THE ARK OF GOD DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: HOW SHOULD A CHRISTIAN PRAY? TEXT: Matthew 6:9-13 INTRODUCTION In the Bible, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. This was to make it possible for them to stay connected with God, so as to receive the Holy Spirit which was revealed after Christ ascended into heaven. Christ took the trouble to explain how his disciples (the born again) ought to pray, this tells us that not all prayers are answered by God. Christ discouraged His followers from praying publicly when they have the mindset of being seen and honoured by men. Jesus instructed the disciples to pray in secret so that the LORD who sees hidden things might reward them. HOW SHOULD A CHRISTIAN PRAY? 1. Bless God. This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,” (NIV) Matt. 6:9. You can bless God by praising or worshiping His Holy name. For this reason, Psalm 69:30 says:”I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” Blessing God through praises is very powerful, and can bring about quick results. For example, Paul and Silas prayed and blessed God whilst in prison and this act caused an earthquake which tore the prison doors apart, and loosened the chains around their feet. (Acts 16:23-26) 2. Pray for the will of God to be established on earth. “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (NIV) Matt. 6:10 The will of God promises us peace without sorrow, although following it may be challenging, an assurance of living a fulfilled life is promised in the end. 3. Pray for your daily provision. “Give us today our daily bread.” (NIV) Matt. 6:11 Bread is a symbol of a life sustainer. Without food man would certainly die, thus, Jesus wants to tell us that He is capable of providing for our physical needs if only we ask. Notwithstanding the need to crave for physical needs, as Christians we need to also feed our spirit so as to grow spiritually strong, thus, we ought to pray for clear understanding of God’s word in order to apply it in our daily lives. 4. Ask for forgiveness of sins. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (NIV) Matt. 6:12 Christ wants to teach us to forgive those who sin against us so that He (Jesus) may also have mercy and take away our sins. 5. Pray against temptation. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (NIV) Matt. 6:13 The Bible says that God does not tempt us but our own desires do so, thus, the prayer in Matt. 6:13 is said to rebuke the devil from planning our downfall whilst remaining vigilant as well. SALVATION PRAYER Oh Jesus, thank you for the word. I accept sinning against you and ask that you forgive me through the cleansing of my soul with your precious blood. I accept you into my life as my Lord and personal saviour. Write my name in book of life, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. HEALING AND DELIVERANCE PRAYER Lord Jesus, your word says: …by his [your] wounds we are healed” Isaiah 53:5. I believe your word and ask for healing and deliverance from any sickness, disease or spiritual oppression. I command healing and deliverance to take place right now in my body, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. God bless you. LET ALL THE HONOUR BE GIVEN TO JEHOVAH SABAOTH (THE LORD OF HOST).
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:38:09 +0000

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