>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 78 of 365 Topic: Dont Fake It Ref. - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 78 of 365 Topic: Dont Fake It Ref. Scripture: Exodus 19:18 In yesterdays piece, we saw that just as smoke is the evidence of fire, the character of Jesus is the evidence of the indwelling Spirit of God within us. Today, we are looking at the other side of the coin. While some claim to carry the fire without proof, there are others who are trying to fake the proofs without the presence of Fire. Many people are caught in the web of religion; they try to do on the outside what they have not been empowered to do on the inside. They try to please God but they are not connected to the power that makes it possible. It is like trying to create smoke without the presence of fire, or trying to create fruits from an unplanted tree. You cannot produce smoke, you can only generate it, and it takes the presence of fire to make that happen. As a teenager, I became uncomfortable with my kind of Christianity. Looking at me, you could say that I am a very good christian, but I knew that something was missing on the inside. I was just TRYING to create the smoke, there was no FIRE inside. I was going through the motions --- punctuality in church, Kingdom service, reading my bible --- but I still wasnt satisfied. I didnt settle for that kind of life and eventually God began to reveal Himself to me. Now, living it on the outside is very sweatless because there is a generating power on the inside. Friend, arent you just going through the motions? Arent you just trying to behave like a believer? Arent you struggling in your christian walk? Good news is, God doesnt want you to struggle and that is the reason He has made His Spirit available to power you up. Quit the struggle and ask for that infilling of His Spirit. When He is activated in you, He will make all the power you need to live as Christ lived on the earth available to you. Get connected!! Thought For The Day: God doesnt make requirement where He has not guaranteed empowerment. Meditate: Ephesians 1:17-20 Stay Blessed!! Oluwatobiloba 7BC14F59 || @kingdomturf
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:24:11 +0000

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