THE BARD SCHOOL OF THOUGHT THE HALLS OF AMENTI (First Draft ) Narrator “Gather we then in circles round; And about us what is scene! Your eyes upon me or mine upon thee? Here then, are gathered the lords of time and space, Gathered in the presence of he who has created. Together they peer down through the dimness upon the Kings, Entrusted with the food of the Gods. Men they see; Born of greatness! Conceding the crown Surrendering it up to the dark lights Who shade mans image with thoughts of power.” THE OUTER LIMITS (Dark entities have entered Earth through a porthole The time lords have been summoned by the God Thoth, To discuss what must be done to save man from fading into the dark lights chaos. The Lords of darkness are planning to deceive the children of men into opening the temple gateway Allowing dark entities full access to the planet and the race there of.) First Lord The dark lords are overpowering the children of men great Thoth! Your burden is heavy. Thoth How would the mother fare In the drowning of great sorrow? (The first lord turns from the mirror of time and walks toward his seat. As he does so, So too do the eight lords. Taking their seats in order of the eon from which their cycle existed.) First Lord Time is all and in the all Great Thoth; This you already know! What is not clear is that which is weighed in the balance. For it is given to man that his will be his own. Thus with fare game do the dark lights steer the fate of men Toward expulsion from life and the living. Second Lord Do you feel they are worthy of your guidance oh God! Shall the children of men grow in the likeness of your wisdom? Or shall they forsake thee for all your worth? Thoth My light shall shine upon them even unto the darkest hour when all shall be turned from my sight. Even unto the edge of despair shall I follow And in the midst of eternal darkness will I be as a flame unto them! First Lord Great Thoth! It is written, That man shall transgress the boundaries of forbidden knowledge And to their own ends try to usurp that which is of heaven. In ignorance are they doomed to face an ever repeating cycle of birth and death, As the carrot moves the donkey forward in its wanting, So shall men search but never receive the keys to the kingdom, Lest their hearts be wrought free from the clutches of the greed that binds them. This you cannot do for them Great Thoth! For none can intervene in the affairs of those whose will, is their own. To do so is to disturb the very foundation Of creation itself. Thoth I will go unto them and walk amongst them; Time after time shall I be reborn, Accepting of my destiny as it shall be writ according to the law Living the passing of the age with them. Until I am come again of the present When the light shall shine forth among men And the truth is revealed unto them. Third Lord You Great Thoth? A God! Dressed in the clothes of a mortal! How will you realign your self when reject you they do? When your word Lies shattered beneath their feet? Thoth The dark lights are having their way with the children of men, controlling their thoughts toward greed and corruption. Great Atlanta must be taken from them That her secrets may be hidden beneath the depth of their understanding, For I Thoth, creator of the children of men, Shall thwart the dark lights in their action! And smite him down who does usurp the name of the father unto his own vile end! First Lord Take care great God! Lest your children in their ignorance Do cut off the hand that feeds them! For then will the darkness hold sway over the children of men and even the carrot is lost unto them. The eon is passing as a new age approaches. Battle for control they will, (The dark lights) That humanity may not become gods above them. For then would dark light be laid low in the soul of evolution as unto men is given life everlasting. Go Great Thoth, Back to your dwelling place! Teach your children the mysteries of existence That they too may follow in their fathers footsteps. (The meeting is ended as Thoth descends from the outer limits, to the halls of Amenti.) (Thoth has returned to the halls of Amenti to find two of his prophets waiting for him.) 1st Prophet Lord, the Kings of men have requested a meeting with the father. What notice shall I give to them? Thoth Tell them I shall meet with them at Stone Henge When the south west entrance aligns with Orions belt. Summon also the children of light to Amenti at Sun rise That they may bare witness to the word of God. (The two prophets depart, leaving Thoth alone in the chamber.) Thoth Ha! Let me hail the time In verse and rhyme And tell of the error most definitely mine Let me trust in thee three kings I see As aspire they do to down tread me. (Thoth moves towards the mirror of time and waves