THE ANGEL OF DEATH SHALL COME FOR YOU!!!!!!....PART FIVE As Jibrail(AS) says in the narration that,they will come in the grave and their description is, The Eye Flesh Like The Flesh Of Lighting!! Their Voice Rumble Like Thunder!!,The Cyanine Teeth Looks Like The Bulls Horn and When They Speak, Fire Comes Out!!!, and They Have a Hammar With Them so Heavy that if every single person got together on this earth and tried Moving an inch of this Hammer,They will not be able to.This Angels will come to this person(kafir,Munafiq,) in such a Manner that the person in the grave, HIS BODY WILL BEGIN TO SHAKE,HIS BONE WILL CRACKLE!,HIS LIMBS WILL MOVE FROM ITS PLACES!!, AND HE WILL FEINT!! yet again the Angels will Approach him/her in such a manner that they will make HIM/HER SEAT AGAIN!!! and say to him/her YOU HAVE LEFT THE WORLD!! still his/her body will be to shaking,his/her bone will crackle,his/her limbs will move from it places and he/she will fall again!!, The the Angels will make him seat again and they will tell him/her YOU HAVE LEFT THE WORLD AND YOU HAVE COME TO YOUR TEMPORARY STATION!!!, ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS!!!, TELL US, WHO IS YOUR ALLAH?? THIS PERSON WILL SAY,I DO NOT KNOW why???, because he/she lived a life of Disobedience!!,Sinning!! Chilling out,Cruising around with the Boy/Girl friend!!, Not making salat!!,He/she had NO TIME for Allah!!!, The Angles will Pose the second Question, WHAT IS UR DEEN(RELIGION)????? yet again, he/she will say I dont know!!...why???, beacuse he/she lived a life of Disobedience and Sinning,Rebellious life......The third Question will be fired by the Angels, WHO WAS THIS MAN WHO WAS SENT AMONGST YOU????? he /she will still say,i dont know!!!! why??? because his/her role models were R2bs,Usher,Chris Brown,Jay z,Some Shirk Shaykh, Some Artist, some Rich man,not the Sunnah of Nabi Karim(saw) will continue later.........
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:19:35 +0000

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