THE ART OF NOTHING (PART 1) qeblog.kinslowsystem/?p=251 ‘‘How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.’’ ~Spanish proverb Picture a world where you are following your innermost desires, doing the work that you are naturally drawn to do and love. It dovetails perfectly with your talents and interests. Your work regenerates you rather than tiring you out. Time flies by almost too quickly. Like the flickering splinters of a lit sparkler, creativity burns within you. You are self-motivated, take pride in your work, and feel like you are a cohesive and contributing part of a grander plan. You are complete. In essence you are living in accord with your natural talents and interests, at one within yourself and with your environment. Now zoom out so that you are looking down on a city of people just like you. Each is a productive and prodigious part of a grander plan. With little conscious effort, each soul supports the other joyfully and with selfless purpose. Conflicts still exist but are resolved from a level of creative exuberance, joy, and playfulness. Distorting emotions and aberrant behavior are all but nonexistent. This city is not a place of individual minds, methodologies, and self-serving agendas. It is an entity unto itself. It is alive, a whole being, more than the sum of its parts, a vibrant reflection of the contentment and creativity of its inhabitants... CONTINUE READING ON THE QE BLOG! #QEblog #Art #BeautifulWorld
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:54:57 +0000

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