THE BENEFITS OF EATING AVOCADO WITH YOGA Skin Benefits The monounsaturated fats in avocado are also beneficial for improving your skin tone. They play a significant role for regulating high moisture levels in the epidermal layer of your skin, keeping it healthy and soft. Omega-9 fats help to reduce skin redness and irritation and are involved in repairing damaged skin cells. This is extra fantastic for those that suffer with Eczema and Dry skin, because it gives the body exactly what it needs to tackle those problems. With Yoga: Bikram Yoga is fantastic for anyone with skin problems; from autoimmune disorders like Eczema & Psoriasis to general bad skin; Yoga flushes out the toxins, sweats out the bad and keeps the skin healthy through its science. Mixing the two will only serve you with “Head Turning” Skin.. Cardiovascular Health Avocado is a great source of monounsaturated oleic acid that research has shown to both reduce dangerous low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at the same time as increasing the more beneficial high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. With Yoga: When practicing, our heart goes through all sorts of beating modes; from calm beats in Savasana, to fast and hard pumping beats right after Balancing Stick! What better way to compliment these postures than Avocado, keeping your body as healthy as possible. So when you do fancy some Pizza or a cheeky drink the human body will be able to deal with it properly! Avocados and Weight Loss What a surprise right? Yes! Avocado is great for weight loss. Research shows that monounsaturated fatty acids are far more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat. So even though you may feel full, the avocado is a source of great energy keeping you fuelled for life! With Yoga: In Bikram we need extra energy and hydration because the exercise requires a lot of energy as you already know! By using the Avocado as slow burning energy; we have sufficient energy to do all the postures, and we lose weight safely. In postures such as Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee we compress and massage the thyroid gland, which helps to regulate the metabolism; which is hugely beneficial for those trying to lose weight! The Science Works!! Diabetes Recorded statistics show as of 2012 there are currently around 3,000,000 people in the UK with clinical diabetes. I wonder how many people there are that are still yet to be diagnosed?? Anyway; Oleic acid in avocado is advised because it helps to lower bad; LDL cholesterol whilst increasing the good; HDL cholesterol. Having a steady cholesterol level is so important for any diabetic, & Avocado does the trick. With Yoga: Bow Pose and Rabbit Pose compress the kidneys and pancreas & regulate blood sugar levels in the body! So this is the medicine for Diabetes, instead of taking high dosages of Insulin. Soon you will see how you can have diabetes completely under control. Arthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, effecting the joints, and mostly the knee! A painful disease that affects millions of people in the UK. But with Yoga and Avocado (and other nutritious foods) these symptoms can be so well controlled, you will even forget what the doctor told you! As an anti-inflammatory; avocado is one of the few foods consistently reported to reduce arthritic pain. Avocados contain high levels of monounsaturated fats & antioxidants such as vitamin E & Vitamin C, all in which give nothing but love to those joints. With Yoga: By strengthening muscle, increasing blood flow to areas of the body and increasing range of motion this horrible joint disease will no longer rule your life. In some cases of arthritis where joints have calcium deposits sitting on soft tissue; the high speed blood created in the Hatha Yoga practice will start to break these deposits down, and after regular and dedicated practice your joints will be smiling (as Bikram would say).. The benefits of Eating Avocado with Yoga is Fantastic! Start incorporating By Suraj Ghumra
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:00:01 +0000

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