THE ART OF PEACE DOJO - Prime Martial Art - For love & Peace : - TopicsExpress


THE ART OF PEACE DOJO - Prime Martial Art - For love & Peace : HELSINKI The Art of Peace Project Helsinki, welcome all DOJOs and martial artists to invite us offer a presentation of this new Martial art applied to peace, at their schools, and to the round table for peace organized in Helsinki weekly. (see our Facebook page schedule). We are inviting Martial arts schools, and martial artists, for collaboration in the field of peace activism through this letter. The prime martial art, of love and peace, practices, lead by Odin Theta, Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, Golden Belt Prime Martial Art, Founder of the Golden Jedi Order, GJO International ) will be held in nature at locations announced to the registered students. Register @ : [email protected] Support our cause: https://facebook/theartofpeace9 This practice is dedicated for those martial artists interested to learn NVP Non Violence Practices, and work as peace activists, in fields of arts, health, education, business, culture and social care. As a Martial art dedicated to peace, it does not apply combat practices; but focus on emotional self management. There is no previouse experience necessary; while martial arts practitioners with experience are welcome to practice with us and collaborate in close future for sharing this practice, methods, world wide. The Prime Martial Art, of Peace & Love, Warriors The Nature of this new Martial art is that one of peace. It has been developed by Odin Ѳ, with the purpose to change the pattern of agression and violence on our planet and human history, by acting, through a transformational method, on the field of combat skills. As perceived by all peace warriors, spiritual wise ones, from Ghandi to Masters Jedi of our time, agression, violence, power based behaviour, associated to fear and anger, greed and jelousy, are unnecessary. Unless for protecting the sustainability of own life, family, community, culture, nation, organization, planet, dimension, or multiverse, a practice of the prime martial art wouldnt be applied. This martial art will be applied only for peace, love and life care, in alignment with prime source heart core, within our own heart. Unless humanity re-learn new paths for solving own conflicts, disagreements, the culture of war and self destruction will remain on the planet. The Art of Peace, works on a deep study and understanding on human nature and the art of war usually applied for sustainability of own life, while in our current time, human perception, consciousness, self-awareness, knowledge, information, and self responsibility lead us to find new possibilities and pathways for solving conflicts, while a foundation remains in terms on how humanity use to achieve or reach goals, as for using power or integrating into power based behaviour all their knowledge. The foundation need to be renew, changed and upgraded to a divine self responsible prime heart consciousness based one. Odin Ѳ, integrated Prime Technology, Self-awareness applied, elements management and ancient knowledge of sacred mystic warriors, and coined a new Martial art for peace & love. The 9 Statments of the Golden Jedi Order Emotion, yet Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity. Chaos, yet Harmony. Perception, yet Self-awareness Male & Female, yet Prime Self-union. Organic Light Body, yet Self-sourcing. Multidimensional Self-Manifestation, yet Self-oneness. Time, yet Quantum Heart-Based Self-Consciousness. Death, yet the Force. The GJO is dedicated to the golden path to divine action, heart based consciousness applied to daily life and business, for life care. REF. Djedi, to the ancient tradition of mystic warriors dedicated to bring harmony and care for balance in the universe, thanks to their heart based consciousness alignment and state of union with prime source, the divine source of all that is. May the innermost sound of the prime heart of the core of the force be with you! Odin Theta, Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:05:11 +0000

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