THE ADEQUATE PREPARATION FOR THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST PART-13A HEAVENLY MINDED The WORD of GOD says in Colossians 3vs1-4 If then you were raised with CHRIST, seek those things which are above, where CHRIST is, sitting at the right hand of GOD. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD. When CHRIST who is our life APPEARS, then you also will APPEAR with HIM in GLORY. Apostle Paul explains true Christian behavior; putting on the new self by accepting LORD JESUS CHRIST and regarding the earthly nature as dead. We change our moral and ethical behavior by letting LORD JESUS CHRIST live within us, so that HE can shape us into what we should be. Seeking those things which are above (be Heavenly minded) means striving to put Heavens priorities into daily practice. Setting your mind on things above (be Heavenly minded) means concentrating on the ETERNAL rather than temporal. See Philippians 4vs8-9 and Colossians 3vs15 for more on CHRISTS rule in our hearts and minds. For you died means that we should have as little desire for this world as a dead person would have. The Christians real home is where CHRIST lives (John 14vs2-3). This truth gives us a different perspective on our lives here on earth. To set your mind on things above or be Heavenly minded means to look at life from GODS perpective and to seek what HE desires. This is the antidote to materialism, we gain the proper perspective on material goods when we take GODS view of them. The more we regard the world around us as GOD does, the more we will live in harmony with HIM. We must not become too attached to what is only temporary. What does it mean that a believers life is hidden with CHRIST? Hidden means concealed and safe. This is not only a future hope, but an accomplished fact right now. Our service and conduct do not earn our salvation, but they are results of our salvation. ...............TO BE CONTINUED.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:58:10 +0000

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