**** THE BEST CURE, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON EARTH AND ENTIRE UNIVERSES, IT IS THE POWER OF SPIRIT OF CREATION THAT LIVES INSIDE OF EACH OF US. *** = = = MARIAH CAREY: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU (DUET WITH MICHAEL BUBLÉ) MARIAHRAW https://youtube/watch?v=AFvRf8PfpKw HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY - ROD STEWART MSTAURUSLADYS CHANNEL https://youtube/watch?v=DJAg35WOKVg = = = = Dear beloved Friends: There is no better CURE, Human MEDICINE, for every single Human BEING of this planet and entire Universes than THE POWER OF OUR SPIRIT OF CREATION that dwells inside of each of us. Therefore you, Human BEING of Earth, must be CONSCIOUS about the Truth, the Knowledge and Feeling about our own real, amazing and WONDERFUL HUMAN NATURE, as the mighty-beautiful Creature of CREATION. When you be able to merge, to unite your Consciousness and True Love with your FRAGMENT of Spiritual Power and Energy of CREATION Spirit which dwells in yourself...this day will be the most wonderful and blessed day of your entire Lives thru endless path towards Creation itself. I say goodbye with up forever. Warmest greetings from your friend and faithful servant, Namaste! Beloved friends, Javier V. Maldonado, Lima, Perú. = = = LA MEJOR CURA, LA MEJOR MEDICINA PARA CADA SER HUMANO EN LA TIERRA Y EN TODOS LOS UNIVERSOS ES EL PODER DEL ESPIRITU DE LA CREACION QUE MORA EN CADA UNO DE NOSOTROS. No hay mejor CURA, NI MEDICINA HUMANA para todos los seres humanos de este planeta y en todos los Universos que el PODER DEL ESPIRITU DE LA CREACION QUE VIVE EN CADA UNO DE NOSOTROS. Por lo tanto, TÚ, SER HUMANO DE LA TIERRA, DEBES SER CONSCIENTE DE LA VERDAD, EL CONOCIMIENTO Y EL SENTIR de nuestra propia verdadera naturaleza humana, como una poderosa y maravillosa Criatura de la CREACION. Cuando ustedes sean capaces de fusionar, de unir, vuestra Conciencia y vuestro Verdadero Amor con vuestro FRAGMENTO del Poder y Energía Espiritual del Espíritu de la CREACION que habita en nosotros mismos... ese día será el más maravilloso y bendito día de la totalidad de sus vidas a través del interminable camino hacia la Creación misma. Me despido con un hasta siempre. Cordiales saludos de tu amigo y seguro servidor, ¡Namaste! Queridos amigos. Javier V. Maldonado, Lima, Perú. = = = UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 An Educational Website of Alliance for Responsible Humankind On Earth & DERN Universe, THE EARTH IS DESIGNED TO BE GUIDED BY WISDOM; then the ignorance and poverty of conscience will disappear, so love and peace and harmony will flourish.” - Dr. DIETMAR ROTHE. = = = “The pursuit of Truth is the only thing worthy of a hero.” La búsqueda de la verdad es la única cosa digna de un héroe. GIORDANO BRUNO = = = “Do not swallow your pride (EGO), Spit it out and then experience The true freedom.” SAS-LEON KING = = = “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty And truth and compassion against injustice and Lying and greed. If people all over the world would Do this, it would change the earth.” WILLIAM FAULKNER = = = “Use your Voice for Kindness, Use your Ears for Compassion, Use your Hands for Charity, Use your Mind for Truth, Use your Powerful Thoughts For realization of goodness, and Use your Heart for Love.” = = = “When we choose to love, We choose to move against fear, Against alienation and separation. The choice to love is a choice to connect, To find ourselves in the other.” Cuando elegimos amar, Elegimos sobre-ponernos al miedo, Contra la alienación y la separación. La elección de amar es una opción para conectarse, Para encontrar a nosotros mismos en los otros . BELL HOOKS = = = Excerpt taken from the OM BOOK, the Book of Truth of Life, written by Billy Meier, FIGU.org, it reads: OM Canon 53:26. “Who will not comprehend the TRUTH with his understanding, cognition, but only with his belief, CANNOT HARVEST the fruit from it.” “Quien no comprenda LA VERDAD con su entendimiento, cognición, sino solamente con su credo o fe, NO PUEDE COSECHAR el fruto o la esencia de ella, de la Verdad.” LOVE is the absolute certainty that we live and exist in all; ie in everything that exists: in the fauna and flora, in other fellow human beings; in all forms of material and spiritual life of whatever nature, and the existence of the whole Universe and beyond. Therefore, Love, in its actual definition means: Love is the absolute certainty and absolute sense and absolute conceive that all Life is a Piece of Life itself, because everything together is a collective form of We in the TRUE BEING OF ALL UR- TIMES OF ALL EXISTANCE and it is able to exist only in the knowledge and perception of Love as collective existence. No life can be without Love, because it would be defeated from the start and with no chance to live, because to live, LOVE prevails over all. BILLY, SSSC 1979 BILLY MEIER The 7th Great Prophet of Truth! The Prophet of New Age! FIGU.org, TheyFly ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE HUMANKIND ON EARTH & DERN UNIVERSE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION, by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 An Educational Website of Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe, 1008 El Calistemo St., Urb. Las Palmeras. Los Olivos. Lima-39. Peru Direct Mobile phone: (0051) 9970 24 006 (24 Hours) Email: javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail LIMA-PERÚ. Top-important links-source of wisdom: FIGU.org, TheyFly futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 **** NAMASTE, THE BEST OF ME SALUTES YOU! NAMASTE! • The best of me salutes you. • I see the good in you. Because I know the good in me. • I greet that place where you and I are one. • I honor the spirit in you which is also in me. • My higher power bow to your higher power. • I love your inner truth (not referring to you as an ego). • The spirit in me is identified with the spirit present in you. • My greeting recognizes the equality of all. And honors the sacredness and interconnection of all, As well as the source of that union. • I honor that place in you where the entire universe dwells, I honor that place in you that is a place of love, truth, light. And I know that when you are in That place within you, And I am in that place in me, You and I are one. • Blessed are you and your spirit, Because you and I are the unit, Universal Consciousness! • I love you with the wisdom of The spirit that dwells in you and me. • I honor the beauty and wisdom That dwells in your being, Because I live in your love and I feel like my being Your life and consciousness. • The Creation that dwells in you Enlivens and refuels My spirit and my conscience, Makes us stronger and wiser, Because you and I are oneself being, • Your eyes and heart see and appreciate The love and beauty that exists within us, Which is expressed in the entire universe. • You and your spirit are welcome, Our being and glory of our spirit, THE CREATION is! STUCK ON YOU - LIONEL RICHIE LYRICS barbie051483 https://youtube/watch?v=J1btHGjLiZA * * * * * * *
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:35:42 +0000

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