THAT is his plan? Community organize the Middle East? Like, say, - TopicsExpress


THAT is his plan? Community organize the Middle East? Like, say, Shitcago? Maybe he can get ACORN on board and send them off to rig votes, do voter fraud, scam the system for pimps and ho’s, etc, etc. This imbecile, along with ACORN and the Democrud Party helped to community organize Chicago and it ended up being THE most violent and corrupt cities in America, with other Democrat strongholds like Filthdelphia and DC running a close second! The word “organizing” is all this idiot knows and like comfort food to a desperate person, he runs back to his roots again and again. Basically, this idiot and his “smart policy” and his uber smart underlings like Susan “LIAR!” Rice and that Irish idiot, Samantha Power aka Ms Cass Sunstein, DO NOT HAVE A CLUE what to do. They opened Pandora’s box with the FAILED Arab Spring and are now reaping the whirlwind. Now the Gunny doesn’t have a problem with Progressives getting their asses in a jam and then getting it shot off, or their heads lopped off by the Muslim throat-slitters and head-choppers but it sucks that their STUPIDITY gets decent red-blooded Americans killed or wounded. This time around how about a draft from registered DEMOCRATS and send THEM to the Middle East since the incompetent clown that THEY elected and REelected lost Iraq (which was won when Bush 43 left) and lost Afghanistan (which we were winning when Bush 43 left), and now his FAILED Arab Spring has crapped the bed. First of all NATO is bullshit. Their only real attempt to DO anything was in the Balkans and they failed miserably. In their own BACKYARD! Indeed, without the USA pouring in half a TRILLION dollars a year into this joke, it would be about as useless as the UN is and as we spend a TRILLION a year on THAT pile of shit, another epic Democrat failure, America should demand their money back. EXCERPT: “Obama described NATO as “unique in the annals of history” because of its success but admitted that the group had to move quickly to address evolving global threats. “We have to recognize that threats evolve, and threats have evolved as a consequence of what we’ve seen in Ukraine, but threats are also evolving in the Middle East that have a direct effect on Europe,” he said.” EXCERPT: “What we’ve got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslim world along with the international community to isolate this cancer,” he said.”
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:52:20 +0000

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