his hand over its face, Where upon, the image of three Kings is seen walking amongst men, as if one of them. Each is laughing and joking with the people, encouraging them to take their fill of lifes design. They know Thoth is watching as each turns toward the screen Revealing the horror of their true identity. One of them speaks to Thoth, (mind to mind.)) 1st dark light Ooooh great Thoth We are captivated by your present interest in our state! As it appears the Kings whos body, minds and souls we now possess are captivated by ours ahahaha! Ah! Poor God Your mistake was to care for these mere mortals whose flesh you have carved from d.n.a. You think you will escape us through them? You think you will defeat us and send us back Under ground?! Ahhahahaha! (The dark light turns upon the woman he his holding in his snare and defiles her Whilst the other two encourage the onlookers to embrace the scene.) (Thoth turns from the screen and falls to his chair resting his hand upon his forehead.) (Returning to his hibernation chamber, Thoth once again travels to the outer limits to speak with the lords of cycles He informs them of his plan to close the gates of the temples by sending a surge of energy through the gateway on Mars to the other on Earth A heat so great the ice caps will melt and sink Atlanta.) 1st Lord You have returned unto us on an ill wind Great Thoth. What you plan has repercussions should your quest fail! 2nd Lord How does the mighty Thoth intend to break the news to those upon Mars, that he is going to obliterate their planet in the closing of Alpha One? Thoth I have already spoken with Ami-ra-ka, who has understood the need for the gates to be closed against the dark lights. He knows that, should they remain operative The dark lights would invade this galaxy on a large scale and all will be lost. At present, only three have passed through to Earth And I must contend with this error. 2nd Lord Thats all well and good mighty Thoth But what is to become of the Martian race that you took great pains to design? Where are they to go?! Thoth Upon the vessel that bore us to this place from far beyond the great void Are star charts of other galaxies. Many there are that support life without challenge. Some of Ami-ra-ka people have already left on their journey Others are in preparation for the voyage. It is for the Lords of the cycles to amend their course That the operation to close the gates might be fulfilled. 1st Lord This will be done great Thoth. What is to come on Earth after this task has taken place? Thoth The cycles of time will play on as I and the beings of light Shall rest in the hibernation chambers of Amenti. Through the transmigration of souls we shall pass into human birth From one life unto to another down through the ages of time Controlling the balance placed in jeopardy by the dark lights Observing their course as they try to usurp the minds of men. The time will come when humanity shall rise from ignorance The dark lights shall be openly seen and recognized as one body of destruction. Yet may the time come also when dark light loses its darkness All is yet left to say. For now the moment is grim and we have a destructive force to contend with. I must leave and travel back to the halls of Amenti where the need for action awaits me. I bid you farewell on this time may our paths meet again when the danger has passed. 1st Lord All is how mighty God wills it so, great Thoth We shall await your signal. Farewell. Thoth departs from the outer limits, descending back through the halls of Amenti into the chamber where his body lay sleeping.) Narrator ~ “Hear! As we depart the scene Upon a time that might have been. Of grave deeds done Twixed thee and thee That all of men Might live to see What sacrifice of might and right Was paid that day to serve their plight And in the all and all of schemes Do we understand our dreams? Of what we may become in rhyme Darker than light In light of our time?” THE LIGHT OF AMENTI Narrator ~ “Behold we now the light of the time Enter into halls divine Upon the seat of wood and cloth Men do hear the word of Thoth And seek the stage To learn there of The hidden meant Of wrath! To sit there still With Thoth Amidst all ill.” (Thoth appears through the south west gate of Stone Henge in spirit, as his body waits in the hibernation chamber. The ten kings of men whom Thoth had ordained to guide his people Have betrayed him in favour of the three dark lights that now possesses the bodies of three of the kings. Thoth is not about to reveal his position in the stakes Rather the game is to be played to the kings liking As they would wish!) Thoth Ah! Here we all are gentlemen. I see you are attired for the occasion. No signs of fatigue though much flatulence incorporates the roundness of the Kings bodies! What can I do for you? 1st dark light We have summoned you here! God! In order that you may be given the opportunity to denounce the way forward for this race and join us in our quest to enslave these fools whose pleasure be only of the flesh That the way forward for us may be cleared of the rabble! Thoth Thoth is not so ready to accept your policy dark light! Tell me! What is your choice of action? 