THAT’S IT!! I have held my silence on this issue as long as I - TopicsExpress


THAT’S IT!! I have held my silence on this issue as long as I could, but this post below by Alamogordo Commissioner, Susie Galea is as low as I can imagine. To use these Amns deaths as a way to score political points for the election is completely beyond reason and in my mind proves that there is NO depth she will not stoop to, to score a point. I do HAVE a choice to ignore this crap but I can’t. So if my rant below looks like I’m trying to score my own points so be it. But as you will see, it’s one thing to go to a service and a totally other thing to actually SERVE the families and those Amn. This will be my ONLY post on this subject and I will not respond to any comments made below. I am unbelievably offended by her post and I’m even more offended that I feel I have no choice but to respond. Those who know me will understand, those who don’t will attack me. I do apologize to all of the families that I have served in the past and hope to serve in the future. This rant is beneath me and the honor I strive to bring to your loved ones service to our great nation, but I can’t let this go anymore. My service and integrity are NOT up for anyone to question. And if I lose this election because I finally spoke up about this I DO NOT CARE. Alamogordo needs to see Susie Galea for who she is, an opportunist that will use ANYTHING to further her cause. If you don’t like what I’ve got to say below, don’t vote for me. But don’t fool yourself, actually read what she is actually doing and saying. Then vote for Robert or Joe. You are all grown folks, Alamogordo’s future is in your hands! Now for my response to her post: At Tuesdays Commission meeting in her comments at the end of the meeting, Susie pointed out that she attended the memorial on Tuesday and was glad she did as ‘THERE WAS NO REPRESENTATION FROM THE COMMUNITY’. Not just the commissioners, or even me, she called out the COMMUNITY. I will post a clip of her comments tomorrow so you can see for yourself. Now this evening she proudly posts Part of serving, it’s just not always the fun and cheer of a community event, but to also mourn with those that mourn. No sh*t! And part of serving is not blowing up your “service” at every opportunity. Folks will either see you there or not, you DO NOT use tragedies and deaths like these for your own points! When I decided to run for Mayor of Alamogordo, I resigned my post as the Senior Ride Captain of the Patriot Guard Riders for our area. I did so because a Military funeral is a sacred thing and NOT a photo op. I served in the USAF for 26 yrs, you all know that and thats a legitimate point for me to bring up. But 6 of those years I served on and led 2 different Military Honor Guards, The Blue Eagles Honor Guard of Edwards AFB, CA and the Steel Talons Honor Guard of Holloman AFB, NM. I have PERSONALLY performed hundreds of Military Honors Ceremonies, commonly known as Military Funerals both while on active duty and since retiring in 2009. I have trained thousands of Amn to serve at these services and in the Air Force as a whole. I have 2 medals for that service and declined my retirement medal because my Amn on the Honor Guard at the time werent receiving their medals. I refused to get my own medal when I couldnt get them the recognition they deserved. My record is on my website for all to see and is a matter of documented fact. you decide for yourselves. Now while she proudly points out she represented her district at this week’s service, I know that Holloman AFB has lost several Amn in the past few years DURING the time that Susie was Mayor, and NOT ONCE did I see her at ANY of those services. Why is she going now? YOU DECIDE. Susie, where were you on Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 0700 when I and about 12 other members of the South East and Central Patriot Guard Riders were at the Funeral home standing a Flagline for the Steel Talons Honor Guard while they moved the caskets into the hearse? And while the mission on Tuesday was canceled at the last minute by the airline, I dont recall you riding out in a car or on a motorcycle as I did in 18 degree weather to escort that Amn to El Paso Airport to fly home to their family. Please share with us how you helped contact the Patriot Guard in the 3 states those Amn went to and ensured that the PGR supported those services and will help bring closure to those families. Oh wait, you didnt, you went to a service on base. I would be the one who has been WORKING all week on this while also doing my campaigning and debate prep. The ONLY reason I didnt lead todays mission to transport those Amn to ELP was that there was no way to reschedule the debate with you and my other HONORABLE opponents. And while I think that the debate went very well for all of us, I’d have MUCH rather been freezing my butt off on a Hog riding a Missing Man formation in the slot from Alamogordo to El Paso as I did on Wednesday. I wonder if you even know what that last sentence even means! And since I’m posting what I do for these services, I might as well tell you that I routinely assist families with arranging Military honors for their loved ones. Many families do not have the resources to afford a funeral home to make those arrangements, when asked I do it for free. My only requirement is that I DO NOT receive ANY recognition for my efforts. This VERY evening I sat with a family that has experienced a loss and requested my help. I sat with them for about 2 hours and will spend the next few days ensuring that their loved one receives the honors they deserve. And by the way, God help anyone that attends that service and take a photo of me (or the family) there. I will be there for that family and if anyone even THINKS of disturbing the decorum of that service for a political point, you WILL answer to me. Take that statement any way you want, I could not care less. Susie, this is what I do with my spare time. When was the last time you sat with a family for HOURS comforting them, crying with them, laughing with them, and ensuring that they receive the honors for their service they so richly deserve? Thank you Susie for attending a service on base during your political campaign and letting all of us know you did it and no one else did. But as I asked before, where were you in the past 2 yrs the 3-4 other times the base has lost someone? Was that not part of your duties as well? Now for the attacks on me for blowing Susie up. As I said above I simply don’t care. But before you try to blow me up, think for a moment how I COULD have used my YEARS of Honor Guard experience when the issue of the Alamogordo Veteran cemetery came up. I didn’t. I didn’t post anything about the two missions I did this week. I didn’t post ANYTHING recently when one of our local elected officials lost a family member and I personally made all the arrangements for the funeral honors and then got into my USAF Base Honor Guard Ceremonial Uniform and PERSONALLY presented the colors to that official’s mother. In fact I specifically asked that official to never mention my efforts anywhere because I didn’t do it for the photo op. It was my honor to perform that simple service for them. I didn’t post ANY of that because that part of my life and service is between me, the family, the deceased comrade in arms, and God. And until now I thought it was NO ONE ELSE’S BEESWAX. So maybe I’m wrong for finally blowing this up, not to mention writing this epic rant, but I have reached my limit and I’m furious. Yep Susie, you managed to find the one button to hit to get me to lose it. Good job! The last thing I have to say Susie dear, is that no matter what you try to do in this or any other election, no matter how many folks you get to believe that you are sincere and not an opportunist, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knows the truth. I know I will stand before our Lord on my day of reckoning and answer for my MANY sins and what small good I’ve done in this life. What scares me about you is that I think you actually believe that you can spread this garbage and that it’s ok. I will sincerely pray for you Ma’am. May God forgive me for this rant, but even I have my limits. May God bless you all.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 06:31:34 +0000

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