THE ART OF WAR CONSCIENCE vs. LOYALTY: Just because I am - TopicsExpress


THE ART OF WAR CONSCIENCE vs. LOYALTY: Just because I am alone does not mean that Love has turned her back on me; for, I am bruised, but, not broken- James Edward Johnson, Peaceful Warrior Most of the deception, the lies, and the manipulation seems to have begun, in earnest, with the Ronald Reagan/ George Bush Sr. incumbency, as then with R .Reagan, it was trickledown and Bush Sr., it was newspeak, and then came new age, new world order, and do this, but, say that; say that, but, do this. The War on Poverty is never directly championed, as it is usually called something else, and that something else is perceived as a sojourn of emotion and motion, since, those who do not seek love, do so, because, they fear the loss of self in a close relationship, yet, focus on what is detrimental to American society which is heartfelt and hurtful because this particular adversity make many willing participants in deception, lies, and manipulation. What has happen to the War on Poverty? Did it cease after Richard Nixons term and pardon, or because of his swine flu fiasco, or because of his policy to put picket fenses, topped with barbed-wire, around apartment complexes that were, at the time, not called diverse, yet, were, but were actually labeled and stereotyped as black-infested. The high crimes, like 9-11, Bu$h Jr. style, cause us to live in the land of the blind, where the one eyed man is king, for, we have eyes, but, we cannot see, we have ears to hear, yet, we do not listen, to the end of life, which allows us to hold that thought, since, sometimes to see light, one has to perceive the dark, since, 9-11 was & is intended to be an eye-opener, for the reality is, it was Ws cause, and access into the $urplu$ budget left by Clinton and Gore. It appears that Bush Jr. needed to operationally define that it is easier to destroy than to create, yet, what is basic is that we may be done with the past, (Jim Crow and $egregation) but, the past is not done with us, because, what was, affects, what is. Change we can believe in is a grassroots enterprise, it attracts creativity, constructiveness, and positivity, and this has to do with infidelity, between friends, neighbors, lovers, strangers, and the American people. Its manifestation calls for a deeper love, unconditional, and is love practiced in the art of compromise, the only judgement that liberates each citizen, constituent, consumer, and any American person from conflict, confusion, chaos, and confoundedness, for, its metamorphasis is not yet complete. We are misplaced into an intense shadow of corruption which challenge all social shifts of consciousness, and we must confront hidden issues and taboo topics, as a cleansing and healing experience for a change of heart toward one another, to finally confront desegregation, because, miscegenation is the same as integration. Justice and Truth, where do they intersect? There are some who think it is the junction for the Doctrine of Condescension, but, understand that it is a Sea of Mediocrity found only at the hard edge of reality, which, like the Bu$h $r./Jr. admini$trations, does not take care of those who are less fortunate; i.e. the American people. While on the Isle of Execellence, we find ourselves Speared by a Shaft of Inspiration, for, we are struggling to find a path which allows us to do the right thing and still know our needs without being so quick to depersonalize our feelings, by knowing who I, you, we are and what we do is, now, important for a crosscultural relationship, as in miscegenation. Today finds many of us in the midst of mixed messages and strive to discern who is the champion for the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the fatherless, the oppressed, and the poor? In the pursuit of the American Dream, for some; because, for the past seven or so years, the Bu$h admini$tration and the Republic of Cheney have shown the American people, not on my watch, and there are no fund$ for the War on Poverty in the War on Terror; America! are you terrified yet? $ince, most Americans are labeled and $tereotyped as Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals, Red vs. Blue, but, the most effective controversial didactic relationship is the Have$ vs. the Have Not$. The tax rebate, the tax cut, and the stimilus payment should be put into perspectivie, they are all a part of an axis of appeasement. Something to quiet the surface noise that is yelling Recession, and the downside is the $tate of the Economy. Most of the participants of this war crime are members of the Bu$h admini$tration in the Republic of Cheney, and none of them are in the hall of $hame, since anyone infringing on their path to money is the only thing which will cause them to express their intense passions. One of the paradoxes of life is for the American people to look for opportunities to be generous, warm, and nurturing, but, only with Barack Obama as President of the United States of America. Human interest in higher states propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens, yet, some of us have provoked to jealousy an image of jealousy, it becomes a time of vulnerability, juxtaposition of reality and actuality which enables us to face fears of personal intimacy, miscegenation or not. There are some of us who may feel sheltered from this madness, as we work to rise above