1st light Why God! Lord of all and Captain of the great seas! We need not take any action! We merely need to indulge our animalistic nature! Your puppets love it. By the time we have feasted upon them Naught will be left of this hue you call man! Thoth Why dark light! Your opinion of my art is disheartening. Could it be that I have created a race of such a weak constitution? I am dismayed with my attempt at such a mastership of craft. You have hurt my feelings with your disapproval of my beloved work! How is the time for you? 1st dark light You make jest of the words here spoken Captain Take care that the seas do not rise above you! The seven kings you see have yet to be opened to the way forward. Thus all the keys to the gate are not yet in our keeping However it will not take us long to break them and make ready for our kind to possess their world. Then shall you know the meaning of the word Power! Thoth So easily do you look upon your task mighty darkness That one expects achievement to be close on the trail? Not much time left then? 1st dark light As easy as one two three millennia My dear obliging Great God Thoth! Hahahahahaaaaaa! Come great idiots of Kings; let us be gone from this temple before it falls to rack and ruin. You see mighty God How your dogs Obey! Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Thoth waits for the Kings and the dark lights to leave the temple. Turning towards Orions belt he gazes far into the distance as a voice is heard The sound of a choir of angels fills the darkness of the night.) Voice from the heavens Thoth is most generous in the giving of his time to his creation! Be it a worthy cause that which you adhere to mighty Thoth. Blessed amongst the seeds of life everlasting.) Choir Raise high the almighty On the wings of the dove Raise high the almighty Upon wings of love Men shall rejoice In the time of his birth Of gold and of frankincense Of joyful mirth. (As the choir fills the air with song, so does Thoth return to the halls of Amenti. His soul Is seen descending the great corridors that lead to the hibernation chambers as images of the dark lights laughter thunder through his passage.) (The children of light have been summoned to the halls of Amenti They are to be told of their Captains intention. As they enter each takes his rightful place beside their God.) Thoth Beings of light! I have summoned you here to talk of the future Of this time, of this planet, And of the race of men. As you know, the dark lights have entered the kingdom on Earth through folly. Humanity knows not the measure of its deeds In the balance of all things. Thus must we who are given to life everlasting be as a light unto their endeavour. We in the fullness of spirit shall go forth and multiply amongst them Forsaking this our time as we sleep in the halls of Amenti... Many moons will pass by as we repose within the chambers of our Forefathers While above life will evolve. The waters shall cover the heavens as Atlanta sinks beneath the waves of my sorrow. Time after times will we be reborn passing from life unto life. Through the corridors of history will you here of me spoken of in many forms. First will I come as Noah to guide the children of men unto a new land. Then might I be seen as Moses when to the secret halls of Amenti will I descend And bring unto the children of men the Ten Commandments given to the kings before the great flood that they may find their way to the kingdom of God So shall I appear as Hermes Trismugestus taking refuge in my fathers house Leaving for myself instructions unto my person yet to come Three times shall I be seen as the living light Three times will you recognize my teachings Unto the fourth life will I come as a light into the World Where upon two of my brothers shall join me Ever traveling the path together At this time will the dark lights put forth their darkest power over men Taking up positions of strength above them. Their word being the law unto all! Grave will be the passing of the moments We will be hunted yet will we survive their torment! Hope will burn brightly also! For amidst the fighting and turmoil Will their be signs of awakening in man. Many will follow the teachings I leave Men will seek to know the truth of me. Wars will be fought Millions will be put to death by the dark lights as they hunt