THE ANGEL OF EARTH We invoke the Abundant Earth! That possesseth - TopicsExpress


THE ANGEL OF EARTH We invoke the Abundant Earth! That possesseth Health and Happiness And is more powerful Than all its Creatures. This wide earth do we praise, Expanded far with paths, The productive, the full-bearing, Thy mother, holy plant! We praise the lands where thou dost grow, Sweet scented, swiftly spreading, The good growth of the Earthly Mother. We praise the good, the strong, the beneficent Angel of Earth, Who doth rejoice in the dew of heaven, The fatness of the earth, And the abundant harvest Of corn and grapes. We praise the high mountains, Rich in pastures and in waters, Upon which run the many streams and rivers. We praise the holy plants of the Angel of Earth, Which grow up from the ground, To nourish animals and men, To nourish the Children of Light. The earth is the strong Preserver, The holy Preserver, the Maintainer! We praise the strength and vigor Of the powerful Preserver, the earth, Created by the Heavenly Father! We praise the healers of the earth, They who know the secrets of the herbs and plants; To the healers hath the Angel of Earth Revealed her ancient knowledge. The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, And he that is wise shall use them. Was not the water made sweet with wood, That the virtue thereof might be known? And to certain of the brothers he hath given skill, That the Law Thigh t be honored and fulfilled. With such do they heal men, And taketh away their pains, And of their works there is no end; And from them is peace over all the earth. Then give place to the healers, and honor them, For the Heavenly Father hath created them: Let them not go from thee, for thou hast need of them. We praise the tillers of the soil, Who work together in the Garden of the Brotherhood, In the fields which the Lord hath blessed: He who would till the earth, With the left arm and with the right, Unto him will she bring forth plenty of fruit, And wholesome green plants and golden grain. Sweetness and fatness will flow out from that land And from those fields, Along with health and healing, With fulness and increase and plenty. He who sows corn, grass and fruit Soweth the Holy Law: He maketh the Law of the Creator to progress. When all the earth shall be a garden, Then shall all the bodily world become free From old age and death, from corruption and rot, Forever and forever. Mercy and truth shall be met together, Righteousness and peace shall kiss each other, Truth shall spring out of the earth, And glory shall dwell in our l
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 05:51:24 +0000

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