THE ADAMAWA PILGRIMS DEBACLE IN KANO - BLAMING THE VICTIMS PRESS STATEMENT FROM MURTALA NYAKO PUBLICITY OFFICE Our attention has been drawn to the unfortunate incidence involving Adamawa State Muslim Pilgrims who were ferried to Kano instead of Saudi Arabia and the equally unfortunate statement issued by the Acting Governor of Adamawa State who choose to play to the gallery by blaming the victims instead of the cause of the debacle. The behaviours of the pilgrims may be unacceptable but almost everyone in their circumstances would have behaved in the same manner. These pilgrims who were almost abandoned by their government in Yola cannot also understand why they will be flown to Kano instead of Jedda. Even while in Yola these pilgrims had difficulties surviving if not for the support of relations resident in the city. What will happen to them while in Kano? This was at the root of their concerns which they were sure will not be addressed by their politically obsessed regime. Moreso that for over a decade today pilgrims from Adamawa and Taraba states have been ferried to Saudi Arabia in a seemless manner. It is only this year when Adamawa state governance is fired by just the ambition of an individual rather than the collective interest of the people of the state that such a situation is being experienced. For the first time in the history of the state that even the annual flag off ceremony was not undertaken due to over emphasis on political matters. Let the world know that it is the excessive focus of the current regime on politics and the vindictive changes which include last minute change of leadership at the Pilgrims Welfare Board that created the hardships experienced by Adamawa pilgrims including the Kano debacle. Moreover, the pilgrims had complained about the shoody arrangements at different times but they were ignored. This government is too preoccupied with politics and political campaigns to show concern for anyone or anything that concerns the interest or welfare of the people. Worst still their spokespersons often use very uncomplimentary language when addressing others without recourse to decorum or self respect. In the case of the pilgrims and their conduct in Kano, it was borne out of total lack of confidence in the capacity of the present government in Yola to either protect their interest or even advance it. It is therefore like adding salt to injury for anyone to express anger rather sympathy for their plight. We pray that everything possible will be done to ensure that no Adamawa indegene misses this years pilgrimage. Ahmad Sajoh, mnipr Director, Press and Publicity 28/09/2014
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:44:45 +0000

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