THE ARK OF GOD DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: HOW SHOULD A CHRISTIAN GIVE TO THE NEEDY? (PART 2) Sub topic: Plan to give TEXT: Proverbs 20:18 According to the concise Oxford dictionary (10th edition), planning could be defined as making advance preparation for an anticipated event. In the beginning, the Lord God had in mind to create man who would dominate over all creation. However, God did not just rush to create mankind. This is because other things needed to come first in order to make life comfortable for him (man). Thus, God planned to create the world and then form man by following these steps: Day 1: God created day and night. Day 2: He created the sky. Day 3: He created the seas and the land, and then commanded the land to produce vegetation like fruit-bearing plants. Day 4: He made the sun, the moon and the stars. Day 5: The Lord made the birds and the fishes and then released them into the air and the water bodies respectively. Day 6: The last event was the creation of ; livestock, wild animals, and the like, to inhabit the dry land, and afterwards, God created man. Day 7: God finally rested from all His creation. Beloved, if God had jumped these steps to first of all make man, life would have been very difficult for him (man). Thus, God expects us to copy His example by making planning part of our daily lives. For instance, many wars have ended up in defeat and some companies have encountered bankruptcy as a result of poor planning, meanwhile, these unfortunate situations could have been avoided. In short, it is as essential as your desire to read the word of God, pray and rely on the Lord for answers. Therefore, the need to plan when a person wants to give to the needy cannot be overlooked. My dear, the Bible says that: “make plans by seeking advice; if you wage war, obtain guidance.” (NIV) Proverbs 20:18. Thus, I would like to share some of these useful tips on planning with you. How do you plan to give? 1. You may set aside monies from your regular monthly income. For example, you could save just 3% of your monthly salary to be given to the needy. 2. You may also buy a piggy box and then put some coins into it till the end of the year, so that you don’t end up spending the money you intend giving to the needy. 3. You may as well do some extra job or work overtime just to make enough money and give to the needy. 4. Try to spend less on snacks and limit your outings (which call for much spending) so as to save money and give to the needy. 5. Live each day of your life, praying to God for guidance and counseling on how to manage your finances well so as to give continually to the needy. Beloved, the God who sees through the heart of every man would certainly bless your life, if you choose to wipe the tear of a needy person through the act of giving. Thus, kindly endeavour to endure every challenge which may come your way whilst making good plans to give to the needy. SALVATION PRAYER Oh Jesus, thank you for the word. I accept sinning against you and ask that you forgive me through the cleansing of my soul with your precious blood. I accept you into my life as my Lord and personal saviour. Write my name in book of life, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. HEALING AND DELIVERANCE PRAYER Lord Jesus, your word says: …by his [your] wounds we are healed” Isaiah 53:5. I believe your word and ask for healing and deliverance from any sickness, disease or spiritual oppression. I command healing and deliverance to take place right now in my body, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. God bless you. LET ALL THE HONOUR BE GIVEN TO JEHOVAH JIREH (THE LORD MY PROVIDER).
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:35:49 +0000

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