THE AMERICANS HAVE LITTLE FAITH! THEY RELY ON THE POWER OF THE DOLLAR! RALPH WALDO EMERSON! And the american church for the most part! keeps its members in bondage to legalistic giving! by that enemy of faith! CALLED THE TITHE! Check it out! Jesus purchased us the victory from guilt and debt of anykind! by His finished work on the cross? He has made us COMPLETE IN HIM? And your gonna sit there and tell me! After the good news of the Gospel has set the captives free! That God!s gonna then say: By the way gang I love you unconditionally! BUT YOU OWE ME 10 PER CENT OF ALL YOUR DOUGH! That just doesn!t fit with the grace and truth of Jesus! But the clergy keeps you under this law! because their not walking in faith! and the fearfull sheep are afraid their tires will all blow out, or they!ll lose thier jobs! IF THEY DON!T TITHE! If you think tithing is a new testament teaching! Then your head is in a dark place! Get out of the old covenant! come into the age of GRACE! where you don!t have TO GIVE TO GET? But where you just APPLY FAITH TO GET??? Yes O clergy in the land! STOP STEALING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! Get rid of the TITHE! And start living and teaching FAITH!! Norman Cutler NOTHING BUT MY FAITH I BRING! AND ONLY TO THE CROSS I CLING??????????????
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:43:29 +0000

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