“THE BALANCING SCALES OF IMMIGRATION” Greetings: To Our Dearest President Obama, “Thank you”, for extending your “Leadership of concern” upon, these very important matters” … Blessings, Ms. Deborah J. Steele - 7/14/13 … “I do not completely understand all of the fuss, in regards, to this law” … Our fore-father’s plans were to see that “liberty” and the “pursuit of happiness”, could be obtained for (everyone) who sincerely desired to share in the American dream” … I can only humbly assume that, the reason they are trying to “prohibit / delay” this immigration law, is that many fear that, my (Spanish / Mexican decent brothers and sisters), will be taking away job opportunities from those individuals who are born Americans, and to be completely honest, this is totally unfair indeed! … We must reflect upon our past history, for just a moment; of the “previous immigrates” such as: (the Irishman, Italians, Polish), just to name a few; and they came over to America, and they brought their homeland skills, and built America, and the only legal requirement was for them to be “counted for” and notarized as New Americans! … “They had the “liberty and freedom of choice” to either “learn the English language or not” … It was strictly a “free and open choice” for them, and it was not a “standard requirement” at all!” … Neither, did this policy, “not hinder” them from seeking work, and provide for their families … This is partly, that’s why America has “flourished and grew” in “such abundance”, and we are now living and witnessing, the “proof” from their “labor of love and human sacrifice”, from those “immigrant dreams” that, were once being pursued, and have now become a living reality, for us all” … Once again, I cannot help but, to humbly assume, that, these kinds of “new make up laws, as you go” procedures, are only a mere reflection of “pure selfishness indeed”, and this should not be!” … So please seriously, think on this, for just a moment: I could clearly see, if they - (the immigrants) were coming over and “stealing” things, from others, but they are only wanting to help provide in the provisions, of our land!” … “That’s it!” … There’s a biblical saying that’s so true: “A man who does not work, should not eat” … But, these precious individuals are “willing to work”, and build America, and help make provisions for their families, and for their future generations, as well!” … “And again I do not see any harm in this, none what-so-ever!” … “In fact, this is what all families in America, should be pursuing to do!” … Closing notations: Again, they only want to “help build” and “part-take / “share in” in the American dream, not “take away” from America! … And my heart‘s prayer is that, the (eyes & hearts) of “our law makers”, will be opened to see this clearly, from this point of view, and allow the “balancing scales of immigration”, to “flow freely” and “stand in balance”, and make the rules fair, for everyone, to part-take-in, and make their heart’s American dreams come true, for them too” … And by doing this too, we will be truly exercising the true meaning that says: “Love thy neighbor as thyself” … “And do unto others, as you would have them do unto you” … Ps: (SELAH - Please think on these comments for just a moment, very carefully) … Sincerely, with warmest regards, & blessings, Ms. Deborah J. Steele (The Global Inspirational Writer) 7/14/13  "The House needs to act so I can sign commonsense immigration reform into law. And if you agree, tell your Representatives that now is the time." —President Obama Watch his weekly address: OFA.BO/1P3gY8
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:15:37 +0000

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