and liberate ourselves from limiting influences. We must choose and decide to put our house in order, because, lies of vanity and shadows of evil have provoked to jealousy, an image of jealousy. Much of it comes from education reform, some from healthcare reform, welfare reform, not to exclude redistricting and the illegal immigrant. Times are tough right now, as there are plenty of people who have a hard time getting by on what they have, and these hardtimes will continue until this crisis is over, or there is a regime change. Most of us have kept our wits, yet, this occurs because each person feel they are the only one who still have a firm grip on reality, as each feel their superior intelligence level is the reason they are not swept up in the present crowd mentality which concerns Loyalty vs. Conscience or, Righteousness vs. Unrighteousness. The cosmos, Paramount or Universal, seems to be telling us something by tumbling some American homeowners into the unknown, like, the fires in CA., the housing/mortgage corruption throughout America, and the floods and tornados in midwest America. As it is above, so, it is below; as it is below, so, it is above; the displaced misplaced Americans are experiencing what the misplaced displaced Americans endure from homelessness, shelters, and being destitute. Behold! Citizens, Consumers, and Constituents, and stand, understand, over understand, and then discern that overseer is not that dissimilar from officer, since, the part of the overseers duties were to serve and protect, during $lavery, as the same creed is that of the officer of here and now! The $tatu$ quo, better known as freemasons of the thirty-third and a third degree, is constantly striving to engrain whatever addiction onto the citizen, consumer, and constituent, you, the American people, especially African Americans and people of color. This is manifested via being sifted, tracked, marginalized, and disenfranchised, either into the Armed Forces, or more consistently, into the Prison-Industrial Complex, since, this is an avenue for revenue. Some forms of addiction, like labels and stereotypes are more and more effective and come with contingencies, in regards to addiction being amenable to treatment, yet, is somewhat paramount (Paramount) or universal (Universal) as social forms of public relations or media saturation about the person or people involved, but, does not allow one to reflect on the covertness and subtlety of the misdirection, misinformation, and propaganda and the direction of ethnic cleansing and racial profiling which is no different from Adolph Hitlers solution or resolution for the Jews, yet, is not so obvious to the naked eye. JFK set the stage for Americas closet of skeletons, yet, it was Howard Huges who initiated Americas abrogation of the War on Poverty which changed the focus and emphasis to temptation by saying, every man or woman has a price of profit, thus, this brought the lightbulb moment to exterminate with extreme prejudice JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, MLK, and the Black Panther Party, as these people and this group of African American males were doing for deprived and poverty-strickened communities what America refused to do. And so, addiction, was implemented to extricate people of color from the Labor Force, since, addiction carried with it a felony or a felony conviction, and no one hires felons (not by chance, but, by design). This means that a vast amount of people never become, nor are qualified to be eligible to enter a college or university, for this methodical process has been utilized systemically and manifests as a state of deprivation which means there is no way to the American Dream. In the news, for example, in 1946: The concern, for and with, this endeavor is perceived and/or known as a ‘foreign unknown substance’ (floride) ingested by unsuspecting ‘testees’ (the American people) is ok & in the best interest of National $ecurity (LOL)! This was the first metamorphatic test misplaced on citizens, consumers, constituents, and the American peopl; and American society was changed from the Politics of Character and Character Ethics to the Politics of Personality and Personality Ethics. Is it public knowledge that the mandatory compulsory education mandate, in America is Constitutionally guilty of under educating people of color, and have done so for generations. What under education does is it targets those who are to be sifted, tracked, marginalized, and disenfranchised, and are delegated and relegated into a lifestyle of poverty, or a state of deprivation; always struggling for financial empowerment and upward mobility, yet, never reaching the American Dream. The 2008 Presidential Campaign has brought into public view the issue of race, and that education reform does nothing for the American people who are living in poverty or below the poverty line. Viewed from the parallax view it is a bellicose and nefarious point of view when the major targets are systemically kept in such a paradox which usually benefit the $tatu$ quo, and most Caucasians. After a while this struggle misplace many into complacency, despair, frustration, procrastination, disgust, disrespect, and a lack of sefl-esteem, which is construed via philosophy, politics, socio-psychology, and theology to contribute, more and more, to people becoming volatile, hostile, and aggressive, in an acute