THE ADVENT OF THE SUPREME LORD GURUJI There is a small satsang - TopicsExpress


THE ADVENT OF THE SUPREME LORD GURUJI There is a small satsang that I know of, about the time of Gurujis birth. Some of you may be unaware of this perhaps. At the time when Guruji was born in His ancestral village on 7th July, His mother was being attended to by the village midwife. At the very moment that Guruji was delivered by the midwife, an effulgent luminescence pervaded the entire room....It was the spontaneous emanation of the dazzling lustre of His self-manifested divine light. There was also another unmissable and unmistakble manifestation that materialised at the same moment......the appearance of a hooded black snake.....another monumental revelation that heralded the advent of the Supreme Lord on earth.. All these distinctive signs presented themselves simultaneously as the momentous event of His birth unfolded. They emerged for the divine purpose of unveiling His divinity to those in immediate proximity. The midwife was astounded and completely awestruck. She quickly regained her composure and ecstatically proclaimed to Gurujis exultant Mataji, Tuhade ghar aap Shiv aaye ne ! The Supreme Lord Shiva Himself had incarnated in human form in the material world in His eternal spiritual body which is transcendental, immutable and imperishable. The eternal transcendental form of the Supreme Lord is only revealed to those whom the Supreme Lord Himself chooses, remaining concealed from all those who are unqualified to know Him and worship Him. Only those who have enough accumulated merit and exclusive loving devotion developed to fullness in their hearts, are given the opportunity to witness His imperishable, transcendental spiritual form....which is His true divine swaroop. To all others deluded by the illusory potency of His Maya, only His human form is revealed. All the divine qualities and attributes as well as the sovereign powers and imperishable eternal potencies of the Supreme Lord remain intact and unchanged during His incarnation in the material world. The phenomenal effects produced by His Maya superimpose very powerful beguiling impressions on the minds of the unrighteous and unqualified so that they remain completely deluded and unaware of His divinity and remain oblivious to His paramount position as the Supreme Lord and ultimate creator and controller of all the worlds. Even though the Supreme Lord manifests in human form, His body is not constituted the same way as ordinary mortal bodies are. Eluding the consciousness of those beguiled by His Maya, He abides in the material plane in His eternal spiritual body which is not subject to any decay or modification whatsoever. It is not affected by disease and death the same way as human bodies are. It is sustained only by His own internal divine potency and is not under the control of material nature. Infact, material nature itself solely arises from Him alone and is completely subservient to Him, being the lower manifestation of his dual divine nature. The mortal bodies of all other embodied beings, on the other hand, are completely under the control of material nature and fully subject to the modifications brought about by ageing, disease, death and decay. These mortal bodies are merely inanimate corporeal objects that are animated, activated and energised by the life principle of the eternal soul or atma which is the pure spiritual essence of the Supreme Lord that abides in all sentient beings. The mortal bodies of all embodied beings are completely dependent on the Supreme Lord for their existence, sustenance and preservation. The Supreme Lord Himself chooses the time, place and duration of His incarnation. He also chooses the time of His departure from the material world. The Supreme Lord incarnates in every age, for the restoration of universal order and eternal righteousness when dharma becomes obscured in the world. The three modes of mind and natter or the three Gunas of material nature arise solely from Him but He remains verily above and beyond them......beingpletely transcendental to them. Yet, He accepts the pure goodness of Satva from the three Gunas of nature and incarnates out of extreme love and compassion for the ultimare welfare of His devotees. This was the primary reason that Guruji incarnated on the earth plane in this age of help His devotees to neutralise their lift His devotees out of the abyss of darkness, delusion and enlighten and liberate His devotees from the insurmountable forces of Maya whuch cannot be transcended without divine help. It is entirely impossible for any embodied being, bereft of divine grace, to liberate itself from the phenomenal world which is but a limitless ocean of transmigration. Guruji always said, Mein aaya si tuhade bharam door karan vaaste....tuhadi aatma nu shuddh karan vaaste.Mein aaya si tuhada kalyan karan vaaste hor moksha dilawan vaaste. Nahi te mein is kicchad vich kyun aanda. The Supreme Lord ordains and sanctions the degree of divine protection and refuge given to His devotees in accordance with their merit, virtue and devotion. He only elects to reveal Himself in the consciousness of His true devotees who have developed pure, single-minded and exclusive loving devotion for Him. No one can know Him without the bestowal of His grace. He remains perpetually veiled and concealed from those who are unrighteous and unqualified to worship Him. It is only the righteous and devout who, having already achieved the realisation of the soul, worship Him whole-heartedly as the exclusive goal of their existence. Thus being qualified to achieve the most elusive goal of God-realisation, they alone can attain eternal communion and permanent spiritual union with Him. JAI JAI GURUJI KALYAN KARO GURUJI I SURRENDER MY SOUL TO YOUR REDEEMING GRACE
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:17:48 +0000

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