THE BASTARDIZATION AND MONETIZATION OF THE ENTITY CALLED NANS: I tune my freaky old radio to Radio Lagos yesterday night at 10.0 clock to listen to the network news. after the newscaster read the headlines what i hear next is the report of the president of the National Association of National Students (NANS) Comrade Yinka Gbadebo leading 40 SUG President of various higher institution to the presidential villa on a jamboree mission tagged peace initiatiative. It is quite preposterous, calamitous, embarrassing and shameful that these food begging comrades masquerading as student activist can sell the soul of the cherished youth organization to politicians. instead of Gbadebo to brief Nigerian students on the outcome of the national conference pertaining to students/youth he concentrate on recieving kickback from politicians. though i dont expect any good development from him since he has sold our conscience to demonologists. how can a whole NANS PRESIDENT be allotted to serve in the committee for environment which is not relevant to the organization he is representing. had it been a respected personality who had not sold his conscience for money he should have been in the committee for education or unemployment. confab apart,what is NANS national leadership stance on the kidnapped chibok girls or they are not students? what is NANS stance on astronomical gargantuan fee increments raging in Nigerian Universities? What is NANS stance on the paltry admission capacity of Nigerian higher institutions? how is NANS planning to collaborate with the ministry of health towards preventing the escalation of the deadly Ebola Virus to various campus in Nigeria? What Is NANS stance on the proscribtion of student activism in many higher institution in Nigeria by school managements? what is NANS stance on the unemployment rate of the country? can Gbadebo tell Nigerian Students his achievement after illegally spending more than the constitutionally provided one year in office. NANS major objective is student welfarism but today greedy activist have turn it to a commercialized entity. despite recieving 4 million naira monthly with two official prado jeep he still fail to live up to his responsibility. until we get rid of characters like Yinka Gbadebo and co NANS will remain as a political machinery organization meant for food is ready apologists.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:37:32 +0000

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