THE 10 VIRGINS. The ten virgins. First, you must rightly divide - TopicsExpress


THE 10 VIRGINS. The ten virgins. First, you must rightly divide the Word of God for yourself. When does this wedding take place with the ten virgins? Well, they had made it to the eleventh hour, and they are coming up to the twelfth. What happens at the twelfth hour? You know, that’s when the Bridegroom returns. Now, chronologically put that together in your mind. What is happening when Christ returns? The seventh trump! That means when the wedding takes place you’re in a spiritual body, so you have to think spiritual to understand the connotation of the analogy that Christ is going to put forth for you in this parable of the ten virgins. Number two, He is closing the great sermon on the Mount; and in closing that, He closes with this warning that half of the people that think….in other words, they were virgins, all ten of them, mind you, good Christian people, they thought. They weren’t thinking for themselves, otherwise they would have had plenty of oil, because God tells you in as much as He is the light, the Son is the light; but, you relish within that light and that light pushes away all darkness. And that is what constitutes the oil, it is the light giver. Naturally that oil being the Holy Spirit as is amplified and certified in the fourth chapter of Zechariah for those that are familiar with the Word of God, the seven stemmed, but that the oil flowed by the movement of the Spirit only, so we’re speaking spiritually. So, do not let the traditions of men move in on your ability to understand the wedding because we’re going to a wedding; that’s what this is about! It is the spiritual wedding of Christ taking His bride at the seventh trump. So, open your Bibles to the 25th chapter of Matthew. If you go to sleep, you can mess up; so with that, absorb the Word of God, not the word of men, or I guarantee you, in as much as five of these thought they were staunch Christians went south. You don’t want that to happento you, so think for yourself. It is a cult that insists that you believe its philosophy and doctrine,when a true Christian only believes the Word of God. After all, He is the Creator and He is your Father; chapter 25 and verse 1. Matthew 25:1, “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.” ‘Kingdom’ What are we talking about? The Kingdom of Heaven; that’s the King and His Dominion. Do you want to be a part? Now, understand what type of lamp this is. Usually, during this time period, it was a wooden torch, so-to-speak. It had a receptacle or a hole carved in the top of it when you held it up, and oil was poured into that with a piece of cloth that would make a torch you know; and ,it would burn the oil that was in the little basin much as an old kerosene lamp, The cloth acted as a wick. But, there is just one problem with this type of torch; it didn’t take very long for the small amount of oil that’s in this whittled out place to run out. So you had to have a little oil reserve that you recycle this thing ;filled her back up again. You had to have a reserve, and that’s important. So, what are we talking about? Are we talking about lamps? No,we’re talking about the Kingdom of God; we’re talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. You’re only to liken the torch. First off, you know as a Christian who the light is; the light is Christ, and that’s what this light symbolizes. The wedding that is about to take place is at the seventh trump, and the bridegroom, of course, is Christ Himself. So, they are going out to meet Him. They all THINK they’re Christian, and they’ve tried. There’s just one problem, they have not thought for themselves. Matthew 25:2, “And five of them were wise, and five [were] foolish. ‘Five of them were wise’ That means they did think for themselves. ‘Five were foolish’. Five of these THOUGHT they were right! They thought they were saved! They’d been told they were! But probably, the revolving rev may have said– you don’t need to understand the book of Revelation, you are going to be gone.’ There is just one problem with that. The book, Revelation, in whatever language you wish to interpret it means the revealing; to make known, and it’s very simple!! Children can understand it! And you allow man to block you! Do you think God had time to waste that He placed the book of Revelation here? He put it here for you! The entire Letter was written to you; have you read it?? ‘Well, I trust my preacher for that.’ Hey, the preacher is not going to be between you and God on Judgment Day. Are you Biblically illiterate? Then I’m afraid you fall with the five foolish, and we’ll document it before this is over. Five were foolish! Matthew 25:3, “They that [were] foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:” They left their little oil thing at home. You know sometimes it had a little strap that went over, and they rubbed the little thing, you know, and genies pop out. I’m just saying that so you get the picture. They didn’t have one!!! If you don’t own a Strong’s Concordance, it’s worth your while to possess one, whereby you, as an English speaking and reading person can go into the Greek on this one word “oil”. I mean, it would be worth it to your eternal soul if you did it just for that one word! In the Greek it is el`-ah-yon, which means oil from the olive tree. But do you know what it’s based on, the prime root? Listen to me, el-ah`-yah! Did you hear what I said in the Greek? El (GOD) ah (OF) Yah (the SACRED NAME of our FATHER,). That’s what the oil is called; that’s what the olive tree is called. That’s why it is the oil of our people in which we anoint. Not that the oil will do anything as far as healing or bringing a blessing, but you are obeying God because He told you to do it! So in a sense El-Ah`-Yah is the anointing oil, They did not bring any with them!! Oil – el`-ah-yon; neut. of the same as 1636;olive oil: - oil. G1636 – oil – el-ah`-yah; fem. of a presumed der. From an obsol. Prim.; an olive (the tree or the fruit): - olive (berry, tree). Now, in as much as the oil produces the light and Christ is that light, what was Christ? He is the Living Word. It means, they were Biblically illiterate! They claimed to be saved. One of those types said I don’t have to know the OldTestament!’ However, Christ quoted the Old Testament over and over! Paul quoted the Old Testament over and over for it is our school teacher! It gives the types, whereby you can understand the parables that Christ put forth; otherwise, I’m sorry, you don’t have any backed up knowledge. And do you know what the seal of God in your forehead is? What’s in your forehead? Your brain!! Do you ever use it? Now, I’m not being insulting, I’m being very truthful. Revelation chapter 9 verse 4: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which havenot the seal of God in their foreheads.” Satan cannot touch, and this is in that hour that he would be here as spurious Messiah, cannot touch those that have the oil, the Spirit,or the truth in their forehead, which is called the seal of God. I mean, you can’t be deceived if you know the truth, if you know the mystery; otherwise, you are going to be like these five that were supposed to be virgins, but they were seduced before the wedding. That’s why they were foolish, and that’s why Christ will tell them here, in just a few minutes to scoot, get ,I don’t know you. Matthew 25:4, “But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” Matthew 25:5, “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” This is a warning! It can seem like as a year goes by and you mature, many times, you grow sleepy as far as the Spirit and the truth is concerned, or many times fall into a rut that you believe you know all that is necessary to get you by. God doesn’t like ‘get-you-by’ people,necessarily! He loves can-do type people! Bold people for Christ! So, you kind of go to sleep rather than studying in that Word. You know something, Don’t fall asleep thinking you’ve got it made, especially if you’re Biblically illiterate. What do I mean by that? You’re not familiar with God’s Word. You’ve listened to one-verse Charlies spit out one verse and then talk about Aunt Martha for two hours. What did you learn about God’s Word? A church is to teach God’s Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse, whereby you know what God has to say, not man!! I love all churches, they mean well. And sometimes, unfortunately they are taught to be sure and keep it down on a low-level and never get on anything controversial. There IS a controversy;it’s between Satan and Almighty God! And this is a real world, and you had better be a realist! So load up your mind in the Word of God. Continuing they went to sleep; thought they were sufficient! When you’re sleeping, you’re happy; you’re not concerned about anything. Matthew 25:6, “And a tmidnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go Ye out to meet him.” Here’s the seventh trump for you chronologically placing it in order. You hear the cries, the sound of the seventh trump. Matthew25:7, “Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.” You know how to trim a wick; most of you do. If you’ve ever had an old camping lantern or something; if you don’t keep that wick trimmed, it burns crooked and such, and smokes. So, they were getting that part ready; they knew that much! This is an analogy, so you have to spiritually trim your wick. I want you to think totally spiritual because the seventh trump sounded; you’re even in a spiritual body. Matthew 25:8, “And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” The Greek has it “going out”. We’re getting low! You know, you cannot in the last minute, you can say ‘Christ forgive me, I repent’, you know, and be saved in a minute. That was paid for by someone else, not you. But, do you know according to the14th chapter of Revelation, and I’m talking about your blessings in life, the only thing you can take with from this earth to judgment is your works. Do your works bring about your salvation? No! It’s your rewards. Do you want any or do you just want to kind of get by? But, they didn’t have enough to get by is what it ultimately ended out. “Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” Matthew 25:9, “But the wise answered, saying, [Not so]; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.” You can’t go to a commercial market and find the type of oil you need to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the subject. It takes study and love for God, love for the Word; it is His letter to you, you should love it, and you should find time for it; chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby you get the full of what He is teaching, not necessarily what you expect it to be or want it to read. You can’t do a three minute wash job. If you’re Biblically illiterate, it won’t help you a bit. It might get you clean,but it’s not going to store any knowledge. And quite frankly, if you do not understand the chronological order of events that transpire during this seventh trump or the twelve o’clock midnight hour, you can call yourself Christian if you want to, but if you don’t know the Spurious Messiah is coming first, you’ve got a problem. He comes in the sixth trump! What happens in the sixth trump? Have you ever read the book of Revelation? The false Messiah appears! ‘Instead of Christ’ in the Greek! Many people, in the English, call it anti-Christ. Christ taught it in Mark 13; in the chapterin Matthew just before this,24. The whole subject is getting to the Kingdom, and He says ‘let no man deceive You for the false Christ SHALL come’, not maybe, not perhaps, he WILL! And friend, you are going no where! That’s what God’s servants are for is to work, and to teach, and to plant seeds, and to stand against the fiery darts of Satan; not only in his spirit as today when he tempts you, but when he is cast from heaven as it is written in Revelation 12:7. Woe to you on earth. It is woe to you if you don’t know the mystery of God, the truth, which is so simple a child can understand it. If you’re Biblically illiterate and haven’t read for yourself nor do you think for yourself, I’m sorry, you’re probably in pretty bad shape. It’s never too late to study on your own. You cannot buy what you need to get you into the Kingdom of Heaven as these five are going to try to do! Matthew 25:10, “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” That’s it. The rest of the dead must remain dead for a thousand years. That means if they are spiritually dead and being Biblically illiterate and they end up being deceived by the false Messiah, I’m sorry, it will be a thousand years for you friend. And you’ll take part, maybe, in the second resurrection, who knows! It’s your choice. How familiar are you with this letter from your Father? Because, this is exactly how it’s coming to pass, not what some man, this man or any other man, may tell you. Matthew25:11, “Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. Got my oil here now; bought it down at Ben’s place! Matthew 25:12,“But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” That’s the same that come up to Him just before the parable of building your house on the Rock, which is to say the Word, Christ. And they said, ‘Oh Jesus, we’ve healed in your name, we’ve anointed in your name, we’ve cast out demons in your name.’And He says, ‘I don’t know you; go away.’ You better know the chronological order of the mystery of God, for it is so simple, in the simplicity in which Christ teaches it. Matthew 25:13,“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”But you do know the season, if you’re not Biblically illiterate. You know the season from the book of Daniel and from the parable of the fig tree, which He taught in the chapter just before this. And He didn’t say, MAYBE you should get around to learning the parable of the fig tree, He said LEARN IT! Because, with in it gives you the season! No one knows the instant, the year, the month, but you do know the generation.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:18:06 +0000

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