THE 1,2 3s OF THE MOST POPULAR & DAMNABLE HERESIES #1.UPDATED 12-30-14 ONE GOD updated ~32pgs Scriputal examination of arguments on the trinity and Why YES, Jesus IS God come in the flesh! But, God in three persons is a sure doctrine on the highway to hell.. THE TRINITY HERESY Prov 18:13. He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. The fact that God said he is one and someone came along and contradicts that and states God is three in one should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden...God said you will die...Satan comes along and states no you will be more .God said He is one; but Satans children come along and say no three is more WISE… Many complain “you just don’t understand the doctrine of the trinity” but the truth is that academic fools like to play “wack-a-mole” with their terms and concepts. The paper will address all the basic forms and prove that no matter what acrobatic contortions they twist the end result is the same and their damnation is just.… let the foos know that the worship of different persons who are each God with different degrees/amounts of god knowledge, god power and god authority that authorize and send each other around on different missions is the practice of polytheistic pagans NOT Christians. You cant claim to believe that Jesus is the I am HE if you believe in the trinity because Trinity holds God in three different persons who are each God to you Jesus is not the “I AM HE” but some other person sent by “HIM” (the first person) !?! FOOLS!, If you can worship three different persons as one God then anyone who worships the Greek gods could also claim they too are “really” monotheist who only worship one god who just happens to be multiple different persons in heaven (one comes down and visits) since the origins of the gods have them all come from a single one source “God essence” as well!?! This is called: Soft polytheism, which holds that gods may be aspects of only one god, that the pantheons of other cultures are representative of one single pantheon, psychological archetypes or personifications of natural forces or for the trinitarians characteristics love wisdom et al ....The only difference is not in practice but rather terminology. Trinity refers to three different persons as one God the Greeks could agree with the three different god persons are just attributes to one God....!?!? This same kind of dilemma would also exist for Hindu Polytheism as well; Reference “the ten avatars of Vishnu”. Vishnu and his many faces. It would not matter if any one claimed that their ONE god using the Greek et al pantheon was the same God as the bible or not. Because, the point is if you can claim to be monotheist then so too could any of them in which case there would not need be any difference between polytheism and monotheism at all!?! Simply claiming that three persons is ONE God as a mystery is not valid any more so then a pathological liar who makes the claim he does not lie, you just don’t understand him (and or how “mysterious” his ways are) as valid proof of his assertion that he speaks the truth! What determines the worship of ONE God is not in the mere claim but rather in the reality of the language that God communicated via his scriptures to us. ..........One God person or three different God persons one of those is monotheism the other is poly theism with nothing more then just a different wrapping paper on it that claims were not polytheist “DRINK UP, THIS IS NOT POISONIOUS” …... . There is a lot of perspective that folks seem to gloss over and do not consider. Of course Jesus has always existed because Jesus is nothing but that part of the spirit of God considered his right hand that God would send and put into flesh via a physical birth…However, from another perspective it is just as equally true that, Jesus the man did not exist before he was born into the flesh….because before he was born into the flesh he was just God. That part of God that God would send into flesh has always existed but that part of God has not always existed in flesh or as a man!?!.....Thus when folks argue over or point fingers on whether or not Jesus existed before he was born into the physical world has everything to do with perspective. No man exited for all of eternity prior to the time before God(Jesus) created Man….There was only God (Jesus) who created man and all things…This brings us to another important point and concept to understand. Man is a spirit animating flesh. When God put himself (that part of his eternally existent self) into flesh via a physical birth then God literally became a man. That man did not exist prior to the point that man was born. However, that part of the spirit of God that was born into that flesh had always existed because it is God in the same way that if I put my right hand into a leather glove (of human flesh) that part of me that is put into that leather glove existed before during and after it leaves that leather glove of flesh. Never the less, the man did not exist until the man Jesus was born. The God which is the spirit because God is a spirit and Jesus is God had always existed before he was born into the world but he did not exist as a man prior to the time that he himself as God created man!?! It appears that most everyone is looking at this all backwards. God is referring to his right hand that he sent and put into flesh as his son. (because that right arm comes via physical birth) God is NOT referring to a different person who is the son as His “right hand” as in “he is my right hand man”! How Ironic (hypocritical) that Trinitarians will try to deny the scriptures use of God literally sending His right arm (even ridiculing that) because of its Anthropomorphic implications and yet that is the exact bases for all trinitarian arguments!?! It is the anthropomorphic descriptors that trinitarians try to use to reasons for arguing a demand for multiple/three different persons of God (ie. had to be multiple persons so that God was not praying to himself et al. The Question must be asked, “How many other Gods is there for the one God to pray (or swear) to?!?! God is one person who only sent a part of himself called his right arm via a physical birth ergo called his son to teach us how to live pray, suffer and die to HIMSELF!?!....well, he certainly did not come to teach us how to pray and die to some other god????..... If God is one God the of course he was praying to himself. However, if one person who is God is praying to anther more powerful person who is also God, then God is not one God.!?!? .. There are only distinctions in the manifestations due to being in different kinds of universes ie spiritual & physical and functioning differently in those all at the same time....Same HE or HIM but the HE that is in heaven is also the He that is on earth but the HE on earth is subordinate and obedient to the HE in heaven because the HE in heaven is the greater part of the HE that is on earth....YES HIMSELF!?!.. . Isaiah 52: 6… therefore they shall know IN THAT DAY that I AM HE that doth speak: behold, IT IS I. …….10. THE LORD HATH MADE BARE HIS HOLY ARM IN THE EYES OF ALL THE NATIONS; …….. Isaiah 40: 9....say unto the cities of Judah, BEHOLD YOUR GOD! 10. Behold, THE LORD GOD WILL COME with strong HAND and HIS ARM SHALL RULE FOR HIM: behold, HIS REWARD IS WITH HIM, Isaiah 62:8 THE LORD HATH SWORN BY HIS RIGHT HAND, AND BY THE ARM OF HIS STRENGTH, …. 11. Behold, THE LORD HATH PROCLAIMED UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, THY SALVATION COMETH; BEHOLD, HIS REWARD IS WITH HIM, ........................................(Rev 22:12 my reward is with me/ This is also why Jesus is called the Almighty in Rev 1:8) ….......The right are is what is ruling, The reward is with the right arm and hand that comes.!.......... Those who believe in God in three different persons are noting but polytheist who lie in insisting that they are liars and thieves who insist we do not lie or stealing, you just don’t “understand us”(our mysteries)...!?! ...FOOLS!...All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.:... . .... These fools will walk right into the fire of hell thinking they are honoring God. “I NEVER knew you”…get ready for it, your turn is coming soon enough so get your “Shocked and surprised face” all ready to go. Your theology is utter foolishness and hypocrisy. It is justly fitting that just like those wrestling entertainers (actors) who so “eloquently” perform their fake faces of surprise and shock, that you prepare yours for the real thing because of your “acting” (hypocrisy)!…. Fools, your damnation is just! ...1 Tim 4:1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2. SPEAKING LIES IN HYPOCRISY; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Proverbs 8:5 - O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.… NOTE: (some will point to fools Mat 5:22 but miss the context 1. without a cause is the context 2. this is demonstrated in 1 Cor 15:36. are you offended every time you read that?!?! FOOLS & HYPOCRITES!?![blind guides also])
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:14:24 +0000

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