THE 1,2 3s OF THE MOST POPULAR & DAMNABLE HERESIES #1. ONE GOD updated ~28pgs Supplemental examination of arguments on the trinity and Why Jesus IS God in the flesh but God in three persons is a sure doctrine on the highway to hell.. The Trinity Heresy… The fact that God said he is one and someone came along and contradicts that and states God is three in one should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden...God said you will die...Satan comes along and states no you will be more .God said He is one; but Satans children come along and say no three is more WISE…… let the ignorant and fools know that the worship of different persons who are each God with different degrees/amounts of god knowledge, god power and god authority that authorize and send each other around on different missions is the practice of polytheistic pagans NOT Christians. ........When you were born you were given a spirit by God but it is a human spirit and it animates your physical human flesh....when the flesh that was born into this world called Jesus was given a spirit IT WAS THE SPIRIT OF GOD in it, animating it............The spirit of Christ is not the same spirit as a man....God himself animated that flesh of Jesus ...Your flesh is animated with the/your spirit, a created being. However, Jesus is that part of the spirit of God that came in flesh (via a physical birth) animating that flesh of the man Jesus …...Ergo: Literally, God come in the flesh!…..In-fact to deny this is to be anti- Christ!?! God is a spirit existing in heaven and acting from heaven in a heavenly way. While at the same time a part of Gods spirit Gods right hand came into the physical universe and interacted in and with the physical universe because that part of God is connected to the physical universe in a way that the rest of the spirit of God is not....That is why Jesus eats, sleeps prays et is a human by virtue of the flesh attached, but yet still only a part of God himself that is in that flesh..Scriptures tell us that is that part of the spirit of God that God considers His right arm (and that is not a metaphor!! We show why, as well as how arguments to the contrary are pure hypocrisy) Further, my hand sweets, agonize and even cries out in pain to my head every single time it gets a needle put into it or a finger crushed???? Wow, I cant imagine how... it must be some other person that lives in my hand that i never knew about every time it cries out in pain?!?.......Jesus is nothing but a leather glove (of human flesh) that the right hand of God occupied so as to be human with us in the same way that we are human !?!...... .........Fools hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect.!!!..........Proverbs 8:5 - O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. The issue is not about how Great God is or the fact that there are things we dont fully understand...........The issue is about Mens lack of faith in what God said about himself in the first place and then make their appeals to false humility and Gods grandeur while denying the very God they say they love.... The trinitarins god is soooo great and incomprehensible that Gods own words in the languages he created are not enough ....The trinitarins gods is sooooo great that even God himself cannot describe or define his nature in a easy way for us to understand...FOOLS! You god is your vain imaginations about what you think, not THE WORD who is God....The God of the universe is capable (& did) of presenting the information about himself in a simple way that mere humans can understand, because HE is God and HE is that Geat!?!..But go your way fools and be damned with your incomprehensible word (privet interpretation)/ little g-o-d and doctrines of devils!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:22:13 +0000

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