THE A.P.C PRESIDENTIAL TICKET 2015: BUHARI, ATIKU AND KWANKWASO WHO WILL FLY THE FLAG OF THE PARTY AND DEFEAT THE JONATHAN? (3) (The political comparative analysis) By Abbati Bako,psc,bsis,mti,Kent,UK Continuation on GMB 2. THE SWING AREAS OR CLASS OF PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT SURE (THE UNDECIDED VOTERS) WHO TO VOTE FOR AMONG THE PRESIDENTIAL CONTESTANTS OR POLITICAL PARTY Certainly, the class of people that are called or described as swing areas are those with undecided mind on who to vote for; their mind is swinging to where their votes be tilted to. Those areas can be in the north central geopolitical zone (for religious, ethnic, regional and economic reasons) for A.P.C party. States within that zone could be considered as swing areas for both the ruling part and the opposition party APC. So, if GMB could intensify efforts the zone could be his winning ground during the APC primaries and the general elections. But rhetoric messages must be tailored according to the need of the people of the areas. 3. THE BATTLE GROUND AREAS FOR APC/GMB The battle ground areas for GMB and the APC are the S/south and the S/east geopolitical zone of the country. These two areas are the soft theorem areas for PDP ruling party; because the partys pssible contestant (President Jonathan) is from that area and he will get 90% support; maybe except in Rivers, Imo and Delta states where APC may get constitutional requirment of 25% or more due to the influence and performances/achievenments of their governors in the states. So, getting mass support from the APC stakeholders from those areas depend upon the strategy and planing to be applied by the GMB and the lobby and political negotiation/alignment with the stakeholders/members/supporters of the APC party from the zone. The most difficult huddle for the GMB/APC party at this juncture is the external political stakeholders (those who have political and economic interest in Nigeria). As said earlier on in this writing that globalization policy have made the world what McLuhan described as global village. I understand that the support and endorsement of foreign political stakeholders/global economic movers is absolutely imperative if APC and GMB must win the Presidential election in Nigerias elections 2015. Because Nigeria is a regional power and among the top ten oil producing nations on earth. And among the top ten populous nation and the third largest economy in Africa. Nigeria is a country that must be reckoned with in term of economy, military and population (Nigeria is a big market for capitalist market economy). In political strategy, experts assert that he who follow the same way will get the same result. If GMB follow the same way as he did in 2003, 2007 and 2011 he will certainly get the same result. The APC/GMB must learn from the other countries that the opposition parties defeated the ruling parties via free, fair and credible elections. Countries such as Senegal, Kenya, Georgia, India, Ivory coast and so on. Therefore, the comparative analysis with other democratic nations may pave way for APC to defeat the ruling party the PDP come the elections year of 2015. To be continued In Sha Allah on the other APC contestants, Atiku Abubaka and Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso. Abbati Bako,psc
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:27:46 +0000

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