THE ADMINISTRATION OF UDU SINCE ITS CREATION AND THE SAKPRAs LEGACY. By Gamaliel Okaruadjeren The leadership of the council has past through ten successive administrations including the present administration of Mr. Raymond Edijala. Dr. Catherine Ejotodomi, who rules Udu council in the capacity of sole administrator, only acted as a forerunner to the first democratic elected Government of Chief Austin Ogbaburhon. In actual sense , Chief Ogbaburhon broke the ice of Udu politics in the year 1997. Through, his administration was short lived, he succeeded in putting in place, manual boreholes in some villages. His government was reputed for grading of earth roads, and other incidental development projects. After the death of then military dictator, General Sani Abachanin 1998, a transition government brought in Mrs. P. Ologitere, who was then in the state Ministry of Justice to rule Udu for about a year . Mrs. Ologitere administration ushered in peace and discipline within the council; she also put in place some minor development projects like construction of the culverts in Ovwian and Ukperheren. In 1999, Mrs. Ologitere handed over to the second democratically elected chairman in person of Chief A. O. Orugbo, who ruled for a term of three years, chief Orugbo administration witnessed lots of development in the area of primary health care, manual mono pumps, women empowerment etc. However, his administration took more than it can chew, thereby leaving most of the projects both competed and ongoing, unpaid for. In 2012, at the expiration of Orugbos tenure, a Caretaker Committee chaired by Chief Eddy Ono-Sorhue was put in place. The government was mandated squarely to be responsible to workers salaries and other minor incidental matters that relate to sanitation, Chief Sorhue administration lasted for eleven months, then Chief Solomon Kpomah, who was then going by the name Chief Solomon Ophi ruled for seven months, his administration was characterized by ordering and re-ordering of projects Initiated by Chief Orugbo administration, without any significant legacy in office by handing over to the third democratically elected chairman of the council Hon. Patrick Ariole, who ruled from 2004 to 2007. His administration that is characterized by almost nothing, during this period, vices such as robbery, prostitution, cultism etc, heightened to Zenth. Without much ado, Hon. Patrick Ariole handed over to another transition committee, headed by Chief Steve Sokoh who ruled for a period of six months. Chief Sokoh short stay in office, rectified most of the ills and blunders committed by his predecessor. His administration witnessed positive development within the council area. He was reputed for ensuring that the aged-long secretariat complex was put into use. In may 2008, the administration of the new dawn, relief and hopes, was ushered in, the administration that awakened the spirit of the despairs, that is the administration of Hon. (Dr.) H. A. Sakpra. Hon. H. A. SAKPRAs three years rule was unparalleled. It is an administration that stood tall vis-a-vis all the other administrations put together in terms of both projects executions and in all ramifications. He excelled visually in all spheres as far as Local Government administrations was concerned. He built a six classroom blocks schools in six communities of the Ogbe-Udu, Emadaja ,Ujevwu , Aladja , Ekete and Orhuwhorun. In the health sector, he built a comprehensive health centre in Ubogo and rehabilitated that of Opete. His administration reputed for the construction of the popular Emedjor road with drainage in ovwian. He also rehabilitated the 32 kilometer road of Udu/ Otor-Udu road. In the water sector, Hon. H. A. Sakpra brought relief to lots f the rural communities of Udu LGA. His administration put in place six solar generating water schemes in six communities; Egiegi, Obubu , Obame ( Epame) , Ukperherhen, Okolo-Inland and Ekrota. SAKPRAs administration, also took a cue from Dr. E. E. Uduaghans Government in terms of electricity, particularly the streetlight which is today a visible legacy in the Gov. Uduaghans administration, by putting in place solar powered street lights in the whole length and breath of the Local Government Headquarters Otor-Udu. Hon. H. A. Sakpra also constructed the gigantic legislative complex in Otor-Udu and rehabilitated the council complex, as we as erecting block of wall fence in the secretariat. He established one of the best vigilante group, popularly know as the Udu central vigilante, to handle the menace and vices perpetuated by youths. As a matter of facts , Sakpra gained the popular appellation of peace Ambassador because of his struggle for peace within Udu LGA. During this reign, Udu LGA was peace personified. All the social vices that plagued the administration before his, diminished to almost zero level. Hon. H.A. Sakpra love for the aged was manifested in his, programme of the old people relief package. His administration was involved in the payment of the most elderly men and women in all the 32 communities in UDU LGA. Over 350 men and women who were involved in the daily cleaning up of Udu LGA(Janitors) were also in the council payroll. In the area of staff welfare, Hon H. A. Sakpra was superlative. He deflated all staff arrears, arising from increments, as soon as he took over mantle of leadership. He introduced the SAKPRA monthly relief package for staff, to boost productivity among staff. He purchased a brand new bus for staff use in addition to the fleets of cars purchased for both the civil servants and political office holders. In the Judiciary, Hon. H. A. Sakpra built and competed the Udu High Court, with two court halls. Hon. H. A. Sakpra is really and truly a bridge builder indeed. There is no perfection in life according to C. Maxwell; However, a man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit them, and strong enough to correct them that was the case of Hon. Dr. Sakpra when he had frosty relationship with the Udu traditional council, led by the Ovie of Udu Kingdom which he had since admitted and corrected . This, he did when he led a powerful delegation of personalities, including Ambassador GNO Sefia, Chief Okuku, Mr. William Saki, Hon. Matthew Uparan, Arch-Bishop God-do- well Avwomakpa, four top American clergymen and many others to the palace of the Ovie of Udu, to ask forgiveness at the instance of the Ovie of Udu and his traditional council of Chiefs, led by Chief Justice T. K. Dugbo, where he was wholeheartedly forgiven and blessed by Ovie and his council of Chiefs. So, his decision to come back to the council as Chairman is to be applauded by all and sundry of Udu Kingdom. Source: Urhobo Times
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 09:13:55 +0000

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