THE BELIEVERS OF VIOLENCE AND HAGUE INDICTEES WHO HIJACKED A WORLDWIDE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED MASS ACTION IN 2007 TO MASSACRE THEIR PERCEIVED ENEMIES Because of land injustices that were meted on them by Jomo Kenyatta during his reign, they are all now converged on Uhuru Kenyattas side in TNA gnashing their teeth with disappointment after a peaceful SabaSaba consultative event. If I were them, I would be pushing for the total implementation of TJRC instead of pretending to be together to cover the smelly wound of land injustice. They had expected bloodshed, tunawaambia ngoooo, we know who blood thirsty pretenders are and we wont get into their traps. I like the way Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Kenyans sets the agenda, bullying The Hague indictees like form ones. That tells you who is with the people and who is not. It also tells you who is in office illegally and is living with fear of the unknown because of his underperformance. While they send 15,000 army officers to guard them at State House thinking that our presidency will be taken away today, Agwambo tells them tulia, mambo bado...sisi hapana wajinga. When we come you wont know, leaving them embarrassed with rotten eggs on their faces. CORD abides by the rule of law. CORD leaders respect the constitution. I have seen Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka shed tears at sight of human blood spilt because of our presidency. They wont allow it to happen. They incited their tribes after the first mpeketoni attack to make them issue threats to others. They brainwashed their respective tribes leading to them issuing leaflets in nakuru and naivasha and some running away from campuses ati they fear for their lives. Imagine a person who has schooled up to this level still don’t know that apart from UN embassy, a university is the safest place in the univers!! Indeed Schooling will never change kalenjin’s mind. The half schooled who understand that a day like 7/7 day can only be successful if blood is spilt and destruction to property is done will now say or post things like; tulisema rally will come and go. Well, I will tell them that watulie, the pebble is yet to hit their foreheads and just the same way they could not figure out what next after 7/7, they will not know the day and time. This is just the beginning of 3rd and final liberation of Kenya. After all is said and done, CORD will NEVER give anyone reasons to declare a state of emergency so as to skip justice due at The Hague. It will never give TNA reasons to run away from her FAILURES. It will never give Uhuru Kenyatta a blanket to cover his ineptitude. Wamejaribu Baringo - people lost lives, wamejaribu Mpeketoni - people lost lives, wamejaribu Wajir - people lost lives, wamejaribu Tana River - people lost lives, property has been destroyed, police stations razed...but hawajafaulu na hawatafaulu. Walikuwa wajaribu 7/7, in fact they printed T-shirts reading No Raila No peace and distributed them to their supporters with instructions to intermingle within CORDs multitude with aim of causing confusion and chaos. But the oppositions intelligence network detected them early. With that said, I wanted to create a separate post about Prophet Owuor and the gods that he always has meetings with and speaks to. But he is not worth the time, however, I will say this; Owuor speaks repentance, repentance, repentance. Repentance kitu gani if he can not tell Uhuru Kenyatta to repent? If you see Owuor, ask him to lick his puke for prophesying bloodshed today. But I guess he does not care whether he is using Gods name in vain or not, or whether he is embarrassed at his false prophesies or not as long as his pocket is well aligned by the blood thirsty. ALL IN ALL, THANK YOU KENYANS FOR OBSERVING A PEACEFUL HOLIDAY ON A MONDAY. SHAME ON PROPHET OWUOR AND THE MURDER/RAPE SUSPECTS!!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:51:10 +0000

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