THE BAHAMAS :MAJOR TRANS-SHIPMENT POINT FOR CONSCIOUSNESS -RAISING, AND awareness of benefits of TRANSCENDENCE ORIENTATION (such as prayerful weather -shielding for the Caribbean ,South America,United States (ASEAN countries) and Central American countries such as now storm-threatened MEXICO ...... Why are you not being POSITIVELY POSITIVELY and UNBEGRUDGINGLY ADVISED on TRANSCENDENCE???? WHEN will you ever ever be UNBEGRUDGINGLY and POSITIVELY POSITIVELY POSITIVELY ADVISED ON TRANSCENDENCE AND YOUR CHRISTLY TRANSCENDENCE .....{AND ON FAITH-FRIENDLY transcendence-preserving CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ,INFINITE WAY (J. Goldsmith),and $CIENTOLOGY-DIANETIC$}..... BY POSSIBLY ANTI-TRUCE with TRANSCENDENCE, BUT yet PRO -LGBT accommodation,and ANTI-CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING ,awareness-raising BIBLE-BELIEVING INSTITUITION$??? MATT 25 :7 AND THE GHETTO PLIGHTS AND OTHER pitiful PLIGHTS. DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR OWN MANNA !!! DO SOMETHING!!!!It does not have to be preparatory CAPITAL MARKETS orientation or better avoided ,"heated", fastest-churn and more statistically -vulnerable,but wits-sharpening Speculations ASSISTED BY ARCANE or conventional CONVENTIONAL WISDOM APPLICATIONS! DO SOMETHING(S),INDIVIDUALLY OR POOLED & COLLECTIVELY!! STAND YE LIKE A MAN!!! !! STAND YE WOMEN LIKE A DANGERS-WISE ,PREDATORS-WISE WOMAN!! Plan and DO SOMETHING ,"man"!!! MATT 25:7 WHERE EVER YOU ARE PRAY AND PROJECT -TRANSCENDENCE, RELENTLESSLY RELENTLESSLY RELENTESSLY RELENTLESSLY UN-SURRENDERINGLY; AND $TUDY THE POSSIBILITIES AND IMPOSSIBILITIES AND KNOWLEDGE-LACKING DILEMMAS OF YOUR WORLDLY CAREER PROBLEMS OR BUSINESS PROBLEMS RELENTLESSLY RELENTLESSY RELENTLESSY. Can Manna from heaven can be not only heaven- dropped bread but also physical -solutions/resolutions OR OR OR wisdom-solutions/resolutions OR INTELLECTUALLY PROFITABLE SOLUTIONS/ defiance of the belief of mass want and deprivation; and in defiance of the belief of security for the fortunate few or more savage/amoral few???? Maybe For each and all of us tenderly PROJECTING-TRANSCENDENCE and holding ourselves and others and the rebellious world in uplifiting Transcendent Prayer-stillness & in the feeling of wordless, beyond -thought attempts at meditative Transcendent -stillness ((within the intent and context of glorifying our Alpha-Omega FATHER-MOTHER GOD not as ourselves being chained flesh and blood but with ourselves being as only only only HIS .... .....(AND are spiritually,transcendently VERY GOOD, Gen 1 :31-2 versus seemingly being unprotected and seemingly NOT "IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND"- protected, seemingly being with chaining fallibilities, seeming imperfections and physical-ness including the seemingly dubious sleep-darkness of surgery, and seeming dubiousness of being devolution-"created",seemingly devolution-chained by a seemingly different unprotecting , randomness-inclined,or randomness-desiring divine name of of Gen 2 : 4- and onward)..... .....only only HIS and SPIRITUALLY like him in every way {i.e but humbly and non-blasphemously,"....I CAN OF MY OWN SELF DO NOTHING....", "......BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD......"} like Him in every way, and being non-related to the chaining-presumptions of flesh, in prayer beyond the context of Matter,beyond Energy, beyond Space,beyond Time )).......When will you seek YOUR YOUR YOUR Manna from heaven ????? See comparative writings of such subjects like : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE INFINITE WAY (J. Goldsmith) SCIENTOLOGY.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:10:34 +0000

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