THE ANTELOPE VALLEY FAIR ALWAYS SEEMS TO HAVE ONE UNCLE TOM ON BOARD TO DO ITS DIRTY WORK - KEEP IT REAL January 25, 2015 at 4:38pm An Antelope Valley Fair (Lancaster, California) employee tried to demean and degrade me over a public comment I had shared including the sharing of LEGAL, STATE STAMPED documents from the STATE OF CALIFORNIA concerning the ownership of the Quartz Hill Community Pageant. His name..... HOWARD HARRIS...... his action was OUT OF LINE according to Roberts Rules of Order, the standard procedures of a board listening to a public comment, and was nothing but a ploy to let the opposing group....DEFENDANTS QUARTZ HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND QUARTZ HILL WOMENS CLUB have a hint THAT HE WAS ON THEIR SIDE OF AN ISSUE. I just happen to support one of the plaintiffs Virginia Beaver who has been harassed, tormented, belittled, and degraded for running an exceptional scholarship pageant of over 8 years. Shes been its CEO and everything else until some greedy, egotistical types decided they wanted the reigns. The latter brag about how they have secret contacts on the Antelope Valley Fair Board who will help them and I guess Harris kind of outed himself and his alliances. It also is ironic that the STATE STAMPED SERVICE MARK BELONGING TO THE PRO SE MOM SAYS she is to PROTECT HER MARK. So I guess eventually the State will have to step in because the DEFENDANTS are basically indirectly fighting the STATE OF CALIFORNIA as well. Oh how stupid we are on the ANTELOPE VALLEY PLANTATION and I will reserve my right to make a formal complaint to the State of California about this inside deal making when I see what Rob Parris of the law firm of R. Rex Parris, Marvin Crist, Lancaster City Council member who chaired the 1pm meeting I attended, and others I complained to handle this persons lack of knowledge on how to run a board or how to legally call for votes. Not to mention how to be objective in dealing with this critical legal battle. Harris is a PUBLIC FIGURE IN THAT HE SITS ON A BOARD, MADE HIS VIEWS PUBLICLY KNOWN, AND MEETS THE CRITERIA FOR BEING SPOKEN ABOUT AS A PUBLIC FIGURE. Just for the record, I have a document that shows this isnt the first complaint made about the Antelope Valley Fair Board, its organization, how its run in an incestuous way with cronyism reigning supreme. We are talking about a multi, multi million dollar operation. The state knows and one of the people who made that complaint is a Black male Board Member named DARREN PARKER who the powers that be over there are trying to get rid of. You see, they thought he was their Uncle Tom until he got fed up with genuflecting and reported them to the state. What a wonderful complaint letter he wrote. Maybe I should post it next time. WOW! After such nonsense, he should be removed from that panel to make a decision about what groups qualify for the Antelope Valley Fair Board pageant because the gamesmanship going on by the Antelope Valley Fair Board is indicative of the corruption and back room games that are pervasive in every aspect and entity of this community. You name a group from the school districts to the hospital board to the Michael Antonovich courthouse and Ill tell you who is the Uncle Tom, what the dirty deals are, and how the taxpayer has been robbed. So now we are down to pissing on a pageant and ruining the hopes and dreams of young girls. It never stops here. It just gets worse. I have been writing a lot about the Quartz Hill, California queen lawsuit and trying to educate everyone on a global basis that these seemingly small issues are indicative of the greater evil in our society of elitism, manipulation, deal making, and corruption. Some of you may say ...oh its just about a pageant... and I would have to ask you to THINK. It is not about control of a pageant at all. It is about how people with money and position namely the Quartz Hill Chamber of Commerce, Quartz Hill Womens Club and other defendants believe they can manipulate a system and literally steal a pageant away from some Pro Se middle class folks just because they have money to secure the services of a law firm named CHARLTON WEEKS. Now maybe we need to go back and look at some of CHARLTON WEEKS other cases and mode of doing legal work because even when this case was temporarily transferred to FEDERAL COURT by BRADLEY WEEKS ESQUIRE the federal judge kicked his firm to the curb and mocked WEEKS for his shenanigans in a court order. The Antelope Valley Fair Board is suppose to decide what community pageant queens will participate in their mega queen fest I will call it. They asked groups to submit packets and ruled out Chamber queens as being eligible. But the Quartz Hill Chamber of Commerce and Womens Club who are defendants in a local suit concerning this matter are running around town dropping names of AV Board members are going to destroy the other pageant basically and let them in even though they possess ABSOLUTELY NO LEGAL DOCUMENTS per the FEDERAL COURT DECISION THAT WAS WRITTEN AND REMANDED THE CASE BACK TO SUPERIOR COURT. So I did my patriotic duty. I dont go out much but I went before one of the major boards at 1pm the other day and stated my case, showed how I had contributed in previous years when I had a business about $4,000 in funds to the Pro Se mom group that has run this pageant for at least the last 9 years in total control of EVERYTHING, and presented the legal documents that showed the Pro Se mom owned the State of California Service Mark, the DBA, the Federal Judgess decision about how the law firm of CHARLTON WEEKS was disingenuous in their attempt to drag the case into FEDERAL COURT and how the FEDERAL COURT basically supported the Pro Se mom. I was kind, professional, informative and presented FACTS. Well there was a 5pm meeting that I could not attend because of health reasons. One of the members of the major board from the 1pm meeting named Sandy Smith graciously shared that under PUBLIC COMMENTS.... Diana Beard-Williams had said what I noted to you and was in support of the Pro Se moms. Tell me please, when does a board take a