THE BEGINNING OF A NEW JOURNEY OF OLD LIFE. BY IFEANYI O. K There is a time in every man’s life when he arrives at the conviction that success and failure is part of him, and it depends on the part of himself, he chooses to utilize. There was a man in the land of the living that knows no end. Fighting hard to be on the move, not letting death seconds of his minutes without adding a weight to life. Yet at dawn, nothing to fall back but vanities and shield of regrets; weak and weary, for his seemed fated wadi life. He asked himself: “Who can convince a blind of darkness he lived in? Haven’t I given my all? yet to nothing, what’s life, I should hold back now?” Having no joy of living again, he dropped the air, don’t blame me letting go now. So he shut his head, his heart parted. Backing on a trip of low destination, bald and bored; tenting in the tussle of torture, he blares! Reliving in the indelible world of men, how he would have joyously live with Christ eternal. But too late, for the page has been closed, Sun shine no more; all gone and forgotten. Clinging on suffering of endless world where souls can’t survive, his chest sprawled, for the unsuitable underworld torment. He groans, tears of pain dropped repeatedly; as he muttered inscrutable request in agony. But it’s too late, too late for his life! All sealed and gone, but the still voice on the suicide letter, which reads: “I thought by strength man can make life, I hardened my heart for every external help that would have liberated me. I mocked Christianity and utters in an unfathomable words of assured, whenever, people mentioned Jesus Christ to me, because, I saw it all as a joke and trike of luring one into a religious bondage. I believe in ‘know your strength, know your cash’ and have accumulated so much wealth that, I was boldly saying that God is illusion. Little did I know that my all is ending in one month. First, it was a nightmare, when my company burns down to ashes, a heart break when my family died in a plane crash two weeks later and I became a livings death, when my doctor told me of my kidney cancer. All lost and gone, I desire more to die than living, as wealth means nothing to me now, and thought that dying would bring peace. As, i always believe that the dead, has nothing to worry about, because their world is foggy and hazy. I thought death is the end of life, never knew that death is the beginning of a new journey of old life.” ACCEPT CHRIST NOW BEFORE IT WILL BE TOO LATE
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:51:51 +0000

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