THE BEAST THAT RISES UP OUT OF THE SEA When it comes to the - TopicsExpress


THE BEAST THAT RISES UP OUT OF THE SEA When it comes to the first Beast in Rev 13:1 KJV, there seems to be different views as to exactly what that beast is. I know that some will tell you its literal as, its the Antichrist to come. Others make the beast to be symbolic and literal. Others like myself looks at the beast as being symbolic. I want to tell how I see that BEAST in Rev 13:1. It is written, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a BEAST rise up out of the SEA, having SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS, and upon his horns TEN CROWNS, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. REV 13:1 And the beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were, as a feet of a BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION: and the dragon gave him his power, and great authority. REV 13:2 My focus on the above two scriptures is to figure out what the BEAST is that rises up out of the SEA, which it has features of a LEOPARD, BEAR AND A LION. The capital words will be my focus. Nothing else. So I will be using the King James Version original addition to give me the answers I seek regarding that beast. If I continue reading Revelation 13, I see there is another beast spoken of. However, the second beast seems to come up out of the EARTH and not the sea like the first beast. So the sea mentioned in Rev 13:1 must mean something. So I have to search the bible to see if it can interpret the sea for me. It is written. And he saith unto me, The WATERS which though sawest, where the whore sitteth, are PEOPLES, and MULTITUDES, and NATIONS, and TONGUES. Rev 17:15. So now I understand that the SEA which the BEAST came up and out from is PEOPLE, because sea is water. And because the sea is a lot of water, then I am under the impression that the sea is multiple of people to where a Nation/Kingdom will rise up out of. So now I turn my focuse to the BEAST Features. The book of Daniel upon searching, gives me a good interpretation of what the Beast Features is. Let me see if it will tell me what its going to be, like a human Antichrist that is supposedly to appear in the latter days or animals that relates to the kingdoms in the book of Daniel. It is written, Daniel spoke and said, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven strove upon the great sea. And FOUR GREAT BEAST came up from the sea, diverse from one another. The FIRST was like a LION and had eagles wings: Dan 7: 2:4 (Partial) to make my point. Notice that first beast is like a LION? Same feature we had seen in the Beast of Rev 13:1 And behold, another BEAST, a SECOND like to a BEAR. Dan 7:5 We also see the BEAR in the first beast of Rev 13:1. And after this I beheld, and lo ANOTHER, like a LEOPARD. Dan 7: 6 We see that this leopard is seen in the beast of Rev 13:1 as well. After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a FOURTH BEAST, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beast that were before it; and it had TEN HORNS. And I considered the horns, and BEHOLD, there came up among them another LITTLE HORN, before whom there were THREE of the first HORNS PLUCKT UP by the ROOTS: and behold, in this horn were eyes like eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Dan. 7: 7-8. So now I know that the first beast in Rev 13:1 is part of the four beasts spoken of in Daniel 7: 4-6. So now that I know what those animal features are, as in being part of the animals mentioned in Daniel. The first beast of Rev 13:1 is also part of those 3 kingdoms mentiinoned in Daniel. I must now figure out exacty if the Beast in Rev 13:1 is going to be human or something different. It is written, And the FOURTH KINGDOM shall be strong as IRON: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. Dan 2:40 Its also written, Thus he said, The FOURTH BEAST shall be the FOURTH kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the TEN HORNS out of this kingdom, are TEN KINGS that shall arise: and ANOTHER shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue THREE KINGS. Dan 7 23-24 So from those two scriptures alone, I am shown through the scriptures that the fourth beast in the book of Daniel is the first beast in Rev 13:1 I am also shown that the beast in Rev 13:1 is a KINGDOM not a human being. Now that I know what the BEAST in Rev 13:1 is, I can now divert my curiosity to the SEVEN HEADS, to where one is wouded then latter heald from its deadly like wound. Although the bible does actually say what three heads out of the seven heads will be, I am just going to stick with what I have come to learn about those seven heads. They are as followed. 1. Asiria. or Turkey. 