THE 1st LAW - Article 89 Canonum De Lex Divina (Divine Law) - TopicsExpress


THE 1st LAW - Article 89 Canonum De Lex Divina (Divine Law) The Living Body of Divine Canon Law and the highest of all Original Law comprising twenty-two (22) books of Canons as defined by the Articles of Pactum De Singularis Caelum being i. By Right, Power and Authority of Article eighty-nine (89) of Pactum De Singularis Caelum, also known as the Covenant of One Heaven these pronouncements of law known collectively as Canonum De Lex Divina and also known as the Canons of Divine Law are hereby promulgated in the original form of Ucadian Language; and ii. The Canonum De Lex Divina represents the primary, one and only true first canon of Divine Law. Excluding the Covenant of One Heaven, all other laws, claims and agreements claiming standards of Divine Law shall be secondary and inferior to the Canonum De Lex Divina ab initio (from the beginning); and iii. These Canons of Divine Law may be taken in official original document form and spoken form to represent one complete set of the twenty-two (22) Canons of law known collectively as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum, also known as Living Body of Divine Canon Law and the highest of all Original Law; and iv. When referring to these Canons of Divine Law collectively it may also be taken both in printed form and spoken word that we mean this complete and accurate set of laws as the highest of all Original Law; and v. In accordance with these Canons of Divine Law, the Society of One Heaven also known as the One Heaven Society of United Spirits, also known as the Holy See of United Spirits, also known as The Holy Society reserves all rights to itself; and vi. As all rights are reserved, no translation, copy, citation, duplication, registration in part or whole implies any transfer or conveyance of these rights; and vii. When part or all of these laws is presented or spoken in any language other than the Official Ucadian Languages, it may be taken as a translation and not the primary language. Therefore, any secondary meaning implying deficiency, claimed abrogation of any right or any other defect of a word in a translated language shall be null and void ab initio (from the beginning); and viii. When referring to these Canons of Divine Law collectively it may also be taken that the primary and original form of these laws resides as a supernatural spiritual document registered in Heaven first and a physical document registered in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven upon the Earth second. Therefore, wherever an official and valid form of these laws is present in physical form, it shall be bound to its spiritual form, from which it derives its spiritual power and authenticity; and ix. Let no man, woman, spirit or officer of a lesser society place themselves in grave dishonor of Divine Law, Natural Law and the Living Law upon denying the validity of these canons of law. Having been warned, any act in defiance of these laws shall have no effect and any spiritual invocation in opposition to the validity of these laws shall be immediately returned upon the maker. - As it is written, so be it. (As - Above – SO - Below = 888 + 888 = 1776) Canon 1 A law is not a canon, but a false or lesser positive law unless it follows this law and belongs to the body of laws known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum in accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Canon 2 A law is a rule, derived from divine instruction, scientific discovery, agreement, customs or practices over time enjoining or prohibiting certain action. Canon 3 A canon means “rule, bar, norm, maxim, measure or standard”. Therefore, valid Canon Law is equal to the highest standard law and to “rule of law” and may be described as simply as The Law. Canon 4 A valid canon law neither abrogates nor derogates from the Covenant of One Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caelum). Canon 5 When anyone references, writes or speaks of “rule of law” or the Law in general, it shall mean these canons and no other. Canon 6 All are equal under the Law and subject to the Law. Any law that attempts to abrogate this fact is null and void ab initio and is not a valid canon law. THE DIVINE (DIVINE CREATOR) Canon 7 The Divine means the total collection of meaning and definition of all objects, matter, rules, life, mind, universe and spirit also known as the Absolute, the ALL, the IS, the Unique Collective Awareness, UCADIA and other historic names when used to described the greatest of all possibilities. Canon 8 As the Divine means the set of all sets, there is nothing greater. Therefore, everything else is lesser. Canon 9 The highest law of all law is Divine Law, then Natural Law, then Cognitive Law, then Positive Law. The totality of this law as expressed through valid canons is The Law. Canon 10 Divine Law is the law that defines the Divine and clearly demonstrates 1. the spirit, 2. mind, 3. purpose and 4. instruction, of The Divine including the operation of the will of the Divine through existence. Therefore all valid law may be said to be derived from Divine Law. Canon 11 Natural Law is the law that defines the operation of the will of the Divine through its existence in the form of matter and physical rules. As Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law. Canon 12 Positive Law are the laws enacted by men and women through proper authority in accordance with these canons for the governance of a society. Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings; All valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law and Cognitive Law. Canon 13 A Positive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, nor change a Cognitive Law or Natural Law. Nor is it possible for a Cognitive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine Law. Canon 14 A Natural Law cannot be written or created, only discovered. A Divine Law cannot be written or created, only instructed by Divine Grace in accordance with these canons.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:34:08 +0000

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