THE 100% CORRECT AND COMPLETE 2013/2014 NECO BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ANSWERS (1) A-grasshopper, B-cockroach,C- agama lizard, D- fowl egg, E-housefly (ii) draw the grasshopper lateral view of a grasshopper (iii) B-incomplete metamorphosis E-complete metamorphosis (iv)oval shape (v)shell (vi)it is a source of calcium (1b) tabulate B:it has six legs, it has compund eyes, it has wings, it has no tail C: it has four legs it has simple eyes -no wings it has no tail (ii) bean seedling=>grass hopper=>agama lizard. (iii) -both have wings 0-both have six legs (2a) F-germinating bean seedling G-land snail, H-termite I-gizzard of bird j-kidney of rat k-liver of rat (ii)epigeal germination (iii) it has elongated hypocotyl (iv)I-fowl, J-man, K-goat (2bi) I- for crushing food substance J- for osmoregulation K- for deamination of excess protein (2bii) J- kidney K- cancer of liver (2bii) Tabulate J- it is ligth in colour , K it is dark in colour J- it is big insize, K- it is small in size (2biv) Moist soil (2ci) - they destory farm crops - they destroy furniture - they destroy stored farm product (2cii) soldier,worker , Reproductives (3ai) L- maize seeding M- Rat W- Mushroom O- cactus (3aii) Tabulate L- Has true roots, O- No true roots L- No pileus, O- has pileus (3aiii) - Has water- conserving system -Has extended root system -Has sucken stomata (3bi) L- Autotrophic M-heterotrophic N- heterotrophic (3bii) it is a source of protein (3biii) - water, oxygen,nutrient , enzyme (3ci) P- Dicot plant Q- Monocot plant (3cii) P-protein, Q- carbohydrate (3ciii) P-provides new cells and tissue (3iv) it is ingested by pest (3v) Weeril make sure you subscribe else you will be on the hot seat. am very serious about this
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:24:21 +0000

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