THE ALL PROGRESSIVES CONGRESS 2015 CONSPIRACY The All Progressives Congress has loyalists in the security agencies who are Fifth Columnists out to embarrass the Federal Government. It is not unusual for governments around the world to contract arms dealers to buy military equipment for them. They do this to try and erase any paper trail of very sensitive transactions which they would like to keep secret. Nigerias Federal Government has been using such agents in its arms purchases for decades. I dare Gen. Muhammadu Buhari to disclose how his government purchased arms and ammunnitions while he was the Head of State. What went wrong this time? Well, the Fifth Columnists who are loyal to the All Progressives Congress used the opportunity that the latest transaction provided to leak the information to their loyalists in the Nigerian press and the South African authorities. The Federal Government has already publicly affirmed that the $9.3million which was taken out in cash by the Israeli and Nigeria arms dealers belonged to it and that the transaction they were going to do was at its instance. This should have put paid to the satanic accusations against Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor. But no; the APC must feed fat on it! I believe that the Fifth Columnists among those in the security agencies who were in the know about the legitimate arms procurement contract also decided that, for maximum damage, they should hire Pastor Ayo Oritsejafors private jet which they knew was available for hire through the aircraft charter company which operates it. This they did to give credence to the lie which Nasir El Rufai has been peddling that Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor is the Leader of the Christian Boko Haram. I will not say much about Nasir El Rufai. The judgment of God is already upon him. I hope he repents. The APC Agenda is to try and discredit Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor in the vain hope of dividing the Christian Body in Nigeria. Its leaders believe that the vote of Christians would decide the 2015 Presidential Election and they are afraid that a united Christian Association of Nigeria under the leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor would help garner support for President Goodluck Jonathan, especially among northern Christians. The fear is so grave that the leaders have also decided that Prof. Yemi Osinbajo would be the running-mate of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari. Their calculation is that since Prof. Yemi Osinbajo is a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, they would get the support of Pastor Enoch Adeboye for their Presidential ticket. I understand that APC is banking on the hope that the arrangement would get Gen. Buhari at least four million captive votes from the members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. LOL! ALL GENUINE CHRISTIANS MUST BE ALERT TO THIS CONSPIRACY TO TARNISH THE IMAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA AND RESIST IT. WE MUST SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WHY WOULD ISLAMISTS LIKE NASIR EL RUFAI RESPECT THE SULTAN OF SOKOTO, THE LEADER OF MUSLIMS IN NIGERIA, AND BLATANTLY RIDICULE THE LEADER OF CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA? NO!! WE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE IT!! And here is a warning to the Christians who would rather crucify Jesus Christ a second time because of mammon, sectional interest, tribal loyalty and partisanship: REMEMBER THE END OF JUDAS ISCARIOT!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:06:02 +0000

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