THE 10 CHARACTERISTICS IN WOMEN THAT MEN SHOULD BEWARE OF MARRYING. 1) The Lady That Cant Cook (Pizza lady); restaurant will be your second home. 2) The Lady That Handle Little Children Carelessly and Harshly (I don kia lady); she can never be a good mother. Nemo dat quod non habet meaning, no one gives what he doesnt have. 3) The Lady That Is Completely Obsessed With You (possessive lady); a woman that is totally obsessed with you might also turn out to be very dangerous. She might burn your clothes or car when reaches her that you were spotted in a restaurant with your female colleague. Avoid such women. 4) The Ratchet (merriment and waka waka lady); she loves party/outing and has misplaced priorities in life. Marry a lady who respects her body enough to keep it covered and modest. 5) The Lady With Daddy Issues (daddys pet lady); she likes to be given attention all the time. This is the type of lady that might frown when you buy a gift for your daughter instead of her. 6) The Lady That Hates Her Parents, Your Parents, Relatives And Everything Traditional ( me and me alone lady); she will advise you to start or open a bar instead of wasting your money on farming. If you want a beautiful family, you should marry a woman who is open. She should have the ability to handle your annoying mother and embrace African values. 7) The Bossy Lady (iron lady); she likes to order around. She like it when everything be done her way. They are too difficult to befriend let alone marrying. 8) The Gossip Queen and Non-Stop Talker (busy body lady); she love to gossip and hear things about other people as well. 9) The Negative Nun (fault finder); she always find something negative in just about anything. Although there is nothing wrong with a woman being a litttle skeptical, living life with someone who is constantly negative will definitely hurt your relationship. Its not worth it. 10) Non- Religious (lukewarm believer); she believe that worship to God is only in the mind. She will not be of good help to your children up bringing. Conclusion. I believe that God who instituted marriage will help us both male and female. May the all good God protect our families and guide those who are still searching for there better half. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:56:46 +0000

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