THE BENEFITS OF FEEDING A RAW DIET TO YOUR DOG - bit long winded, - TopicsExpress


THE BENEFITS OF FEEDING A RAW DIET TO YOUR DOG - bit long winded, but as so many owners who are contemplating swapping theirs to raw have been in and asked, I thought it was worth a post :) xx There are numerous benefits to gain from swapping your dog from a commercial brand of food to a completely raw diet, but the one that most owners notice first and rave about, are the much more pleasant stools the dog begins to produce......... Up to this point, if your dog has been fed on a complete kibble/biscuit type meal then one thing is for sure, he will have been producing copious amounts of smelly large stools, these can range in consistency, but many owners report that prior to swapping to raw, picking this poo up using a poo bag was an extremely unpleasant business. Once they are swapped to raw, owners report an immediate difference in the volume and texture of the stools, suddenly they have small neat logs, or pebbles to pick up - very different to the waste produced by a dog on a commercial diet.......... WHY?? Well the reason for this dramatic change in the dogs stools is that for the first time in his life, the dogs system can actually perform the way it was biologically designed to and now he is being fed a species appropriate food for a carnivore - he finally gets to digest his meal!! Dogs digestive systems are perfectly designed to process raw meat and bones, breaking down the food so efficiently that there is very little waste. The waste that is produced is TRUE waste and is very different from the undigested matter you are used to cleaning up. Finally the dog gets a diet that he can utilise and your hard earned money isnt being turned into piles of undigested matter, which to add insult to injury - you then have to clean up. RAW FED POOS ARE SO MUCH BETTER Whilst some dogs have a better ability to cope with an artificial/commercial diet than others, these owners may not have had any issues cleaning up after their dog, but for many, many owners this is not the case at all. These dogs experienced constant bouts of digestive trouble, random loose stools and can have weight issues, appetite issues and generally drive their poor owners nuts trying to find a food that agrees with them !!! ............... WHY?? Our pet dogs are without any doubt CARNIVORES!!! When we attempt to feed them an artificial food, which has not even been designed with the carnivore in mind, we can cause all sorts of issues for our poor dogs. We are asking them to survive on an artificial replacement for food, we are ignoring the fact that they cannot thrive on these types of food, we feed them out of convenience, or ignorance. Some vets dont help the situation at all, as some vets make a very nice income by marketing the poor dog as an omnivore, encouraging you to feed him like one, even selling the artificial food to you to give him............ (To prove a point - try dropping a handful of kibble/complete biscuits into a glass of water and see what happens to them......they will expand and swell and this is what is going on in your poor dogs system, no wonder so many have digestive issues, it must be so uncomfortable). It must be stressed that this does not include all vets, some are much more well informed about the natural diet for dogs and some of them actively promote it.......... Then you have the other type, who make a living on the back of the pet food manufacturers...... They sell the product and they reap the rewards when the diet related complaints start to manifest, they take your money, they never give nutritional advice (unless its off the side of the bag of food they are trying to sell you) and they dish out anti biotics and steroids like sweeties,,to try to mop up the damage done to the dog (thus inflicting more damage, but this time to his immune system ) The owner desperately tries to swap his dog to a type of food which he think may help, but alas by now both the dog and owner are stuck in the circle. THE CIRCLE CAN BE BROKEN!! But only if you realise that the very thing which is causing your dogs digestives issues is the fact that you are not feeding him a diet he was designed to eat. You are selling him down the river as an omnivore, but he is not......... and no amount of marketing hype on the part of the pet food manufacturers is ever going to change this fact. Omnivores have enzymes in their saliva and long digestive tracts to complete the process of digesting carbohydrates (All kibbles/complete foods contain these) - Your dog has NEITHER of these, as he was never designed to eat carbs, he was not given the biological equipment to deal/digest them, he was not designed to process them and this is where countless dogs fail to thrive one way or another - hardly suprising really, I expect we may suffer greatly as a species too if we were expected to