us down Yet will we survive the torment! After three millennium has passed by, in the fourth age, Shall I come unto them for the fifth time, though, recognize my form, they will not. For hidden in a veil so shall my beauty be. Unto myself will recognition be made As to the arousing of all shall I go Then shall they stir in truth of their destiny as in the land of kings where I dwelt long will come disease, famine, war and pestilence. These shall rage through the land as the dark lights fight to maintain their will over humanity Here beneath Great Atlanta Shall we await the moment of truth For it is to men to show their worth As with our birth Their worth Shall prove! Prepare then beings of light To enter unto the chambers of rest! For the time approaches fast for my birth unto Noah. Seventy years is left for Atlanta above the ocean In this time will the dark light corrupt those now living as sink beneath the waves they do. All is prepared in the heavens For the lords of the cycles have reset their stage Letting loose the beast that shall take the Planet Mars to her grave Heavens gate shall be ripped asunder While through her door upon the Earth the mighty heat shall surge Preventing the darkness from coveting the light Mighty must we be in our faith For memory is a fast fading thing as to ourselves, we are lost Look to my teachings beings of light; Recognize that which sleeps within! Awaken to the call from he who is lord of all! For then shall our passage home be made as unto all is truth revealed. (The beings of light are seen closing the hibernation chambers upon themselves As darkness descends around them. All that is heard is the pulsating rhythm of energy that maintains them whilst in sleep. All that is seen are the chambers, silent and still as the light from the energy source glows like a candle in The Halls of Amenti.) (The scene revolves to show the passing of years. Noah grows to old age as the people around him become more and more defiled by the temptation of the dark lights. Noah enters the great temple of Atlanta where he is warned by the time lords of the approaching danger. He kneels to pray for guidance as a voice is heard. Coming from the heavens...) First Lord Noah, Hearken to my voice! Go among the beasts and the cattle of Atlanta and take of them a healthy male and female. Lead them two by two into the arc that I will design for you. Build the arc in the grounds of the temple which I shall give unto you for this purpose. The Earth is to be covered by the great sea as all upon it shall perish. Go forth amongst the people give warning of what is to befall them. Then gather your family together at a time that I have prepared for you. When all of the heavens shall open alight thee upon the arc where you shall be safe. Noah I will do as you say lord for I am aware of this yet I know not why. 1st Lord You will be guided Noah. Your memory fails you through the passage of birth. Yet all will be made clear with the passing of time. (Noah leaves the temple. His human self is afraid of what he has heard. As he approaches the streets of Atlanta panic over takes him. He runs through the street calling to the people to save themselves.) Noah People of Atlanta! A great flood is coming! Save yourselves! A great flood is coming! Save yourselves! 1st person What is that fool shouting about? 2nd person Whats all the commotion about? 3rd person I know who that is Its Noah a fisherman down by the great lake! 1st person Sounds like he suffers from a heat stroke if you ask me! 1st2nd3rd person Ha ha ha ha. (The Lords of cycles are awaiting the moment when the wrath of God Shall be let loose from bondage.) First Lord The time is upon the children of man! Now is our task to behold the new age In the stages of its creation. We can only lift our hearts to almighty Thoth and hope all bodes well for his design. (The time lords take their seats As on screen appears the destruction of Mars The closing of the great gate And the sinking of Atlanta beneath the vast oceans of the World) Narrator ~ With hands in prayer I speak Come as I do! Twixed past and present and you. Our Bardic tale moves fast Towards its conclusion Does it not?!... And are we comfortable in the seats Provided for enjoyment?... Here in the high halls Of twenty first century theatre, Opulence speaks volumes!... Does it not? Much fill of lifes design for those of the present day! And are they appreciative of it Considering this, the polarity of Their worth while endeavor? Why! We in our magnificence have surpassed our maker for see! We can darken the light at our pleasure! Can we not!... Anon... Copyright Jacqueline Carrie Hill
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:58:40 +0000

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