THE ABODE OF GODS NOW A BURIAL GROUND: A MOMENT TO EXPLORE AND REINVENT THE TRUTH. It was one of the worst images& horrifying scenes witnessed and watched helplessly by me in seventy five years of my life.It was like Shiva dancing in rage.Why did it happen and which are forces responsible for this disaster? “It was due to degradation of ecology” commented many scientists. “Take me back. My two children, wife and my parents are stranded.”Said Mr.Pandey of U.P. “We were a group of 400-500 out of which 150-200 died there itself. My wife, daughter and four other relatives were swept away,” Pleaded an unidentified survivor.” I was holding my wife, water took her away .Wife slipped from my grip and was swallowed by the raging flood that destroyed Kedarnath,” recounted Mr Pandu. Dead bodies are scattered all over. We were horrified to see at the extent of the tragedy. That is situations of survivors. The Uttrakhand 16th June 2013 deluge &disaster in India bring many things on the floor of our wisdom. It commenced on 16th and continued till 18th. Death and destruction of much manmade myth were washed away in the fury of flash flood caused by cloud bursts of unprecedented scale. The cloud burst and unprecedented heavy down pour engulfed the entire state. Such was the flash flood in rivers, so was the fate of the visitors, their un consolable screaming, story of their struggle for life in the terrains in the dead night with ,hunger and thirst for days in hills and anger demonstration against the government for no fault it. The opposition blamed the government and the Management Disaster Body for its failure. The environmentalists found fault in the development craze of the modern society. The priests found the presence of unabated and un divine crowd behavior and secular population every year with pleasure seeking mind and heart. The business community went ahead with its greed to build their huts, hotels and clubs to suck as much money as possible. Some were found grumbling for want of water and food. Reporters kept on transporting news that several thousands dead bodies were still under the debris. All of them were bulldozed with one stroke of almighty .Thank, no one found fault in Him and His management. The army did tremendous job. It went unnoticed .Rescue operation were outstanding. The BJP wanted Man Mohan Singh to monitor the rescue operation himself. Surprise, how a weak Prime Minister be given this concession by them now! Some admitted that it was an imaginable event in India in the current century. I ask them the following questions: Did they not know that they were charging a liter of water for Rs.15.00? Did they not know that a time in their life would come one day when they will not get a drop of water even if they had money full pockets? Many things went against them because of their doings. “It was largely manmade”,agreed. The environments: river beds, construction of chain of dams, the planned destruction of forests, filth and forgeries were responsible for overheating of global warming and cloud burst. Can you tell me if there is any ratio between extent of land exploitations and rain down pour in an area? Was the recent cloud burst in Uttrakhand, spate of rivers, their tributaries &culverts in proper proportion to the extent , the environment was destroyed? You built your houses and hotels at the hill tops and you saw them collapsing and washed away in currents as reminders. We also saw our abode of Heaven places destroyed. The world witnessed our deities of imminence being washed away. Were they not man made? We had been surrendering and submitting before them from generation to generation with faith that they grant heaven and security to us. How can those who failed to save themselves can offer defense to us! Will we ponder over this? No Disaster Management can manage disasters imposed by Him. No government however powerful can provide relief at the spur of such moments. No MET however strong can predict the scale of disasters caused against our sins which we need to probe and reinvent in light of the above happenings.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:09:40 +0000

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