THE ARROW FUNDS HOLIDAY MIRACLE ! STEVIE ! GUESS WHO CAN SIT, STAND , WALK ,AND BARK NOW ? THE ARROW FUND WOULD LIKE TO WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HANUKKAH TO OUR SUPPORTERS ! WE ARE BLESSED WITH THIS HAPPY UPDATE ! STEVIE- THE 7 LB -7WEEK OLD PUP WITH FRACTURED SKULL STEVIE HAD A LENGTHY SURGERY INVOLVING HIS BRAIN AND AN ABSCESS DUE TO A FRACTURED SKULL. HE IS NOW 8 DAYS POST OP. The exciting news is that his surgeon was able to close the wound and now the surgery site is closed ! No more exposed brain . Stevie now can sit up, stand, walk, and bark. This truly is a miracle ! When Stevie came to us in the condition he was in. His chances to survive were very low . So Stevie really is our Holiday Miracle ! Please think of making a donation to The Arrow Fund this Holiday Season so that we may help the next victim of severe torture , abuse , and neglect. Our cases are always very costly and we have many in our care . Donations can be made at and checks may be mailed to The Arrow Fund P.O. Box 1127 Prospect, Kentucky 40059. From all of us with The Arrow Fund - we are wishing you all a Blessed Holiday. Peace to you and to all that you love ~Rebecca~ **************************************************************** EARLIER POST ON STEVIE Stevie had surgery last night to open an enormous abscess over the right side of his head. He sustained some unknown type of significant trauma many days ago that fractured his skull. He developed an infected abscess that extended into his brain . He had emergency surgery last night to remove the infected tissue and relieve brain pressure. The broken pieces of skull were also removed and the wound was cleaned and bandaged. He did very well under anesthesia and is being kept comfortable with IV pain meds and antibiotics. He received plasma last night and is currently receiving a blood transfusion.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:32:59 +0000

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