2. Egypt 3. Babylon/See Daniel 4. Meds/Persia/See Daniel 5. Greece/See Daniel 6. Papal Rome/Wounded Head 7. Rome of today. When I read about the first beast of Rev 13, I see the beast is allowed to continue for 42 months, and He was given power from Satan to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Lets look at the Overcome for a moment. When we overcome something, that usually mean we wont go back to it. We overcame the issue. The scripture Rev 13: 7, says that the beast overcomes the saints. So to me, that means the Saints actually lost against Satan. The futuristic believers believe that the Antichrist will make war with the saints and the two witnesses will be killed (overcome) when their prophecy is done. Now the futuristic believers believe that part of Revelation is literal. The book of Revelation 1:1 says, Signified, which means signs/symbols. Not to be taken literal but symbolically. I dont believe there will be such a man to be indwelt by Satan that He will turn and make war with two literal people to come from heaven, to where the futuristic believers truly believe the two will be Moses and Elijah. So I will stick with what I believe, because unlike them, I dont believe the first beast of Rev 13:1 is a human, and I have shown that proof so far from the scriptures. So it is written that the beast will continue for 42 months. Well back in biblical times, they did not have 365 days in a year, but 360 days in a year. So I need to figure out how many days 42 months is. 42 multiply by 30 days is 1,260 days, also known as the 3 1/2 years mentioned in the book of Revelation, that the beast makes war with the saints and overcome them. So we have 1,260 days. When it comes to bible prophecy time, we must add a year to each day. We see this rule being used in Numbers 14:34 and in Ezekiel 4:5. So the 1,260 days are actually 1,260 years that the beast of Rev 13:1 makes war and overcame the saints. Believing that to be true, when did it all start and come to and end for the saints? The beast started making war with the saints back in 538 A.D. And the persecuting of the saints did not stop until 1798 A.D. Exactly 1,260 years later. The end came when Glovanmi Angelo Braschi aka Pope Pius VI was captured by Govenor Berthier of Rome. Berthier threw the Pope in prison in 1798 where the Pope Pius VI died on August 29th 1799. When the Pope was captured the persecution of the saints came to an end. That event is what brought the deadly like wound by the sword to the first beast of Rev 13. However, according to Rev 13: 3, the beast wound will be heald. The Catholic Church is healing from that devistated blow. And when its fully healed, watch out world. Now let me turn my attention to the Ten. Horns of the first beast in Rev 13. The crowns right off the bat means Kingly Power. So what are the Ten Horns? As I said about the seven heads, there are those who believe that the Ten Horns are Ten Kingdoms that the Antichrist will bring together. Now it doesnt make any sense why the Antichrist would bring Ten Nations together, only to uproot three of them? Is it not written, that if Satan cast out Satan, how can his kingdom stand? Ill just stick with what I had come to know. It is written, I considered the horns, and behold, there came up another LITTLE HORN, before whom there were THREE of the first horns pluckt up by the roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. Dan 7:8 I see three of those horns were plucked up and destroyed. I am trying to learn for myself how the nations of the ten horns fit the horns of the beast in Rev 13:1. But for now Ill list the names of the Ten Horns as I was shown them to be. 1. Anglosaxions. Language English 2. Franks/Language French 3. Suevi/Language Portugal 4. Visigoths/Language Spanish 5. Burgundians/Lang,uage Swiss 6. Alamanni/Language Germans 7. Ostragoths/Up rooted/Destroyed (North of Italy) 538 A.D Apparently by Rome. 8. Vandal/Uprooted/Destroyed (South of Spain) Back in 534 A.D. Apparently by Rome 9. Heruli/Uprooted/Destroyed (Italy) back in 493 A.D. Apparently by Rome. 10. Lombards/Language Italians The three HORNS were extinguish by the Crusades of the Catholic Church. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of the little horn. Now amongst the Scholars out there they have an issue with the above kindoms mention. Some agree others dont, but they all agree pretty much about the Ostragoths, Vandals (Where Vandalism comes from) and Herulis. Those three kingdoms were uprooted by the little horn spoken of in Daniel. And this is my view of what the first BEAST of Revelation 13:1 is. And so far I see no physical human who is to be this first beast who gets his power from Satan. Im sorry, but I dont see it. Thank You for reading it.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 00:54:43 +0000

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