THE AMERICAN MILITARY OCCUPATION OF AFGHANISTAN DOES NOTHING TO IMPROVE WOMENS RIGHTS-------THAT IS A FALSE EXCUSE AND SCARE TACTIC THAT SERVES AS A JUSTIFICATION FOR A USELESS WAR IN AFGHANISTAN. Afghanistan’s struggle for women’s rights did not begin with the arrival of troops, nor will it end upon their withdrawal Military withdrawal and the departure of international forces have been framed as a nightmare scenario for women’s rights by different groups inside and outside Afghanistan. However, the ironic fact about the much vaunted withdrawal is that so far, at least, there is no concrete proposal that operationalises a scenario of full withdrawal by 2014 - or what is known as the “zero option”. The “zero option” is repeatedly deployed as a form of pressure or implied threat to the government of Afghanistan to facilitate the signing of the bilateral strategic agreement (BSA). The telephone conversation between Obama and Karzai on February 25th 2014 is not an exception in this context. As events have developed, NATO representatives have met and in a carefully diplomatic fashion have stated: Today we agreed the need to plan for all possible outcomes including the possibility that we may not be able to deploy to Afghanistan after 2014 due to the persistent delays we have seen. What is happening, I believe, is more closely related to the political bargaining over matters that concern the future of the government of Afghanistan, the role of president Karzai versus that of internationals in fashioning the upcoming presidential elections, and mediating a “peace process” or bringing the Taliban into direct contact as well as negotiations with the government.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:47:44 +0000

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