THE ANTICHRIST Unveiled by Richard Bennett The historical - TopicsExpress


THE ANTICHRIST Unveiled by Richard Bennett The historical origins of the Antichrist 14 Throughout history, circumstances concerning the coming and character of Christ have corresponded so brilliantly to prophecy that in the past the Lord’s people praised His name for it. Likewise, the Lord’s flock thanked Him for clearly depicting the Antichrist. The Lord Himself confirmed the understanding that there would be a specific fulfillment in the Antichrist’s role when He stated, “for the ruler of this world is coming.” 15 Similarly Christ Jesus said, “I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” 16 John the Beloved, following in the Master’s footsteps, states emphatically, “ye have heard that antichrist shall come...” 17 John confirms that while there were contemporary opponents of Christ (many antichrists), these forces of opposition would eventually center in one entity. Contrary to flawed popular belief, the popes are not the successors to the Apostle Peter. They are, however, the successors to the Roman Emperor. History shows that the title of “Supreme High Priest” was officially bestowed on the bishop of the church at Rome by the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century. 18 Therefore, the office of “supreme high priest” of the Roman Catholic Church, perpetuated now for nearly 1,500 years, came from an apostate secular source, whereas the Bible proclaims one Supreme High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ appointed by God. The pagan Emperor Justinian also bestowed on the bishop of the church at Rome the universal oversight of the entire Christian world. That was when the bishop of the church at Rome became known as the Pope, arising as Spiritual Head of the pagan Roman Empire. The authority of this historical fact alone ought to be seen as clearly designating the Antichrist.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:40:00 +0000

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