survive on a substance neither designed for us or remotely natural - at least we can actually digest (to a degree) junk food!!! But it can still cause massive health problems if we eat enough of it. If all that your dog has on the menu is the dog equivalent of junk food then he doesnt have much choice but to eat it......poor dog The very vast majority of all pet dogs experiencing digestive issues show a MASSIVE improvement when we feed them properly, diet related issues literally disapear, but this is not at all surprising, as finally when a dog is swapped to raw, his diet is working in harmony with his system, not fighting it. Another change you will notice in a remarkably short space of time is the improvement to the way your dog smells, both his coat and the emisions via his rear end!! Owners rave that their dog no longer gases them out and he generally smells so much sweeter....... WHY?? A commercially fed dog carries a heavy toxic burden. They have that typical doggy smell about them, but it is not the dog that makes your house stink - it is the toxins building up in his system which you can smell - dogs dont actually smell like that and within weeks of swapping your dog to raw you will notice that your dog doesnt smell like that anymore either You wont have that doggy smell all over your hand after you have stroked him and the emisions via his backside will improve too, as this is a diet which his system can deal with and doesnt create foul smelling gases. Once the toxins have left his system (and depending on his toxic burden and all dogs are different with this) he will smell a whole lot sweeter, great news for your nostrils!! Please see DETOX Most owners report a change in their dogs temperament when they swap their dog to raw, they say that their dog is altogether calmer, obedience and agility enthusiasts report that their dog has a better focus and concentration during activities. Most good training establishments will always promote a raw diet as these trainers have seen the difference a raw diet can make to their clients, calmer, more focused dogs makes both the trainers and the owners life a lot easier. ........... So improved brain power for your dog............WHY?? The answers are all focused around the same thing - your dog IS a carnivore and by providing him with a natural diet and removing all the additives, preservatives and other dubious ingredients labelled as Natural you are allowing your dog to obtain his energy the way his system was designed to obtain it. Your dog needs Glucose, this is his form of energy and it can be obtained from the usual dog food ~ kibble/biscuits/commercial food/carbs.............. but this is the fast track route to glucose, which is not what your dogs system is really designed to cope with. When you give him the food tools (proteins & fats) to be able to obtain his much needed Glucose the way Mother Nature intended this is a slower process, which does not cause insulin spikes and a rush of energy. Instead, when you RAW feed your dog he gets a stable form of energy release. Suprisingly when you take all the stuff away that he does not need, the stable energy provided by a RAW diet can also give a new lease of life to the sluggish, lazy dog ~ Improvements all round then! We work with many owners of both underweight and overweight dogs and with the full cooperation of the owners, usually see tremendous results in a remarkably short period of time. A RAW diet is better than any Veterinary Formula Diet the kind they try to sell you in their surgery when your dog reaches obese proportions......... WHY?? Same old story!!! Your dog IS a carnivore!! ( are you getting this yet?? ) When dogs are fed on a diet containing carbs, they very quickly convert this to glucose, of which the suplus very quickly converts itself to fat, excess carbohydrates are stored in the liver and the muscles as glycogen AND in the body as fat Commercially fed dogs have that typical doughy feel about them, even dogs who present as ideal weight will benefit and gain a better physique when fed RAW. There are numerous health benefits to be gained by your dog when you swap him to raw and these include:- Improved vitality Improved skin and coat Ear conditions can disapear Healthy teeth and gums A greatly reduced risk of some cancers A greatly reduced risk of Diabetes A greatly reduced risk of Torsion/Bloat A greatly reduced risk of anal gland issues A much stronger immune system Quicker recovery times from surgery, wounds etc Finally............ There is no greater feeling than knowing you are doing the best you can for your dog, owners rave about the joy feeding time has now become - a dog previously uninspired by dog food suddenly goes into raptures at dinner time - and that is worth more than gold
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:32:10 +0000

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