THE 13 LETTERS OF THE RISEN CHRIST REVEALED EXCLUSIVELY TO PAUL. Beginning with Romans: The theme of Romans is theGOSPEL of God (1:1), Romans is the broadest possible letter of the whole of Gods redemption truth, for it is He that is the no respecter of persons; and who is not the God of the Jews only, but, of the Gentiles also(2.11; 3.29). Accordingly, all the world is found guilty (3.19), and a redemption is REVEALED as wide as the need, offered upon the one alone condition of faith. Not only does Romans embody in the fullest ways the doctrines of grace in relation to salvation, but in three remarkable chapters (9-11) the great promises to Israel are reconcilled with the promises concerning the Gentiles, and the fulfilment of the former shown us to await the completion of the church and the coming Deliverer our of Zion (11:25-27). The key- phrase is the righteousness of God (1:17; 3:21,22). The Epistle, exclusive to the introduction (1:1-17), is in seven parts: 1. The whole world guilty before God (1:18- 3:20). 2. Justification through the righteousness of God by faith, the GOSPEL remedy for guilt, (3.21-5.11). 3. Crucifixion with Christ = (agreeing with God your life for works of righteousness is dead in His), wherein the resurrection life of Christ works in you, and the walk in the SPIRIT by faith, the GOSPEL provision for inherited sin nature, (5.12-8.13). 4. The full result in blessing of this GOSPEL of the GRACE of God (8.14-39). 5. The GOSPEL doesnt abolish the covenant promises to Israel (9.1-11-36). 6. Christian life and service as a result of faith (12:1-15:33). 7. The outflow of Christian love (16:1-27).
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:25:37 +0000

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