“THE APOSTLE PAUL SAYS; “THE LAST TRUMPET WILL SOUND, THE DEAD WILL BE RAISED IMPERISHABLE” (1Co 15:51, 52). WHETHER THIS LAST TRUMPET REPRESENTS THE 7th TRUMPET SAID IN (Rev 11:15)? (PART-1) Yes, this last trumpet mentioned here is the 7th trumpet. The ‘Last trumpet’ said in (1Co 15:51) is mentioned as the trumpet of God narrated in (1The 4:16). John, the saint points out, “In the days when the 7th angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished” (Rev 10:6) and further narrates the role of the seventh Angel, “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said; the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Rev 11:15). The seven trumpets said in chapters 8 to 11 in the book of revelation are the trumpets of seven angels that bring seven types of judgments on those Jews and others who did not repent during the period of great tribulation, the second part of tribulation period. “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God and to them were given seven trumpet” (Rev 8:1, 2). The seventh seal is the last one and very important one than all others. The seventh seal is opened at the beginning of the second part of seven years period. The direct judgment from God starts from here only on Antichrist, false prophet and the inhabitants of the earth who will try to establish the one world government. Both Antichrist and false prophet will treat cruelly the remaining Christians. The church established world wide will be judged with the antichrist and his government. The judgment of God will be delivered one by one in seven stages. Each judgment will begin with every trumpet call. The war at ARMAGEDDON will be the end stage of all judgments. “Both Antichrist and false prophet will be thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (Rev 19:20). This judgment in seven stages will be equal to ten plagues sent one by one on Egypt. The gravity of the seven stages of the judgments sent in the second part of the seven years period of tribulation will be severe one by one. But it may be towards redemption. Because God likes his creations not to decay but to come to him. 1. What is the meaning of Trumpet? According to the words of God, The word ‘Trumpet’ gives many meanings: (i) It is used to call the whole community to assemble at the entrance of the tent of meeting (Num 10:3). (ii) It is used by the watch man to warn the people on seeing the sword coming against the land (Eze 33:1-6). (iii) It is used to sound a blast to assemble the army in the war time (Num 10:9). (iv) It is used to sound at the time of rejoicing (Num 10:10). Seven trumpets will be sounded to warn about the judgments to come from God, on those disobedient people during the second part of the tribulation period. The seven angles will blow the seven trumpets one by one to announce every judgment that comes from God; only for the people to repent and come to God. But they would harden their hearts as Pharaoh did all the times. The seventh trumpet is the last trumpet sounded at the end of 7years rule by Antichrist. (1Co 15:51). That seventh trumpet is the trumpet of God and the trumpet of Archangel. (1The 4:16). The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, then the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of our Lord and of Christ (anointed saints). (Rev 11:15). When the seventh Angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished (The secrecy of Lords coming) (1Co 15:51), and the Holy New Jerusalem Bride Church of God will be taken up together and will be with the Lord for ever (1Th 4:17). In Christ’s Service Chief Apostle. I. ASIRVATHAM Holy New Jerusalem Bride Church India. FOR ANY PRAYER REQUEST OR DOUBTS AND CLARIFICATION, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL US WITHOUT FAIL. MY MAIL ADDRESS:- APOSTLE I.ASIRVATHAM “HOLY NEW JERUSALEM BRIDE CHURCH” 181/1, Bethel home, Thiyagaraya Nagar, Ganthigram-PO, Dindugul-624 306, Tamil Nadu, South India, INDIA. Phone: 0451-2452162, mobile: 00 91 9443464957. For any queries, please E-mail us without fail Email: [email protected] Facebook: facebook/HolyNewJerusalemBrideChurch Twitter: twitter/AsirvathamHnjbc Google+: https://plus.google/111855408589381836868/posts?hl=en&partnerid=gplp0 Pinterest: pinterest/apostleasirvath/pins/
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 01:34:45 +0000

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