THE ADVENTURES OF SST THE DAY SST BECAME A FEDERAL MINISTER PART 9 After booking my flight, I rush in to have my shower. I was coming out when the phone lying on the bed started ringing. I saw it was Usman calling I rushed to pick. Usman is now back being a great friend! “Hi Usman, what’s up! How are you, man?” I hollow in a friendly manner. But there was a dead silence at the other end. “Usman?” I inquired to know if he was still at the other end. “SST, where did you move the cars to?” he asked in a cool and unfriendly way. So that was it! “Which cars, Usman?” I asked cautiously. “The cars I sent to your place of course!” he shouted impatiently! “Oh my cars? I sent them off my man!” I said. “No SST, that was rash, I sent my boys to get it back but it wasn’t there, there are still some fixtures we need to make on the cars, please where you take them to?” he was pleading now. “Oh Usman, you know these machines are rather too big for my status, I decided to sell them off!” I told him. “Oh my God! What did you say? Sell them off? But why SST, Why?!” he shouted. “Hey man, wait a minute! You gave me some cars in my name for old times sake, and I did what I wanted with them, what is wrong in that? Tell me?!” I shouted back. “Well…well” he started mellowing his tone “ is not like that SST, please we are friends, Please can you get them back?” I could hear his voice choking with emotions. “Get what back? That’s not possible now it is rather too late for that mister!” “Oh my God! SST, why? Please why did you do that to me?” he was talking alone now as far as my end was concerned. “Do what to you? I don’t understand what you mean” I said to him. “Sorry, I will call you later” I said to Usman “there is a call coming in now” I switched to the next caller. It was kabiru. “SST, I got the land deed here with me” he said. “Thanks Kabiru” “It was just announced some minutes ago, SST, the radio station made a rebuttal on your appointment news and has apologized for the mix up!” Kabiru told me. I could now see what was heating Usman’s temperature. I was no longer a federal minister designate. “That’s good Kabiru, I will soon be on my way, I hope the crowd by my house..” He interjected quickly with a laugh “Crowd? Which crowd SST! The place is empty now, when I returned from alhaji’s place I met the place empty like a grave yard, you won’t know it was the same place I had a hard time finding space coming out to the road” That’s better! “Thanks Kabiru, my flight is coming in the next hour, meet me at the airport” I said with a touch of man of authority. “I don’t understand SST” He sounded curious “ you mean Blueland Buses Flight…” I cut in angrily. Kabiru should learn to start giving me some respect now. “Flight man! I mean plane, meet me at the airport in an hour’s time, I got to get ready now bye!” and I cut the call. I started putting my things into my bag and was about to close the bag when the phone started ringing. The number looked foreign but familiar. A cold voice answered as soon as I picked the phone “Hello?” I inquired “SST, it is Dickson” he replied dryly. I scratched my head. “Dickson?’ I asked slowly “Yes of course Dickson,I call you about our old school days, don’t you remember again!” he said hotly. Yes, I do, but the voice sounded a little different now, a little hostile to the last jovial voice I heard. “Oh yes Dickson, man, sorry I was about calling you to thank you for the money..” I started in a cute nice voice. He came back quickly and with more hostility now. “Hey man! Wait! What was that about you cashing that dough! I call your bank manager and he said the money has been cashed!” he sounded like one having a heart seizure. “Oh yeah? And what about it? I thought you sent it to me! What do you want me to do with it? Keep it as a souvenir at the bank!?” I shouted back at my old school buddy! He came back a little apologetic and solicitous. “Oh, sorry SST for talking to you like that, but there was a little confusion, that money was not supposed to go to your account now…I mean it was to come in euro..and” he was running from one talk to another. I put up a huge smile. “No problem with me man, I welcomed it in any currency” I said to him “as long as I can spend it. And I have great news for you, I just did that!” I announced happily. I could hear him gasping for breath at the other end. “Oh my God! Why SST?! Spend what! 15000 dollars, just like that! That’s not fair man! Look this cannot be…” he was shouting hysterically like a mad man. I don’t see how that will get him anywhere with me. It will take more than one mad man to bring me back to pre 2 million naira level now! I have had enough. I need to catch my flight. But he was still talking “you still have that your nasty habit that I know you at school of always being in a hurry man? But why?!” he shouted in pains. What? So there was a bad habit of mine that he could still recall from our days in school? The last time we spoke I thought all he could remember was how sweet and great I was back at school. Well, situations kind of open people’s memory! I had to find a way to shake him off my back; old school buddy or whatever! “Sorry man I will call you later, my flight is about to take off” I told him hastily. “Hey wait! SST!” he was shouting. That was the last I heard from him as I cut the call and picked my bag. I was to the door when I remember who I was now and quickly moved back to the bed and rang room service. I should not be carrying my bag by myself. I could afford a porter’s tip now, after all I was a federal minister of petroleum some hours ago!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 07:25:09 +0000

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