sense; remember 9-11 was freemason of the thirty-third and a third degree endeavor. The reflection is still, for and with, the War on Poverty. My catharsis is of Tupac and a shared experience of oppre$$ion$ which concern mandatory compulsory education and is the manifestation of under education of people of color which does not exclude poor Caucasians, nor others of different ethnicity; then there are those who the sympathizers for the cause of white people, especially, those whites who strive to stand valiant for Principle and Truth, since, their expressions are viewed as Passionate, but, for African Americans, or people of color, who express for the same reasons always are expressed as Anger and Rage, but, never as Passion. Why are there so many natural disasters? Is it because of our collective negative relationships? What does miscegenation have to do with our inability to accept our respective differences and dissimilarities? Most people of color are constantly and consistently kept in a state of deprivation and poverty, so, what measure of ethnic cleansing and racial profiling is this in the realm of Never Again? Common ground enables us to anticipate all changing climates, as it increases our sensitivity and allows us to trust our intuition, now, by opening our hearts and expanding our vision even in dialogue about abstract philosophical ideas, and to do it with deep passion and a deeper love for victory. We are in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame, or grief. Because of the jobless rate increasethere is more economic pain, and many more Americans are misplaced in a state of deprivation and poverty. When will the United States of America become color blind? The time is now for self-healing. The value of money has brought our emotions into awareness, so, each individual must keep ego out of the way and become attuned to a more Spiritual view. Conscience vs. Loyalty for the American people, like the Dixie Chicks and the comment made about Bu$h Jr., was the impetus for their ostracization and being label and stereotyped as unAmerican and unpatriotic, and instigated the conflict, confusion, chaos, and confoundedness we experience, here and now, in the form of Race, Racism, and the Race for the White House instead of how we are, as a people beingbamboozled. The Consolidated Media and Media Consolidation present to the American People for, they are provoked to jealousy an image of jealousy, in the form of controversy, or to be more specific; do you choose Life or Death, Blessing or Cursing, Righteousness or Unrighteousness So you know the Gap Bands famous song You Dropped a Bomb on Me. The group is from Tulsa, Okla., where in 1921 white vigilantes looted and Americas most prosperous black community. More than 300 people were killed, 1,200 homes and businesses destroyed, and 10,000 citizens displaced. Some have called it Americas Holocaust. This can be construed as Americas value of money; jealousy and envy about people of color who had manifested what was then called the Black Wall Street! According to the 2008 Presidential Campaign, the people of any sovereign, in the sense of a global community, stand on common ground as citizens, consumers, and constituents. Which seem to be saying the answers come from within us, and no one else! Each sovereign has a head of state, an authority, who practices misleading, misinformation, misname, misplacements, misinterpretations, misdirections misconceptions, Mishnahs, and miscegenations; for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Judgement and a deeper love results in freedom from inner conflicts, for, we must practice the art of compromise for the change we can believe in, since, it is the grassroots enterprise, of the new metamorphasis which is not yet complete. We must use the powers of our minds to focus our energy to combat the intense shadow of racism for more creative, constructive, and positive social shifts of consciousness, and a deeper love for one another which include our differences and dissimilarities, ethnic or otherwise. Because, of unemployment and no jobless benefits, there is coming a day when there will be no marrying, as many people will be named less, that is, jobless, homeless, and carless, and most degreed women do not want such a man, nor a man such a woman! So, as a society of citizens, consumers, and constituents we must reinforce a sense of sovereignty within ones self despite any self-limiting beliefs, habits, or appearances to the contrary, this gives each of us the wisdom and the authority to achieve collective goals. According to the tradition of guns, germs, and steel we are where we are, because, of our collective stand on Principle and Truth, like genocide, Jim Crow, Segregation, the Holocaust, and a right to exist. Some Hawk$ and Dove$ have $tated that we are a nation of whiners, even though they are responsible and accountable for our tumbling into the unknown, via unconscious racism and mental recession, and other psychological benefits, like unaffordable housing and mortgage corruption, rampant unemployment, an economic crisis on a global scale. At best we dream out loud and are fortified with optimism, yet, wake up in a $tate of deprivation and poverty somewhere in the North, East, West and $outh of America!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 15:03:45 +0000

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