vote on the PUBLIC COMMENTS OF SOMEONE OR ATTEMPT TO DEMEAN THEM. a BOARD LISTENS, KEEPS ITS MOUTH SHUT AND MOVES ON. They even tell you when you make a public comment that its not going to be acted on. But no, every group in this Plantation known as the Antelope Valley seems to have one Uncle Tom who must be used to try to bring down another Black person here. A member of that second board asked for a vote on did anything Diana Beard Williams say influence your vote. Several people including the Fair Manager Dan Jacobs who had to be given a TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER BY THE COURTS to let the Pro Se moms queen compete in the megal pageant and even then wasnt going to do it until the A.V. Fair Boards legal counsel intervened.....he was such a negative force to them....and dares to shout out no. Each one said no. One, why was a vote taken about a public comment and two, legal documents mean nothing to you? Folks, a woman named VIRGINIA BEAVER owns that pageant through the control of the pro se mom who owns the State of California service marks. CHARLTON WEEKS IS JUST TAKING MONEY FROM A BUNCH OF FOOLS who feel, act, and have always acted like they are above the law. And in this community they are. I am telling you.....dont live here. Its not the place for Black folks, middle class folks, low income families, or people who refuse to genuflect. Now the joke is that they just had finished saying they hadnt had time to look at the packets of the various pageants and couldnt make a decision that night. So what did they know their votes were going to be? On top of it, why were they so afraid that Diana Beard-Williams appearing to speak and say how much money she had contributed to the Pro Se moms and had never dealt with the chamber or womens club require the Uncle tom to try to demean Diana Beard-Williams evidence and comments? What do I think? The Antelope Valley Fair Board is afraid. Some members of that board were prepared to steal the fair from the pro se som and hand it over to their friends and allies at the Quartz Hill Chamber of Commerce and Womens Club and the legal documents Diana Beard-Williams showed indicated......the STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECOGNIZES THE OWNER OF THOSE PAGEANT TITLES AS BELONGING TO THE PRO SE MOM. OOPS.......And to make people think Diana Beard-Williams didnt know what she was talking about....well they used the weapon that is always used in the Antelope Valley to try to degrade an intelligent, astute, well informed and politically savvy BLACK WOMAN IS A MALE BLACK TO DO THEIR DIRTY WORK. The only problem is.......I dont give a darn. And I dont give a darn about KAMALA HARRIS, Californias Attorney General, who is Black woman talking about running for U.S. Senate who hasnt down a darn thing to fix the corruption in this valley known as the Antelope Valley plantation. She thinks being female, Black, attractive, intelligent but having her head in the sand makes her worthy of being a U.S. senator. Think again Kamala....ITS BETTER TO HAVE A BIGOT IN THAT SEAT THEN A BLACK PERSON WHO DOESNT GET UP OFF HER KNEES. The young man who played the role of the minion and the puppet is one of the only BLACK MALE EMPLOYEES working for the Antelope Valley Fair Board. And when I spoke to the state about what he did, the state wanted me to fill out a complaint but why complain. CORRUPTION IS SO ENTRENCHED IN THIS VALLEY and probably in your communities as well and the only thing we need to do is wait for KARMA TO FINALLY TAKE ITS COURSE. I tell anyone who is going to move to Lancaster or Palmdale, California...STOP. If you are BLACK, LOW INCOME, OR NOT CAPABLE OF GENUFLECTING......ITS NOT WORTH BUYING AN INEXPENSIVE HOME TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN IN THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, CHILD ABUSE, RACIAL ABUSE UNCLE TOM CAPITAL OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. What the UNCLE TOM DID was send a message out to the Quartz Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Quartz Hill Womans Club that dont worry, those legal documents Diana Beard-Williams handed us may slow down the vote but we will get you into the major pageant some kind of way. Ive been a political strategist since the 1970s beginning with the Marion Berry campaign in Washington, DC and the two Mayoral campaigns in the Antelope Valley. I know coded speech and double talk and as a Black woman I know how they see the Black men in this valley.....UNCLE TOMS.....doing anything for a crumb or two from the masters table. Been in the back room, heard the conversations, and thats why my health is affected today because when I tried to help my Black brothers they wouldnt get up off their knees. Sure, visit the Antelope Valley Fair but get the hell out of here afterward. Its not the kind of living environment to raise your family if you care about issues matter like equality, transparency in government, protection of school district taxpayer funds, being fairly treated by the courts and the justice system. In all truth, I see this valley as a timebomb waiting to explode while the government sits back and lets the high class parasites keep sucking the money and life out of the middle class and low income residents. Oh so many skeletons in so many closets involving racism and millions and millions of dollars and KAMALA HARRIS who has the nerve to run for U.S. Senator hasnt done a damn thing. I guess she thinks being a Democrat and being BLACK and being a WOMAN should just get her over. Thats just another joke where UNCLE TOMS think other Blacks are too dumb to get the game even though we let it keep happening. By the way, how much money has the Uncle Tom contributed? Dust off your knees my friend and get up. BRADLEY WEEKS, TAKING ON THE PRO SE MOMS...GOT LAUGHED OUT OF FEDERAL COURT BY THE JUDGE FOR HIS NONSENSE FILING. NOW HES BACK IN SUPERIOR COURT HOPING TO BE FAVORED. BUT HIS FIRM HAS DONE SOME DIRT TO WIN BUT WHATS NEW?
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:38:05 +0000

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