THE AMERICAN HOLOCAUST - More than 2,600 people were killed by - TopicsExpress


THE AMERICAN HOLOCAUST - More than 2,600 people were killed by the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers on 9-11. A sophisticated and very powerful form of super-thermite was found in the dust of the destroyed towers. The flame temperature of such super-thermite composites is about 4,000 degrees C. (7,232 degrees F.) “BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM” There are a few observations that need to be made about any given atrocity in order to determine who is behind it. By asking a few questions we can quickly identify if the crime is of Zionist origin. Does it make sense in the real world? The first clue that we may be dealing with a Zionist false-flag atrocity is that such crimes usually do not make sense. The official version of 9-11, for example, that blames Osama Bin Laden and Arab Muslims, makes no sense because it resulted in the disastrous U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Arab and Islamic nations. Such a response was entirely predictable, so why would Arab Muslims do something that would bring such harm to their own people? Likewise, the hasty U.S. government and media explanation that pro-Russian rebels shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine makes no sense. Why would the rebels, who are fighting against the junta in Kiev, shoot down a Malaysian passenger plane? It simply makes no sense. In false-flag operations the blame is usually quickly assigned to “the villain” before there is any investigation of the evidence. This is because the real purpose of a false-flag operation is to fix the blame on a targeted foe for a crime they did not commit. The people assigning the blame are most likely associated with the crime. Does it advance the Zionist agenda? The next question about such a crime is: Who benefits? Cui bono? Whose agenda is advanced by the atrocity? Does it serve the interests of the state of Israel or the financial empire of the House of Rothschild? The false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 started a fraudulent “War on Terror”, which greatly increased the indebtedness of the United States. This massive debt benefits the ‘banksters’ and the House of Rothschild. The U.S. defense budget doubled in the wake of 9-11, military spending which has greatly enriched defense contractors at the expense of the American people and the republic. The crisis in Ukraine and the downing of MH17 have both been used to foment hostility against Russia. Who benefits from a new Cold War with Russia? Defense spending has also increased in NATO member states, by U.S. diktat, to 2 percent of every member nation’s GDP. Who benefits from increased tension with Russia? Who benefits from ousting the elected government of Ukraine and replacing it with a gang of Zionist thugs and oligarchs? Is the atrocity being reported fairly, completely, and accurately by the media? No? A negative answer to this question is one of the clearest indications that we are dealing with a false-flag operation. In the case of 9-11 it was clear from the very beginning that the media was not reporting the whole truth. Eyewitness accounts of explosions, for example, were quickly omitted from the media discussion of the events of 9-11. Journalists, such as Stephen Evans of the BBC, who initially reported witnessing “a series of explosions” at the South Tower on 9-11, soon stopped talking about the things they had seen and heard before the towers fell. In an obvious effort to protect the false narrative, the controlled media in the United States has avoided any discussion of the scientific evidence that disproves the official myth of 9-11. The evidence of a highly explosive form of super-thermite found in the dust of the demolished towers, for example, a crucial discovery that was presented in a peer-reviewed paper published in a scientific journal in 2009, has not been investigated or discussed by any mainstream media outlet in the five years since it was published. There can be no explanation other than outright censorship by the owners of the media for such one-sided and incomplete coverage of 9-11. - See more at: bollyn/#article_14832
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:04:30 +0000

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