THE 101 MARITAL SILVER-BULLET GUIDES! (2nd & Concluding - TopicsExpress


THE 101 MARITAL SILVER-BULLET GUIDES! (2nd & Concluding part) As promised yesterday here is the concluding part of THE 101 MARITAL SILVER-BULLET GUIDES! Enjoy! 51. Never embarrass your spouse in public – deal with your issues in private. 52. Wives, spend time encouraging your husbands and supporting them and there is just about nothing you won’t happily get from them. 53. Do not verbally abuse your spouse. 54. Do not physically abuse your spouse. 55. Do not bring up your past arguments, and disagreements. 56. Never bring up or use in an argument something your spouse told you in confidence about himself or herself. 57. Let your spouse know you can be trusted. 58. Don’t give your spouse any reason to feel insecure. 59. Read books on becoming a better husband. 60. Read books on becoming a better wife. 61. Learn your spouse’s love language. 62. Always be in a learning process with getting to know your spouse’s likes and dislikes. 63. Husbands, send love to their minds during the day and the rest will follow. 64. Try not to let your children see you in disagreement or unhealthy argument. 65. Husbands, surprise them with roses and the like, not just for birthdays, holidays and anniversaries, but just because you truly love them. 66. Wives, your husbands love surprises also, put on one of his favorite nighties just because you want to impress him. 67. Don’t always try to have your way, but try to find a way that works for both of you. 68. Alone time – yes it’s needed! But don’t go overboard. Let your mate know you’re thinking of them. 69. It’s healthy to have your time with friends, so long as they respect your marriage. 70. Never cheat on each other. 71. Never try to justify a wrong. 72. Stay fit, looking your best for your husband or wife. 73. Hear your spouse out before drawing conclusions. 74. Don’t keep your spouse in the dark about things. 75. Never bad-mouth your spouse to anyone. 76. Keep your love life between the two of you. 77. Your objective should be to make your spouse a better person as a result of being with you not by control but by love. 78. Open your spouse up to new things that are healthy for him or her. 79. Be open to new things, allow your spouse the chance to treat you like a king or queen 80. Communicate – he or she cannot read your mind. 81. Say what you mean, mean what you say. 82. Take your time to cool off, but when you start acting like room-mates your marriage is in trouble 83. Love, respect, loyalty and faithfulness should all be considered as given. 84. Have a vision and purpose for your marriage 85. Keep in mind your spouse is not your enemy but your best friend unless you got married to an enemy - this world is full of oddities you know! 86. Don’t look at marriage as an obligation but look at it as chance to love your mate unconditionally. 87. Our character should reflect the fruits of the spirit: of love, patience, kindness, long suffering. 88. Your objective should not be to change your spouse, but for your spouse to see change in you. 89. You may not be able to change your spouse, but you can change how you love him or her and how you react to him or her. 90. Avoid comparison - what you have is all there is for now. 91. Renew your marital vows to each other at devotions before your children. 92. Never remind her or him how bad he or she was until you came into his or her life 93. Train your mind to forget past hurts caused by your spouse. 94. Owe your pride nothing between you and your spouse - starve your EGO and in fact let go of the E in EGO and the pride will GO. 95. Dont pray separately, even when you are NOT ON TALKING TERMS? Unless you are living in separate towns. 96. No one can be better suited to make your marriage work than you - So, make it work at all costs. 97. Remember that no amount of money can take the place of a loving father and mother in the lives of your children 98. The woman or man doesnt hold the key to having children - It is Gods exclusive preserve - so dont blame her or him (Blame God if you want) in the event of childlessness. 99. Dont live above your means. 100. Whatever it takes, make God the pillar and foundation of your home. Build a Home however modest your House is. Houses are built by human hands; Homes are built by human hearts. 101. Do your best, trust God to do the rest, then go to sleep. God is committed to fulfilling His own part of the bargain
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:07:40 +0000

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