be busy at 70 or 75, youll be making good income as a business owner and youll be relevant and have so many people around you. How big is your retirement dream I questioned? To be a landlord collecting rent of about one million per annum, how much does that translate to per month? That cant even adequately deliver an exciting summer vacation. Or youre focusing solely on shares, investments and stocks; would you really want to relinquish your entire personal resource control power to institutions where you can hardly have your way? Do you really have a mission in life or its all about income for today with no thought whatsoever for tomorrow? I stopped talking, he looked at me; he became somber and somewhat uncomfortable. Ive never really thought of it that way and besides Ive just been building my career with absolute focus on promotion and getting to the top of my employers business he said. Transiting to self-employment hasnt really been top burner for me really he concluded. He thanked me and went home. My dear friend, have you been working very hard and passionately over the years with the mind of occupying a top position in your organization? What does it really mean to be at the top of your career? My friend, its really not in positions or offices, its really about influence, authority and power. Its possible to occupy a position of power and be powerless, its possible to occupy a position that should naturally make you influential and still you may not be, you could actually be in a position of authority and lack it, because in life, these levels do not come by office but by character. Its actually not a place that you occupy; its a capacity and mentality that occupies you. Influence, power and authority are inbuilt for it to be real. If people obey you or respect you only because of your title or office you lack true influence and power indeed. How then do you really apprehend power and influence all through your life not just because of your title and position at your current place of employment? How do you attain a level where people still come to you, wait on you, seek your opinion, advice; counsel and celebrate you even after you resign from paid employment? Its simply in your orientation towards career. Your career ought not to be driven by hanker for positions and titles in order to impress or oppress people but by the desire and will to pursue a vision, serve a purpose and fulfill a mission in life. A man on a mission is a man on an assignment. Every organization exists to meet a need, solve a problem or address a situation. A man on a mission is more interested in the purpose of the organization than personal gains and benefits that can accrue to him. A man on a mission is solution minded, hardly dwells on problems and challenges as obstacles or limitations, hes most concerned about solving problems, accomplishing tasks and fulfilling purpose. His satisfaction comes from solving problems, creating ways out and addressing challenges not cowering before obstacles, making mountains out of mole hills and getting very cranky and sensitive on the account of obstacles and challenges along his career journey. That man on a mission is not greedy for money or materialistic. Hes not envious, jealous or covetous. Hes not in possession or material competition with anybody. He believes in wealth without theft and subscribes to delayed gratification. His integrity, good name and reputation is more important to him than fat bank accounts loaded with stolen money. No thief can genuinely command respect or influence with anyone; he may be respected while in office, afterwards, its shame, reproach and ridicule. A man on a mission is strong, does not complain, nag or push blames. He doesnt keep ranting about what ought to be and is not, he braces himself and would face any situation that comes his way with gait and confidence to succeed. A man on a mission is firm, tough; confident, he understands life as a journey with seasons and occasions either good or bad, thus hes determined to win come what may. A man on a mission wants to influence and touch lives with what hes doing, he wants to help and put smiles on the faces of many, hes willing to spend himself on behalf of others, he wants to earn their trust and confidence not through force or seduction, but through genuine care and attention. A man on a mission loves family and wouldnt sacrifice his family for anything less, he would protect, preserve, defend, sacrifice and stand up for them, he wouldnt trade them for power, money or position because he has in view the latter seasons of his life; that season when hes old and all hell have left is his family. A man on a mission would always stand for whats right, hes trustworthy and dependable, hes truthful and has integrity, he wouldnt follow the crowd or compromise; hell stand by the truth even when it hurts to do so. He would stand for honor even when everyone else is compromising. A man on a mission is focused on accomplishing his mission; he is not lazy, laidback, slothful or indolent. He does the needful as at when due, its not about convenience, its about discipline. He has great respect for time, duty and people. A man on a mission is not emotionally weak or unstable, he cant be manipulated, or subject to emotional blackmail, he doesnt have a weakness for the opposite gender, hes principled and firm. A man on a mission is the most powerful, influential and honorable man you can wish to come across. A man on a mission is that man with answers, that man whos relevant for life, not defined by who he works for or his title, but respected for who he is and how many lives hes positively transforming by what he does daily. A man on a mission; a man on a mission is a man with no fears, inhibitions, limitations or concerns. A man on a mission is a happy man. Dear friend, are you on a mission or on a job? Enjoy your day!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:44:21 +0000

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