THE 7TH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNDER AMINU TAMBUWAL: A COLONY OF LEPERS, CORRUPT, IDLE & RECKLESS LAWBREAKERS Frantz Fanon holds that: “The future will have no pity for those men who possess the exceptional privilege of being able to speak words of the truth to the oppressors, have taken refuge in an attitude of passivity, of mute indifference and sometimes of cold complicity”. With the agbero approach being resolved to, yesterday, by our talented lawbreakers over leadership tussle in the House of Representatives has further vindicated President Goodluck Jonathan on our political class struggle. I have no doubt that Late Anthony Enahoro, who moved the motion for Self Government of Nigeria at the age of 28, will be weeping for Nigeria and Nigerians in his grave, for the high level of corruption, legislative rascality, wanton display of banality, high-handedness, lack of political sagacity, active involvement in hanky-panky activities, most of which are culpable under the law, reprehensible and senseless peccadilloes, and gross incompetence of our so called dishonourable members of the National Assembly (oh sorry, honourable members, I mean) given the unjustifiable pay allocated to them by themselves. It is a shame and a national embarrassment that our lawmakers cannot conduct themselves peacefully and orderly; there is no gainsay that PEACE is very essential for harmonious co-existence for humans, and even in the animal kingdom. One must also add that PEACE advances progress and development. Since PEACE is order and it is life itself, one can then humbly concur that peace symbolizes brotherhood and not naked-power show as being displayed by our lawmakers, who just returned from recess. They should be more concerned about serious business, such as, issues surrounding the 2014 budget implementation, the security challenges in the North, and the lingering ASUP strike, among several other issues that demand urgent attention. There is no other way to critically analyze the ongoing struggle for a secured Nigeria and protected citizens of the country, needless to say that an unfriendly security climate apparently discourages both external and internal investment in a nation. Thus, security will be seen as not only a constitutional requirement but also a necessary infrastructure for the development of a modern Nigerian economy. Another salient issue to be addressed is the particular needs of Boko Haram insurgent and the re-occuring Niger-Delta security maladies which must not be arrested by physical policing or military combat but through honest and accurate dialogue between the people and Federal Government. Instead for our lawmakers to be concerned about how to find a lasting solution to these issues that are about to consume us as a Nation, there are busy heating up the polity. Nevertheless, our concern as an organization stemmed from the present opportunistic and the divide and rule methodology being employed by the current Aminu Tambuwal led leadership of the house which smacks a sense of non-direction and visionless coordination of the struggle, or how else can one explain the fact that our lawmakers are the highest paid in the world, despite their part-time duties. It is a known fact that all the probes of corrupt practices under this administration of Tambuwal has been swept under the carpet, be it power probe, and Farouk Lawan/Otedolas scandal, just to mention a few. I am using this moment to call on the leadership of the House to apologize to Nigerians, at home and abroad, for their childish display which led to the state of higgledy-piggledy and rowdy session of the sitting yesterday. I urge Nigerian youths and students to rise above pedantic pettiness and vote out incompetent leaders come 2015 so that the death of our heroes past will not be in vain. It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that our leaders has failed us and they are only concerned about themselves, family and pockets. Greatest Nigerian Students and Youths, just as J. Spinoza argued, that The era of lamentation of Jeremiah has passed away, I believe ours is therefore to use the opportunity of 2015 to re-dedicate ourselves to the struggle to free the HOI-POLLOIS from the shackles and manacles, oppression, suppression and subjugation inflicted on us by our leaders. I therefore urge us all to take solace in the words of Frantz Fanon that We are what we are today by deep-seated radical refusal of that which others have made for us. Till I come your way next time, I remain your dogged and feisty, comrade, Oluwaloseyi Babaeko (K evolutionary-Kelvin) National Coordinator, Student Leaders Alliance of Nigeria. Long Live Nigeria! Long Live Nigerian Youths and Students! Long Live SLAN!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 13:07:31 +0000

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