THE BATTLE ENDS.... As the smoke from the explosions subside, I - TopicsExpress


THE BATTLE ENDS.... As the smoke from the explosions subside, I open my eyes to see the damage done. I scan the horizon for any surviving allies and see no one. I then realise Im injured. I dont recollect ever getting hit but as I look myself over Im astounded to see no visible wounds. Confused, I slowly gather myself and bring myself up to my hands and knees which is a chore in itself. The pain I feel is excruciating. Still confused as to how injured I again do a thorough check of myself and again find nothing out of the ordinary. Worried about my allies, I again scan the area for them. Again I see nothing but crators from the bombs and a baren wasteland which was once green and the sky blue. Still gathering my composure, I work myself into a squat position, head in my hands, tears rolling down my filthy cheeks. What the hell happened? pain still ripping through my body. Am I dead? I ask myself. Finding the strength to stand, I start wandering aimlessly towards the horizon looking for any clues to where everyone is or why Im the only one. What seemed like hours, I see a dim light in the distance and decide to figure out what it could be. Its a strenuous journey navigating throught the trenches and crators but soon enough I see that the light is coming from a figure standing alone on a patch of grass. Straining to see who or what it could be, my legs give out and I fall to my hands and knees. Frustrated with myself I punch the ground and scream why. As the echo of my voice dissipates, I here a small voice plead me to take its hand. Slowly bringing my head up to see where the voice came from, the entire landscape has changed. Theres green grass everywhere, trees and animals frolicking about. With a puzzling look I sense someones behind me and instantly react defensively. Looking for any type of weapon I gave a softball sized rock and set myself for an attack looking for the culprit of whom sneaked up on me. Seeing no one, I relax slowly and investigate whats going on. I must be dead I claim to myself. Im still in my tattered clothes, hands and face still caked in dirt but the pain I felt earlier has disappeared. I ponder what to do when I hear a branch snap, rock still in my hand I brace myself for an attack again but see a girl in white peeking around a tree staring at me. Speechless, I call out to her politely as I could muster. She stared at me for a few moments and slowly started walking towards me. This lady was absolutely beautiful. Stricken by her beauty I react as I always do with woman as pretty as her. I start stammering something to her but even I cant make out what I attempted to say. Flustered by my embarrassment, she puts her finger across her lips telling me to not speak holds out her hand saying Its all over, the battles over. Take my hand and lets go home. Not able to look away from her gaze I respond who are you? Where am I? Am I dead? With the cutest laugh she smiles brilliantly and explains Im not dead and that the battle fought wasnt against anyone but myself. Confused by this statement I asked who the enemy was and thats when it hit me.... Id been fighting with myself. Thats the reason I didnt see anyone dead. Why is been in so much pain. The anonymous woman then tells me You have been fighting your own demons for awhile now and I was just now able to help to see youve been fighting a losing battle with yourself for some time now. Im here to make things better still confused I didnt know what to ask or say. So I accepted the facts shed explained to me. Hands together side by side walking silently towards home she stops suddenly and tells me who she is. Explains that shes the reason I was fighting with myself. My head starts spinning and I collapse to the soft grass beneath my feet. Not knowing what to do about this new information Ive obtained. I open my eyes and realise the lady in white is gone and Im back to the baren wasteland where id fought my battle, I close my eyes and attempt to remember the event of which has lead to this disastrous event.... This is what I remember........... This is a start of a story Ive had bouncing around in my head for sometime now. Ik it needs a lot of proof reading and fixing up but its just a first draft. More or less like an attempt at a story. Please let me know what you think and dont be nice about it. Give me your best advice, if you like it, if it needs work ext. Thank you :)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:53:07 +0000

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